It was so much fun to wake-up with our friends...

Olivia had the BEST bead-head EVERY morning!

All of our meals were community meals. Each meal had a team...and a team captain. I was team captain for Friday morning breakfast. It was nice to get our responsibility of prepping a meal done first thing. We were then free to enjoy the rest of our vacation, just eating everyone else's meals. :0)
I had made homemade cinnamon rolls...

And Sarah and Danielle made bacon and eggs...

It truly was a delicious feast!

Josh (brother to Danielle, and father to baby Eliana, and Olivia...and to Ava...but Ava hasn't been in these pictures yet) enjoying the eats!..

After breakfast, we played in the snow!

There were snowball fights...

There was building of snowmen...

And then there was sledding...

After the snow, some enjoyed hot chocolate (with peppermint marshmallows)...

And some (Me and Bea) enjoyed a NAP! This trip was a trip of LATE nights with adults, and EARLY mornings with children. Naps were essential!
Bea and I woke up to the smell of lunch brewing. Friday lunch was a Chili Cook-off...and then the Friday Lunch Team contributed the cornbread and other Chili "accessories".

The competitors were my sister Jenni, my mom, my Auntie Veronica, and my stepmom.

The competition was CLOSE, but Jenni came out on top! :0)

The kids weren't impressed with chili...PB&J's all the way for them! :0)

And even with all of the amazing meals, there was always more room for snacks! The kids had the goods!

When the kids weren't eating...or playing in the snow...they were playing pool...

A serious game of pool...

A VERY serious game of pool... ;0)

The ladies went shopping in the village (Me, Jenni, Kari, Michelle, Danielle & Barbara)...

"Look what I bought with my spending money Sam"...

Shopping buddies...

Back at the cabin, there was time to just chill with the ones you love.
Barbara with her son Josh, and daughter Danielle...

Cousin Luke and his beautiful daughter Sophia...

Cousin Rebecca and my cousin-in-law Sarah...

And there was time for silliness.
My adorable nephew Trevor...

And Wyatt gave grandpa (my dad) a "tail"...

The Friday Dinner Team were prepping to grill us up some grub!

Eating our dinner...

Last year in Big Bear, we had the privilege of celebrating Wyatt's birthday with all of our family. But this year, our Big Bear trip fell on someone else's birthday... Miss Kailey! I can remember just like it was yesterday when my cousin Brandon introduced us to his lovely daughter 12 years ago...I swaddled her TIGHTLY in a blanket, we nick-named her "Moses", and then I held her for HOURS! Happy Birthday Kailey!!!

After the kids were put to bed, we played games into the wee hours, and enjoyed a "Christmas Cocktail"...

Many more memories and laughter still ahead. :0)
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