In our world...loving (on) each other has become a favorite past-time...
In our world, coloring with friends is a great way to spend a Thursday...
In our world, our daddy is
always the silliest man!...
In our world, our cousin Brady is the fog-machine-MASTER!!!...
In our world, we take notice when God takes time to paint the sky...
my world...I think babies are COOL!...
In my world, I think Legos are best played when there is a competition!...
...even when the judge crowns his brother the winner over me...
In my world, it's a
great week when I get to perform in front of my peers on stage (at church)...
my world, bears are the best companions at a mid-breakfast-picnic...
In my world, some of my favorite hours are the ones spent with just my mom and I on a long run...
In my world, I say phonics-shmonics...
dance class is my favorite
class of the week!...
In my world, a good day is measured in "twirls"...a day filled with the
most and the
biggest...are the
best days!
In my world, it's a special
treat when my mom curls my hair...
In my world, both of my parents tell me I'm beautiful (on the inside and out!)...
In my world, I'm ending my week
puking...again. :0(
In my world, my mom is considering taking me to get a flu shot for the first time in my life. We'll see if that actually happens.
Even with the puking..."What a wonderful world!"
Wonderful indeed!