Everyone got their own seedlings to plant...

Then we worked our soil...

...planted our seeds...

...added a little top soil, and then "wa-la!" (some of my readers will get that "wa-la" joke)...

Our garden was rather tasty...

Right, Sammy-Sam!?

When we weren't "gardening" with our cousins, we were playing outside...

Although, not everyone wanted to be outside, lol!...

A good part of our week was centered around preparing for the Easter holiday. The kids had so much fun decorating our house for Easter...

In MOPS this week we put together over 40 Easter baskets for less fortunate children at our church...

And through the magic of creativety, at Awana this week, Beatrice and her fellow Cubbies recreated the Resurection story using an ice cream cone, marshmallows, and other confections...

In school, Beatrice learned about the letter Y...

And so we made Yellow Buses...

We read lots of books this week. Well, some of us used our books for reading...others used their book for a quick game of "hide and seek"...

We ventured to the park with our friends...

And something totally cool happened there! Unfortunately, Wyatt (7 years old) still doesn't know how to propel himself on the swing. Last summer it was my mission to get him riding his bike without training wheels, learn how to tie his shoes, and learn how to swim...and praise God, we accomplished those things. THIS Summer, my goal is for him to be able to swing on his own! While we were at the park this week, I thought we would get an early start on these lessons. While I was working with Wyatt on the swings, I looked over, and at some point Beatrice had joined us. She was following my instructions to Wyatt, and the girl was swinging on her own!!!

I was so shocked, and impressed by her! :0) But yeah, Wyatt still needs more lessons, lol!
And finally, this week we had some fun happenings with a...leaf blower! We visited Grandpa "on the job", and Wyatt was allowed to operate Grandpa's leaf blower. It all started off innocent...

Until he started pointing it at his sister...

And then the fish fountain! (Have you ever seen a "flying" fish!?) :-0

Yeah, Grandpa definitely needed to regain control of the leaf blower, LOL!

So that was our week. We are so excited to see all of our cousins in this upcoming week, and celebrate the death and resurection of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Dang! Beatrice looks like she is getting so tall! Samantha looks like Grandma Sally in the picture where she's eating her garden.