On Tuesday, Wyatt turned 7 years old. But Monday was Rick's day off, and so that is when we celebrated as a family. We first gave him his present...

And then Wyatt got to pick a restaurant for us to have lunch at...he chose Bob's Big Boy. :0) When you venture to Bob's Big Boy you always have to get your picture taken with Bob. Wyatt wanted a solo picture with Bob, but Bea wanted to get in the shot too. Wyatt's defense was covering his sister's eyes...

And then pulling her hair...

And so "finally" (according to Wyatt), he got his birthday wish...

We shared shakes...

And loved on each other...

This year we got away with not having to throw a party for Wyatt...or so I thought. On Tuesday, Wyatt's actual birthday, my sister and I had planned to have a simple little playdate celebration for Wyatt at the park in our condo complex. It was just going to be my sister, and I, and our combined littles. My only contribution was that I was going to make cupcakes for us...

But this simple playdate snowballed quite a bit. My dad, my mom, my brother, and my brother-in-law all ended up join us as well. It was a lot of fun, and I'm so glad I had at least made cupcakes, lol.

Wyatt opened a few more presents...

Grandpa checked his ears...

After all was said and done, we were all tuckered out...

Wyatt continued to get birthday packages in the mail all week. A gift from our friends...

And a gift from Uncle Scot...

Beatrice had a little something in the package from Uncle Scot also...

Rick's father was a man of many talents, and one of his favorite hobbies was fret-art. We have a few of his creations, and on this day, Scot gifted Beatrice one of the ornaments that Grandpa Brumbaugh had made...

This week we also got to celebrate our friend Zack's 5th birthday...

The kids had a GREAT time!

Yesterday I got to witness the marriage of my cousin, Robert to his bride Iris...

It's always fun to hang with the family...

Wedding eats...

This week I had the privilage of meeting up with a friend from high school for the first time, since, well...high school! When Kristin and I became friends in Jr. High, we connected a few dots in our backgrounds, and found out that our parents (and Aunts/Uncles) were GREAT friends in the past as well! Many years ago that provided a few sweet reuions! This week, Kristin and I reunited at the Zoo. :0) While we were waiting for her crew, the kids and I acted like tourists...

After they showed up, Wyatt took a few pictures of our friends...

And then we headed to the petting zoo...

In school this week, Wyatt and Rick put together an erupting volcano.
Wyatt read the directions carefully...

And then the boys got to work...

After the papermache dried for a few days, it was time to make this baby erupt!

Beatrice learned about the letter "Q" in school...

And so we focused our attention on quilts...

We even made "Cracker Quilts" for a snack...

We also continued our focus on the season of "Winter". We read one of our favorite winter books, "Snowmen at Night"...

And then recreated our own favorite scenes in the book...

In other "fun", Beatrice continued to be the helper of breakfast...

Beatrice played hard...and then had a hard time cleaning...

We experienced the effects of dry weather...static electricity...

And Wyatt enjoyed the effects of some of his birthday candy...

This upcoming week promises many festivities as well...we are looking forward to all of them! :0)
Will you be my mom, please?!?!