The cool thing about this process, is there is no pressure. Usually I am involved in some weight loss competition with a member of my family, and there is all of this stress to lose the weight. "2-B" asked me the other day what my goal is, and I actually had to stop and think. Typically I am aiming for a certain number on the scale, or striving to fit into a certain clothing size. But not this time. My only goal is to run the marathon. Obviously, I want (and NEED) to lose weight, and obviously, I want to wear my smaller clothes that are waiting ever so patiently in those large bins in my closet, but as far as my day-to-day mindset is concerned, there is no real stress about the scale.
We just completed our 3rd week of marathon training, and it was fairly routine. I wasn't able to get in my 1.5 mile run on Thursday (Thanksgiving) as I was getting a different kind of workout done in the kitchen! However, Saturday approached, and I had to conquer a 3 mile run. I had been eating non-stop since Thursday, and I wasn't really feeling up to it. But I put on my game-face, and made it happen. I just told myself that I would take it slow. And that's what I did...in the beginning. But as my body was warming up, I surprisingly felt good, and I just kept bumping up the pace...until I reached my fastest pace ever...I sprinted the last 1/2 mile at 6.5/mph. It's crazy to me that I struggled to get to the gym in the first place, but then once I nailed my fastest 3 mile run ever (3 miles in 33 minutes) I felt amazing! I celebrated like any chubby girl would...with a piece of fudge! :0)
Other exciting news: I have signed up for my first races! I registered for my first "official" 5K which I will run on December 12th, and then I registered for Safari Park's (formerly The San Diego Wild Animal Park) Half Marathon which I will be running on March 13th. I guess I'm committed to run at least a half marathon. :0)
The celebratory piece of fudge...gotta love it! So proud of you, E. Really, really proud!!