Our week started off with a new chapter in our lives. This past week, both of my sisters went back to working full-time out of their homes. And for my sister who lives local (my other sister lives in L.A.) the kids and I have started watching her children for a couple of hours on Mondays until my BIL...shout out to Desmon!...comes home from work. My sister and her family recently moved to Santee...just 15 minutes from my house...and we have had the wonderful privilege of seeing each other weekly. The baby sitting opportunity will guarantee us continuing to see each other weekly...only I won't get to spend time with my sister-bestie...but I do get paid to spend time with her littles. Not a terrible trade off...but for the record, I would SO take the time with my sister over the money, any day of the week! :0) During our time together, the girly cousins played with the dollies...the boys spent their time wrestling one another like lion cubs...and then we all gathered together to do some painting...

Later in the week, the kids and I ventured to the park for some additional animal-like behavior...

And Wyatt caught me enjoying a little R & R...

We went to Sea World...

And met up with our friends there...

We observed sea life...

...rode rides together...

...and watched a couple of shows...

We had a crazy run-in with a stray cat this week. Sigh. You may not know this about me...but I have an unusual fear of cat creatures. I realize that most people find cats to be cute, and generally sweet and cuddly. But me!?...not so much! They freak me out. And one morning, when Rick came home from work, there was a stray cat pacing outside of our front door meowing. Rick tried to shoo the cat away, but to no avail. Rick wanted to come in the house, but I told him, "Sorry...not until that cat is gone." Rick was insistent that he could make it through the front door before that cat did. I assured him that he could NOT! I knoooooow just how SNEAKY cat creatures are!!! My loving husband was tired, and just wanted to come inside. He would not listen to his all-knowing-wife. ;0) And sure enough, the minute the front door was opened a few inches, the freak of nature squeezed it's way into our house and bolted through the front door, slipping and sliding all over our hardwood floors! Even though I foresaw it happening, I was still shocked, and went crazy! I screamed and then jumped on the kitchen counter, which sent the kids in hysterics and they went running and crying to their rooms! The cat jetted for our master bedroom, and planted itself squarely under our bed! O.M.GSH!!!!
After a few minutes, I regained my composure, and was able to attend to the kids, while Rick was our hero. After many unsuccessful attempts to lure the cat out from under our bed, he ended up having to take off our mattresses and retrieve the cat from above the bed-frame boards. What an ordeal!
Here is the pest AFTER the commotion...

Family game night was poppin' this week!

Some of us got to pick which game we played next, and others of us picked...well, you get the picture...

In school, Beatrice learned about the letter X...

We learned all about foxes...

And made treasure maps where "X marked the spot!"...

In other animal sightings, and happenings...we found a lizard...alive...in my mom's house! :-0

The highlight of my week was finally being able to worship our Lord in our new church building!!! After years, and years, and YEARS, opening day was finally here! :0)

The more intimate chapel...

...and the Cafe...

There are SO MANY more rooms, and fine details, inside and out, but those are the only pictures I have taken so far. :0)
Beatrice's highlight of the week, was when Grammy gifted her her bunny "Carrots." My mom and Bea have been wanting a bunny, named Carrots, for months. And this week, Carrots came home...to live at my mom's house.

The kids LOVED the bunny!...

...and so does Grammy!...

Wyatt's highlight of the week was Family Dinner Night at Auntie Jenni & Uncle Desmon's house. After all, who doesn't love to play???...

...and eat...

...and celebrate our victories...

...and just be with the ones you love...

GREAT WEEK...animals and all! :0)
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