Week 2 of WW is done...I lost another 3 pounds, I lost another inch in my thighs and my hips, and I stayed the same in my waist (BOOO!) and my chest (my husband is cool with that!). In addition to that, I am stoked to report that I can rock
most of my size 14's!
As I mentioned, I got
pumped up at "Pump It!" on Friday, and I was fairly sore on Saturday. Unfortunately (for my sore body), Saturday was the day I had to run another 3 miles. I had my "game face" on, and I completely redeemed myself after Thursday's fiasco! I was able to run the full 3 miles without any head tripping, and I finished in 35 minutes. I was even MORE sore on Sunday, LOL! But luckily, "Sunday is a day of rest"...even for me. :0)
Saturday brought with it many food temptations. We started the day off at a morning birthday party. There were donuts, fruit, donuts, coffee, donuts, juice...and did I mention donuts!?

The chocolate iced donuts were like 3+ inches thick...they were CRAZY! I had a single bite of Beatrice's donut, and somehow, the single bite didn't even seem to be worth the calories. I switched my intake to the coffee! "Thanksgiving Blend", with 4 Splendas, and quite a bit of "Gingerbread" flavored cream...YUMMM!
After the party, we rushed home becuase my mom was taking the kids to Wyatt's drum class...Rick & I had a hot date! We were given these (fundraiser) certificates for a free lunch at Outback Steakhouse. We were given salad, bread, a drink, a side dish, and then your choice of a cheese burger, steak, or chicken breast. I ordered...

I had no dressing on my salad, and I even sent my steamed veggies back when I discovered that they were slathered in butter. The chicken was INCREDIBLE! After that, Rick & I headed to Fashion Valley Mall, where it was SO.MUCH.FUN. to casually browse through every store we never usually go in to. While at the mall, we each enjoyed a "tall" light peppermint mocha frappacino...DE-LI-CIOUS!
Those donuts look amazing, I have never been a big donut fan/eater...lucky me!! And good job passing them up!