Lover of Jesus...A Wife...A Mother...A Daughter...A Sister...A Friend...A Runner...A Baker...An Adventurer...yeah, that about sums it up!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

More Party To Be Had

After Saturday's big party, I thought the celebrating was done. I was moving in to "hostess" mode. My in-laws had arrived earlier in the week, and becuase there was still much to be done with party preparations (and I had to work 2 of the 5 days they were here), I left the guest-entertaining to my hunny and the kiddos. I got 3 hours of sleep on Sunday morning, and then we were off to breakfast at IHop! The waitress messed up my order, and instead of returning the food that was put in front of me, I chose to enjoy the most delicious cinnamon roll french toast ever...YUM! We then hung out for most of the day, and then we tackled Costco for our dinner ingredients (and in true Costco fashion, I ended up buying $50 worth of product that I had no idea that I "needed" when we arrived.) I made the family an amazing dinner of spaghetti, meatballs, garlic bread, and salad...but I didn't save room for the salad. :0) We stayed up late playing our usual "Brumbaugh's Tournament of Jenga Championship", and munched on some cinnamon apple pastries.

When I woke up on Sunday morning (after my party) I had only gained a half pound, but when I woke up on Monday, I had gained 5.5 pounds in just the one day!...YIPES! I hadn't exercised since the 5.5 mile run I did on Saturday morning, and I was determined to go to the gym...even if it was on my actual birthday! The kids and I took the last of the items back to the party rental place early on Monday morning, and when I came home real quick to drop the kids off with Rick, I was bombarded in my street by my sister Anna and my nephews who live in L.A.! I was shocked! I didn't know what was going on!? I didn't know what her plans were for me, but after I stopped crying (I was TIRED...I told you, I'm a total cry baby when I'm tired), I asked her if I could still go to the gym and get a workout in. She replied, "Absolutely NOT!" She proceeded to bring me inside my house, dress me up in "30" flare, and then had all of the kids hose me down with silly string!

Apparently she had been conspiring all week with my hunny to make this all happen. After she put a Starbucks coffee in my hand she said she needed to go back to L.A. in a couple of hours, but that she wanted to take us out for a quick breakfast first. Still in a whirlwind of disbelief that my morning was completely off schedule, I just went with it, and followed her to the restaurant. And yet again, I was 100% shocked to have my entire family yell "SURPRISE!" when I walked back to our table. At that point, I gave up on the notion that I was going to eat well on my birthday, and that I was going to burn many calories at the gym!

After breakfast, we left my family, and joined Rick's family at the Zoo. We did a lot of walking, but I was still feeling every pound I had gained. I know it's hard to find me in the next picture...I tend to blend in with the elephants...

After the zoo, we went home, and our guests went to their hotel so we could all get ready for dinner. They were taking us out! :0) We went to BJ's for dinner where Rick & I shared a small deep dish pizza, this time I made room for a salad, and then we all shared the "Pizookie" sampler for dessert!

Tuesday I was back to reality though...our guests left on a plane that morning, I had to be to work at 7:30am, Wyatt had hip-hop class and school, and unfortunately my Beetle came down with a cough and fever. Apparently the party had to end at some point. :0)

1 comment:

  1. what a fun birthday week you had!! Now to get on with being "thirty, flirty and thriving"
