On Saturday morning I woke up at 5am...not becuase the kids were awake, but becuase I had to make sugar cookie dough for an order I have due today. Then we went to 2-B's house at 8:30am to bake 10 dozen sugar cookies for today's MOPS cookie decorating playdate we had scheduled. Then I dropped the kids off at my mom's, and came home to complete wardrobe change #2. I was off to my friend's brother's memorial. It was a lovely service, and especially touching coming off of the heals of my Uncle passing away. In addition, "on paper", our brother's are similar in some ways...about the same age, no kids, never married, etc. Loving my brother like I do, I can't imagine finding out that he was sick, and then having him gone from our lives in just 4 months. I.can't.imagine. :0(
After the memorial, I headed home for wardrobe change #3. My stepmom, my Grandma, my sister Jenni & I were off to go to dinner and to see the Nutcracker. Last year was the first year we did this, and I LOVE this new holiday tradition that has started!
We went to the Macaroni Grill for dinner and I was super good on my diet. I ordered the lowest calorie item on the menu...Grilled/Skewered Jumbo Shrimp and roasted Veggies...delish! BUT then my sister ordered 4, yes FOUR, desserts! I had a small bite of every one, but that is it...O.K., I had 2 bites of the lemon cake, but seriously, THAT is it!
I was home by 10:30pm for wardrobe change #4...JAMMIES! :0)
The kids spent the night at my mom's house that night (Bea's first night away from her mama, waaa!), and how did I celebrate!? On Sunday I was up at 5am...again...to bake the cookies for today's order. I got the cookies baked, and the royal icing made all while watching one of my VERY FAVORITE flicks..."Love Actually"...it actually was a lovely way to spend my time alone. :0) The kids came home, and my great intentions of making it to church yesterday didn't happen. :0( Everything took longer than expected, and then we were off to my dad's house, for my step-mom and I to do our annual holiday baking together. Other than the few years they lived in PA, my step-mom and I have done this baking EVERY YEAR since I can remember. We mostly bake the same things (fudge, peanut butter balls, peanut butter cups, peanut brittle, sugar cookies, peanut butter cookies with chocolate kisses, chocolate covered pretzels, etc.) but every year we try something new. This year was the "Mint Bark" with toasted almonds...not peppermint bark.
After our baking was done, the kids and I headed home to spend time with daddy, and I set out to work on decorating the cookies that are due today. In my NOT so humble opinion, I must say, I think they turned out SO CUTE! For the boys, she asked for personalized train cookies, and for the girls, there are personalized snowflake cookies.
In addition to the cookies, she also wanted 12 vanilla cupcakes...this morning (at 5am) I made the most delicious vanilla bean cupcakes with vanilla bean buttercream frosting. Earlier in the week, I did a test-run on the cupcake recipe, but for my neighbors (the test run cupcakes), I decided to add crushed candy canes to the cake batter, and then I made an incredible white peppermint buttercream frosting to go with them...YUM!
The baking is done! :0)
WOWSA!! Those are gorgeous cookies, E! Are you baking for business now, as well?