Well, it's that time of year again...for the last 12 years I have stuffed 1,200 Easter eggs for my boss's annual Easter Egg Hunt. And how is a chubby girl like me NOT eating the candy!?!?! God-breathed will power, that's all!
Well, I started the "Jorge Cruise" diet/exercise plan over the weekend, and you wouldn't believe it, but my new FAVORITE thing to eat (well, actually drink) are PROTEIN SHAKES!!! After getting all worked up about drinking them, God showed me favor, and they are DELICIOUS (at least this particular brand is...magnum Quattro, chocolate love)! However, unsweetened Green Tea!?!?!...GAG GAG GAG!!! I am not a tea person to begin with, and oh my, it is just GROSS!
I haven't actually started the exercises that they have mapped out for you, becuase they say to do them on Mon/Wed/Fri. And although, I am sure it doesn't really matter what days you do it, as long as you have a day/break in between each workout, I thought I would just roll with it...so today will be the first day I do their exercises...I'm sure I will make a complete fool of myself!
OK, so here is what I ate over the weekend:
Morning Snack: 1 Protein shake...by the time I blend it with a bunch of ice, it takes up almost the whole blender!
Afternoon Snack: Another protein shake
Night time snack: Yet another protein shake...it's a good thing I like them, right!?!?
As you can see, this is a TON of food, so I am completely full, and the yummy protein shakes completely take a hold over my cravings for sweets!
Exercise- Although the program doesn't require you to do any cardio, or even exercise at all other than those 3 days of resistance training, I do really enjoy going for my walks (and hopefully "jogs", soon) so I plan to walk my 3 miles on the days I am not doing the other workouts. So over the weekend, I did the 3 mile walk on both days.
Weight Loss- Oh Yeah Baby...I lost 5.5 lbs over the weekend! :0)
Way to go...that is a significant amount, E!