I made it through the weekend without freaking out, so I am now giving up on the notion that I will go nuts at some point. I'm going to push that expectation out of my mind, and just move on.
I remain steady. My hunger level is still pretty low, and on most days (except for being out in the heat yesterday) my energy level is pretty normal. I have continued exercising daily, but I did have to give up the 2 hour exercise fests that I had mapped out in my schedules. On those days, I noticed a major decline in energy...go figure!
One cool side effect about fasting, is the weight-loss. :0) I have lost 8lbs in the last 8 days of fasting, and combined with my pre-fasting weight-loss, I am down 15 lbs since camping.
The "excitement" of the fast has worn down a bit, and while I am not necessarily hungry, food is sounding good. :0(
Last week we went to the mall, and Rick and the kids shared some Panda Express...my temptation meter immediately spiked to a "10". I've always enjoyed me some processed Orange Chicken! :0)

We later went in to Wal Mart (WHAT!?...I know!), and when Bea & I were browsing through the girly section, I was surprised to find myself enticed by the Easy Bake Oven treats.

And on Sunday, I couldn't help but to long for the family's dinner of a "Tombstone" frozen pizza. It wasn't even a DiGiorno! The crust didn't even rise! The sauce was almost an orange color! But it still looked amazing!

These next few days will provide MANY opportunities of prayer. I am going to the Padre Game on Thursday afternoon, we have my Uncle's memorial on Saturday, and we are going to a wedding on Sunday. All normal reasons to eat...and to eat a lot...and to eat a lot of tasty food.
One thing this fast has taught me though, is that I can say "no" to food. I had convinced myself that I couldn't go to work without sampling a treat (or 3) out of the community candy dish. I have failed to resist the "buffet" of wonderful breakfast dishes at our MOPS meetings every time I have tried to in the past. And who doesn't eat at a wedding!? Sometimes that is the only reason I stay longer than I want to at a wedding...CUT THE CAKE ALREADY! ;0)
In my research of liquid fasting, it was said that this is a great way to eliminate your poor eating habits. To take away your tendency to binge. During this time, your mind (can be) transformed into removing those temptations. I'm praying that will be the case for me. In the mean time, I am making a mental list of all the things I feel like I am missing out on, and I have told my husband that on October 31st he can find me parked in a booth at Pizza Hut all day! :0)
(No one get nervous, I know I can't eat food like that right away...unless I want to pretty much die from an upset stomach!)
You Rock!
ReplyDeleteI was waiting for your update! I agree with Janet.
ReplyDeleteAmazing, E! I need to do something like this. I feel like I never feel 'well' anymore and know that when I stop eating so many of the things I shouldn't, I feel so much better, duh, and the pounds come off, as well. Double duh. Great job!
ReplyDeleteWhat does your fast consist of? Or did I miss a post about it?
Thanks for the encouragement Ladies!
ReplyDeleteVeronica- I am drinking 40 ounces of "alternative" liquids, in addition to about a gallon and a half of water a day. I was drinking 40 oz of juice (V8's "fusion" juices), but one of our MOPS Mentors is a nutritionist, and she explained to me how horrible fruit juice is for our bodies, even if it is 100% juice (like I was drinking). There is a ton of sugar in it, and it really messes up your metabolism. And since I intend to continue my weight loss journey after this fast, I definitely do not want to mess with my metabolism. So now, instead of 5- 8oz glasses of juice a day, I am doing this...
Breakfast- Protein shake (water based)
Snack- Juice
Lunch- V8 low sodium veggie juice
Snack- Juice
Dinner- Chicken broth