Early in the week, we did crafts with our cousins...
Little Sam, was helping Beatrice with her craft...

Because apparently, Beatrice wasn't in the mood to craft, lol!...

But with teamwork, the sea horse was completed!

Zachary crafted a lobster!...

Brady made a bird...

Which meant Wyatt got stuck with the feminine jelly fish, lol!...

"Son, please act like the Jelly Fish was your first choice...thank you!"...

We really did have a lot of fun at "Auntie Cheech's Crafting Corner!"

Later in the week, Wyatt cut out tons of Spiderman pictures for us, so we could each make our own Spiderman collage...

Which then of course meant that Beatrice had to host her own craft for us as well. She decided on...painting for everyone!

The sickness that took over our Beatle last week, stuck around for a few more days this week. After holding her in my arms for a few nights (the cough was always much worse/scary at night), God gave me a brilliant idea! Now don't get me wrong, I LOOOOOVED the extra cuddles at night, but after a few consecutive nights of limited sleep, I start to long for some decent sleep again. ;0) Sooooo, I built our little Bea-bird a NEST! From the use of her giant teddy bear, and pillows on all other sides, my little girl was propped up all night, and didn't cough but more than once!

I love it when God speaks so clearly to me! And loved it almost as much as when He healed her sickness completely! :0) After being couped up in the house for exactly a week, we were finally able to re-enter society! We ventured to Sea World with 2-B and Maddie...

You can't tell from the expression on her face, but Beatrice was the only one that WANTED/BEGGED for a picture with this turtle, lol!

And finally, this week, Beatrice bridged a gap with my Sister's horse...ahem, excuse me...DOG, Daphne! Beatrice hasn't been a fan of this large beast from the very day she was welcomed into to our (extended) family. Beatrice would always keep a great distance between herself and the dog! But when Daphne would invade Beatrice's "personal space"...which happens quite frequently...screeches, squeals, and ocassional tears could be found coming from my daughter. But this week...I was SHOCKED to find "the girls" enjoying each others company! Apparently, when you are curious about another female's jewelery (also known as, a pretty dog collar), the walls of fear break down!...

A special shout-out to Wyatt, who looked particularly cute/silly in his "thinking cap" during school this week...

Aaaand a shout-out to my Beatrice, who looked especially beautiful at church this Sunday (I just loved her little feet in this picture!)...

I am looking forward to another week of GOOD HEALTH...and Happiness! :0)
OK, so Wyatt was upset about the "feminine" jelly fish, but TOTALLY cool with the PINK, HEARTED hat?!?! Ummm...OK. lol ;-)