Waking up to this cutie was cause to take the camera out of it's case!...

On Thursday, we also met with my prior employers...Trisha & Judy of RE/MAX Associates. Twice a year they have big marketing/holiday projects that I can help them with from home. And yep, at this time of year, it's their massive Easter Egg Hunt they are preparing for! For as long as I can remember...over 10 years...I have stuffed the Easter eggs for their egg hunt.

This year, I had 2 EAGER helpers!! And honestly, they were both EXCELLENT at their tasks!

We have a total of 1500 eggs to stuff...and we are almost done! :0)
This week, I had the rare privilege of watching my Bumble Bea fall asleep in my arms. This girl NEVER takes a nap anymore, so when she does, AND when it happens to be in my arms, it is always photo-worthy!...

But I should have known she was sick, LOL! For the last 3 days, our little Beatle has been sick with a persistent cough, and a pretty intense fever. This afternoon, finally her fever has broken...I pray it stays that way! It has been so sad to see her laying on the couch, hour after hour, buying her train ticket to Sleepy Town. :0(
Yesterday, I did something that I have always wanted to do! For the last couple of years, I have wanted to bling out the house for an unsuspecting holiday....Valentines, St. Patrick's Day, etc. But in years past, I have not wanted to put our money towards decorations...even $5 worth. But this year, I was able to spend about $5, and surprise the littles with a St. Patrick's Day whooplah! :0)

Both of the kids were SO excited, but considering that Wyatt wasn't battling a fever, he gave the biggest reaction. :0) We spent the rest of the day enjoying festivities as well.
A fun breakfast...

...a green lunch...

...and we even had a fun dinner! Wyatt had it in his head that he wanted to bake a loaf of bread that day...so we did. And we made it green. :0)

That definitely added some much needed color to Daddy's favorite meal of Steak and Potatoes...

We ended the day with Game Night! Bea even rallied for a couple of hours, and was able to get in on the fun too!
I especially loved the serious game faces while playing Angry Birds!...

Our week was capped off by the long-awaited surprise party for Grammy Barb!

Grammy Barb is my mom's best friend. They have been best of friends since before I was born. Her family is like family to us. We all grew up together, we have all gotten married at around the same time, and now we are all having children of our own at the same time.
We were so excited to surprise her on her birthday with brunch...

My mom had put on a beautiful event...as ALWAYS! The besties embrace...

Such fun together...

A party is always more fun when you get your face painted!

So that was it for us this week. Our prayer is that Bea returns to good health in this next week. :0)
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