Lover of Jesus...A Wife...A Mother...A Daughter...A Sister...A Friend...A Runner...A Baker...An Adventurer...yeah, that about sums it up!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

No BIG FAT CHUBBY surprise here...

...I've fallen off the wagon! While I have continued to exercise daily, I have also continued to eat poorly since Saturday night. The ironic thing is, is that one of the reasons that I turned down an invitation to go out to dinner with my family on Saturday night, was "becuase I didn't think I would be strong enough to resist all of the yummy food at a restaurant." But as it turns out, I'm not even strong enough to be invited out to eat! After I hung up the phone with my Step-mom, I couldn't stop thinking about all of the wonderful things I could be eating at a restaurant. Needless to say, the chubby bird landed on my head, and I let it build a chubby nest...isn't that how the saying goes!?!? Somehow the advertisement of "A Family of 4 Eats for $20 at Fuddruckers!" popped into my head, and The Brumbaugh's were out the door!

Since then, I have begun each morning with the best of intentions...I eat my healthy/diet breakfast, go for my walk/jog, and then in about a 30 minutes after that, my cravings go for a RUN!

In the past 5 days, I have enjoyed a Fuddruckers' hamburger meal, donuts on Sunday, a sundae on Monday, DELICIOUS homemade Oreo-like cupcakes on Tuesday, MOPS breakfast "buffet" today, and a few other things along the way. I know what you're thinking...and "YIKES!" is right!

But seriously, I'm back on my diet tomorrow...LOL!

P.S. I haven't had the guts to step on the scale, but I will report the CHUBBY details when I do!


  1. His mercies are new every morning, ;0).

    I thought Fuddrucker's had closed down! Would it be wrong to ask where it is? Still up the 15?


  2. Veronica there is a Fuddruckers in Grossmont Center in the back by Olive Garden. We had their $20 meal last week....YUM!!

    Happy eating!

  3. There is also a Fuddruckers across from Mission Valley mall in the Old Navy shopping center.
