I'm totally frustrated with my weight loss situation. :0( It seems that I get to a super low weight by Saturday mornings, and then something magical (not in a positive way) happens, and the number on the scale rises over the weekend.
Now, last week I had the excuse of it being my anniversary weekend, so I totally understand why I gained weight over that weekend. But, this weekend, I was perfect...PERFECT on my diet, and on Saturday I gained 2 pounds for no reason, and on Sunday I gained another pound for no reason. ANNOYING! Monday, I blew my diet, so I understand why I had gained even more weight that day, but seriously, I was down 4.5 pounds for the week on Saturday morning, and by the time I weighed in at my WW meeting on Tuesday morning, I gained .8 for the week. So discouraging. :0(
My total weight loss since I started this journey with WW, is exactly 20 pounds. I've been at this for 12 weeks, and my personal goal was to average 2 pounds lost per week...or 10 pounds lost per month. I should be down at least 24 pounds (if going by the weekly goal), and down almost 30 pounds (if going by the monthly goal) so far. I'm far from that. :0(
In the last 2 weeks I have reintroduced sugar into my diet, since doing the no-sugar challenge with my girlfriend. As of today, we have both started another no-sugar challenge that will take us through the end of April. Hopefully that will yield positive results again on the scale.
Also, I haven't been to the gym since Saturday morning. My daughter has been really sick with the cough/fever that has been going around, and so we have been holding down the fort at home for the most part. I've had to bust out my aerobic VHS videos that I remember using in the ages of the dinosaurs. ;0) It brought back good memories. And during that phase, I did lose quite a bit of weight. I was the lowest I have been in my adult life...

But these videos don't do much for me now. I barely break a sweat. 5 to 6 years ago, these videos were a GREAT burn...I would huff and puff my way through them. They were perfect for that season. And even though I am much larger now, than I was back then, I am WAY STRONGER in this season of my life. I am a marathon runner...a cardio queen (well, if you knew my friend Katie, she is the cardio queen...so maybe that makes me the cardio princess???...I'm cool with that!). After all, apparently, even toddlers can do these videos...

But no, I will still give myself props. These videos were all I had to work with...and so I did them. They are a 30 minute workout...and instead of doing it just one time, I went back (rewound the tape...do you remember the days of rewinding tapes???) and did it 2 more times, for a 90 minute workout...hoping it would do SOME good, lol!
I went to a birthday party this weekend. My mom threw a beautiful brunch for her bestie. She had such amazing food, that even the butter and syrup looked good enough to eat on their own!...

But I stuck to fruit...

...and more fruit...

...and when it came time to really eat, I let myself have 1 orange nut waffle, and more...fruit...

So that's why I was annoyed to have gained weight. I stayed away from all of the fun drinks, the mini-muffins, gorgeous savory egg casseroles, a second waffle, bacon, sausage, and the favors...gourmet chocolate bars!...

(Deep breath) I'm going to keep on, keepin' on.
Your Biggest Fan,
P.S. Your book finally became available to me at the library this past week. Thanks to my daughter being sick (which resulted in a lot of down time at home), and thanks to the double spacing on the pages, I powered through that baby this weekend! I LOOOOOOOVED it! I loved reading all about YOU!...the way you thought/think about yourself...and the way others thought/think about you. Such an encouraging and motivating read. It was so neat to read about your journey to and through American Idol, your Dreamgirls experience, your success on Weight Watchers, and your family's success on Weight Watchers...over 2000 pounds lost for any family is a MAJOR achievement! I am going to tell everyone that reads my blog just how much I LOVED your book! It felt like I was sitting down and having a gab-fest with a girlfriend...GREAT JOB!...well written! :0)
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