The kids made snowmen at our dining room table, using marshmallows and edible ink pens...
AND we got to make a snowman in ACTUAL snow!!!

But more about THAT later! :0)
The kids worked hard at making bird feeders for our feathered friends. And since Beatrice was learning about the letter "P" this week, we HAD to start off the project going old-school with Peanut Butter Pinecone Bird Feeders. :0)

And then, in an attempt to use some of the used products I have been hoarding for craft projects, we continued to go old-school and bust out some milk carton bird feeders as well!

If I don't watch out, our Home Owners Association is going to report us for hanging too much "trash" on our balcony, LOL!

Wyatt spent a lot of his free time reading our stash of Christmas books. I'm guessing that this one was his favorite for the week...

I found Wyatt reading that collection of Christmas Peanuts Comic Strips and chuckling to himself on many occasions! I even discovered him SLEEPING with the book when the tooth fairy arrived last night!
Which brings me to our next exciting event this week! On one day, Wyatt had all of his teeth on the bottom of his mouth...

And then, a few days later, he didn't...

Wyatt currently had 4 loose teeth, some obviously more loose than the others, and when he was in the bath last night, he was using his teeth to yank an accessory off one of his GI Joes, and out popped one of the less loose teeth! I was shocked...I'm glad I'm not a betting mama...that was the tooth I was expecting to come out LAST of the 4 loose teeth.
This was Wyatt's 5th tooth that he has lost so far, and this adventure of being the tooth fairy never gets old...especially when you have a funny son like mine, who continues to leave notes under his pillow for the Tooth Fairy...I love fun mail! ;0)
The Tooth Fairy promptly responded with an email to Wyatt. (Who knew the Tooth Fairy was so technilogically savvy!?)

We were busy in other ways this week.
The boys sorted toys (I think they have been "sorting" toys together for almost 7 years!)...

We played basketball together...

Wyatt continues to work on perfecting some Christmas Carols for his Christmas Eve "performance" with our family...

Ugh, I LOVE this smile!!!...

I caught Bea actually resting during quiet time this week (another smile I can't get enough of!)...

And finally, we started a new tradition. I have always wanted to do an advent calendar with the kids. But the affordable advent calendars look slightly boring to me...and the over-the-top-super-cool-creative advent calendars, are well, out of my price range. I've been telling myself to make my own over-priced advent calendar for the last 3 years...but I never do it. However, this year...I still didn't make one...but I DID find a really cool advent BOOK at our MOPS garage sale a couple of months ago! I have been so looking forward to diving in to this baby! We started reading the book on December 1st, and on each night following, there is a new story for us to read. Each of the stories focus on an aspect of gives GREAT DETAIL on the birth of Christ, Santa Clause, Christmas Carols, Christmas trees, Christmas Stockings, etc. It gives background on when those traditions originally started, and how those traditions have evolved over the years. VERY interesting stuff! We are all loving it!

So that's it for this week. Well, that's not it...but 4 of our 7 days were spent in Big Bear, and well, I'm gonna put those in a separate post(s). So, that's it for now. ;0)
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