My daughter has always been a challenge for me...well, not ALWAYS...I did think she was a sweet baby. But toddler hood has been a totally different story. She is not a beast every day...some days she is a beauty on the inside, as well as on the outside...but as of late, my little princess, has been anything but charming. :0( This past week has been especially rough. In addition to daily tantrums, and a disrespectful attitude, we have now been introduced to her sailor-like mouth. My blog isn't usually the place where I rag on my kids, but in 5 years...and maybe even next week...I am going to forget that these words ever came out of my daughters mouth (twice)...someone in my family will bring it up at one of our gatherings, and I will adamantly deny that my daughter would even THINK about such a word, let alone say it! So, in an effort to preserve the truth, I must walk into a 12 step program, and admit...
"Hello, my name is Elizabeth, and my daughter said the "S"-"H" word. Repeatedly."
I honestly have no idea where she got it from! I honestly think she made up the word herself. lol. My daughter is with me...all.of.the.time. We have been to the YMCA 3 times in the last 4 weeks (yeah, that's a different blog post, lol)...I don't think she got it from there. Due to illness, and being on vacation one of the weekends, up until last night, we hadn't been to church the entire month of December...I know she didn't get it there. We don't have real cable TV...soo, unless this is something new they are saying on Sesame Street, I don't think she got it from the TV. And most importantly, I do not say curse words. did this happen!?
We are walking through Kohls, and as I am desperately searching through racks and racks of clothing, I finally begin to listen to the words my daughter keeps repeating over and over in a sing-song voice.... "sh*tty*tty*tty boots..." I asked her what she was saying, and she repeated the words to me...just to be clear, I asked her to say just the first word again....she did. :-0
Oh my word, this girl.
Wyatt NEVER did stuff like this!...although, I don't have a blog from his toddler years to refresh my memory, lol.
I played it cool, in an effort to not make a big deal about the situation. The last thing I wanted to do was let my daughter know that this was yet another way she could make me flip out in my head. I simply explained that that was not an appropriate word, and that the next time she said that, we would be washing her mouth out with soap.
24 hours later...the kids are playing quietly together in Bea's room (I should have known trouble was brewing...the kids were actually playing quietly!) when Wyatt storms out of Beatrice's room to produce the most dramatic nark-fest he could come up with. Yep...she was singing "sh*tty boots" again. Grrr.
Now enter soap in mouth.
In the last 48 hours "sh*tty boots" has not been an issue in our home. (sigh of relief.)
I realize that its AWFUL to say this, but in these moments...and in these days...Rick, Wyatt and I appreciate our youngest family member most when she is....
I am thinking it would be REALLY WRONG to laugh at this post, huh?