Lover of Jesus...A Wife...A Mother...A Daughter...A Sister...A Friend...A Runner...A Baker...An Adventurer...yeah, that about sums it up!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Dear Jennifer Hudson (week 11)

Dear Jennifer Hudson,

I'm gonna make this one short and sweet...

I had an amazing time on my 10 year anniversary stay-cation! Even though we indulged in Sees Candy, and additional super delicious/rich foods, I still managed to record a loss on the scale this week at my WW meeting. I was down 3.2 pounds. I was really happy with that.

I worked out really hard in the days leading up to our celebration, I abstained from eating the food at Corvette Diner when the kiddos and I ventured there earlier in the week with friends, Rick and I shared 90% of the things we ordered on our vacation, we only ate 2 meals a day on vacation, and I'm sure running the half marathon on Sunday was favorable to my weight loss as well this week.

I'm looking forward to a great week of shedding, and shredding pounds!

My favorite quote at my WW meeting this week: "I have 2 options: I can make progress, or I can make excuses."

Your Biggest Fan,

P.S. You should check out my blog posted a full re-cap of our vacation and my race this weekend. ;0)

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