Lover of Jesus...A Wife...A Mother...A Daughter...A Sister...A Friend...A Runner...A Baker...An Adventurer...yeah, that about sums it up!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Dear Jennifer Hudson (Week 42)

Dear Jennifer Hudson,

What's cookin' good-lookin'?

There has been quite a bit of "good-lookin' cookin' " goin' on in my kitchen this week!

At my WW meeting we have what is called "The Traveling Cookbook."

WW puts out a TON of cookbooks...our WW leader picked one of the WW cookbooks, and she has deemed it as our traveling cookbook. Each week someone new in our meeting gets to bring home the cookbook to borrow. This past week I raised my hand, and I got to bring home the cookbook. :0) The cookbook was INCREDIBLE! It was focused on the WW "Power Foods"...power foods consist of veggies, fruits, whole grains, some (healthy) oils, lean proteins, and non-fat dairy (and dairy substitutes).

Side note: If you aren't one that likes to (or diligent to) track your WW points, than WW offers an alternative plan to their normal "track your food/points." Instead, they have a plan that is called "Simply filling." On Simply Filling you can consume as many Powers Foods as you would like in your day under one condition: As soon as you are full, you must stop eating. I think this alternative plan would be a great idea for vacationing and such when you are outside of your normal environment and have to guess at the WW points values for many of the things you are eating at a restaurant, etc.

So back to the cookbook...I loved it! In 2012, we have made huge improvements in the types of food we eat in our home...this cookbook fell right into those ideals..."clean eating." The first meal I made was a HUGE SUCCESS with the family...

That isn't a tomato sauce on top of the chicken...that is a roasted red pepper sauce...SOOOOO delicious!!! And I even got to use the basil from our garden! :0)

Here's the recipe in case you are interested...

The 2nd recipe I used, wasn't as big of a hit with my crew. While I thought the cilantro-ginger marinade was out of this little family prefers their pork chops to be breaded. :0( But I'm telling you...the "green stuff" was GREAT!

Here's the recipe...

I had such fun with the traveling cookbook...I always LOVE to browse new recipes!!!

As far as weight-loss goes, I have exciting news to report! As you know I have been on a scale-related-yo-yo for about 3 months. In July I hit the 50 pound weight loss marker, and I haven't been at that weight since. :0( But with consistent losses these past few weeks, I broke through the 50 pound barrier this week, and I am at an all new personal low for myself! :0) I was down 4.4 pounds this week, for a total loss of 53.6 pounds since the start of this year. It feels great to be making a dent in this uphill climb again.

Just under 15 pounds to go until I reach my goal weight!!!! So exciting!

Your Biggest Fan,