Unfortunately today was the first day on this diet that I woke up and weighed myself, and there was no change on the scale! :0/ I'm quickly reminded of why it's not recommended that you weigh yourself daily. Despite that, I continued with my mini tantrum in my head, spouting things like, "WHY BOTHER!?!?" And wouldn't you know it, in my morning Bible reading, the first verse I read was the theme verse to this blog!
"Therefore, I urge you brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship." -Romans 12:1
Alright, alright God, I get the message! This isn't ONLY about me, it should be more about YOU! :0)
And of course during my moment of bratiness, I did NOT mention the fact that I DID eat a 1/2 of a cupcake AND an extra piece of bacon yesterday! (But seriously, 1/2 of a cupcake!?!? COME ON! Can you tell I'm still not over the scale!?!? LOL)
Food: My breakfast & lunch were the same as always. The only changes to my food/meals is that I did eat a 1/2 of a cupcake, and for dinner we had crumbled bacon over our salads...and again, as I mentioned above, I did snack on an extra piece of bacon while I was prepping dinner.
Exercise: I power walked 3 miles and then did 20 minutes of resistance training.
Weight: SAME (booooo! lol)
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