This week was a week of returning to old schedules AND fresh starts on new beginnings!
In new beginnings, we rung in the new year!
It would be a shame to ring in a new year without proper new-year-accessories...
(my husband can never take a serious picture, lol!)
Other than our super-cool-NYE-fashion, our night of celebration was actually rather quiet...
so quiet, you might even hear the fainest sound of an angel snoring...
I love when she falls asleep holding my hand :0)...
other new beginnings, I must report that my Beatrice is a funny girl...but not always in the obvious "ha-ha" funny ways, lol! This girl has so many of her life ambitions planned out for her upcoming ages. "When she is 13 she will work in my bakery. When she is 10 she will get her ears pierced. When she is 7 she will not need a night light on in her room." But when she turns 5, there are so many achievements that she has lined up for herself..."she will swim without floaties...she will ride a bike without training wheels, she will tie her own shoes, and she will start running next to me, instead of in front of me (riding in the stroller)." But this week, my "little planner" broke her mold! She decided that this was the week she wanted to start "training" to run with me, lol. I said, "fine" time is better than to unload some weight before running up the biggest hill of our journey, lol! Go Bea, GO!

One other monumental achievement for our littlest one, is that she learned how to buckle her own seat belt this week without any coaching or assistance...she decided she wanted to do it...and she did it! It seems like Wyatt didn't learn that until he was 6, and that was with MUCH prompting, and MANY lessons...just sayin'!
There was a lot of board game playing around the house this week. Our favorites were the Toy Story version of Operation, and Candyland...who doesn't LOVE Candyland!?!?...well, we all love
playing it, but
someone (I'm not naming any names!) did not like
losing at it!
Wyatt discovered that an
old toy brought
new you see the shadow that his violin is casting on the wall???...he bursted out of quiet-time this week to report that, "while I was playing my piano, I looked up, and found a bunny...sitting on the edge of a my room!!!" I of course HAD to see it for myself, lol! :-0
We said good-bye to the last bits of our garden. The carrots have been growing for 6 months now, and they
still were wimpy! Ba-hum-bug!
little as they may be, they were
mighty tasty in our pot roast this week!
I'm glad the garden chapter is over for us. What a headache. Someone...anyone...PLEASE talk me out of it when I say I want to do another garden come Spring!
This weekend re-introduced the start of all of our extra-curriculars after the Christmas break!
Wyatt rocked it out in his percussion class...
...and Bea was a beautiful ballerina...(doing ballerina jumps over shoes)...
...practicing "First Position"...
...and playing with hula-hoops...of course!...
Our week ended with a pot-luck, celebrating the start of the 2nd semester of Awana at church. Good food...good friends...
...and good team-building games!...
My team won...just sayin'.
So that's the down-low on our up-and-up...until next week! :0)
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