Lover of Jesus...A Wife...A Mother...A Daughter...A Sister...A Friend...A Runner...A Baker...An Adventurer...yeah, that about sums it up!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What a difference a week makes

So, overall I lost 3 pounds on my first week back on WW, which I am very happy about, especially considering the whole gallbladder situation. I usually like to lose closer to 5 pounds a week, but it is considered healthy to lose 2-3 pounds a that's right on target. In addition to the results on the scale, I also lost 1 inch in my chest, waist and hips. This is the first time I have ever measured myself, and so these results were pretty cool to see. :0)

I went to a 2nd Zumba class over the weekend, and although I continue to look like a LOSER, I do have a GREAT time! The first class was taught by a middle aged male, and even though all Zumba classes have a Latin flare, my first class was Latin/Country Line Dancing!? It was difficult for me to remember all of the steps, but given enough practice, I am sure I will eventually catch on. Saturday's class was taught by a younger female, and her Latin flare was accented with a hip-hop style. I don't care how much practice and attention I give, my body will NEVER move or "roll" like that! But keeping that in mind, I surprisingly preferred Saturday's class. It kicked things up a notch, and was definitely more challenging.

I did my usual running on the treadmill this past week, and on Friday I punched out a 5K on the treadmill...running the whole time. This has been so much fun (and rewarding, on a personal level) to accomplish these goals! Sometimes the goal is all about distance, and sometimes it's about speed. I was stoked last week when I discovered that I could run 1.5 miles at 6 m/h. So neat! least I think so! :0)

Yesterday was the first day of marathon training. I was only required to run 1.5 miles, and after I nailed that, I went to a new fitness class..."Pump it!"...or, as my husband calls it, "Hump it!"...yes, I am married to a 19 year old! This class was labeled as "Intermediate/Advanced"...and it completely lived up to it's label! It is almost identical to the circuit training I was doing at home, however, in the fitness class, I wasn't stopping to take Beatrice to the bathroom, or to push play on the DVD player, or to get the crayons out of the art box, etc. I didn't realize what a difference it makes to keep (keep, keep, keep...) going until now. I was worked! And it felt GOOD!

The next 3 days I will be working just as hard, I will be experiencing different challenges, and I expect to reap even bigger rewards. As I type, I am sitting at my Sister Jenni's computer, at her house in Escondido. Her and her husband are celebrating their 9th wedding anniversary, and I am the "mother" to 5 kids, age 5 years to 6 months, over these next 3 days. I am so excited about this opportunity! I adore my niece and nephews, and I look forward to this time we are going to spend together!


  1. How great, E! You are getting me motivated! I just don't want to settle. Maybe I will rejoin the Y and start going to classes with you, for accountability. xoxo

  2. Veronica- I would LOVE it if you joined the Y and came exercising with me!!! If you are a kaiser member, they are waiving the joining fee for the remainder of the month. :0)

    Kathy- I attend the "McGrath" location in Rancho San Diego. They are in the East County YMCA "family", so I am also able to attend the Davis (La Mesa) and the Cameron (Santee) locations for no additional fee. It's my understanding that if I want to take a class in a YMCA that is outside of those 3 locations, that I have to pay 1/2 the fee that a non-member would pay.

  3. I will look at their schedules and see if there are any classes we could take together. I used to work at the Davis Y (for 12 years!!)...I have a Mission Valley Y membership...and also have 4 different locations I can workout at!!
