Anyway, even without school we were busy bees prepping for our Thanksgiving feast that my little family was hosting.
Beatrice helped crush crackers for the stuffing...

And Wyatt was passionate about making a dessert for Thanksgiving. He did these 95% on his own. He's got talent like his mama. :0)

Unfortunately, we had to make a few more trips than usual to the grocery store (when did we run out of THIS ingredient!? Oh I forgot to buy THIS! The recipe said HOW MUCH butter!? :-0...)

We had a playdate with friends we haven't seen in almost a year...Nicole and her crew! :0)
The girls made "pies" on the benches...

And the boys attempted to play football...

Hmmm, come to think of it, "Pies and football"? very "Thanksgiving" of them! :0)
On the day before Thanksgiving, we had a festive lunch. While watching a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving last week with the kids, I was inspired to duplicate the funny lunch the characters enjoyed (well, some didn't enjoy it...but you would have to see the show to know more about that, lol)...

Forget what Peppermint Patty says, my kids wished they had this kind of lunch EVERYDAY! :0)

And one of the most exciting things to happen in our home this week, was that both littles got their first professional haircuts! I have been giving Wyatt a buzz cut since the time he had too much hair on his head, and that has always been our favorite-money-saving-haircut, LOL! But I'm not sure what came over me. With the holiday approaching, I decided to take the plunge, and get their hair cut! :0)
Even though I had made the appointment 2 weeks in advance, the only time our hairdresser could get us in before the holiday was at 8pm on Wednesday night. I jokingly said, "I'll take the appointment, but my kids might fall asleep in the chair!"
Bea was up first! Here is her before picture...

Then the hair dresser put Bea's hair in a ponytail, and started cutting...

This whole hair-cutting-thing was MY idea, and I was genuinely excited for Bea's new I was shocked by my reaction when the hair dresser handed me Bea's amputated pony tail. I'm not sure if it was because of the perfect curl at the bottom, or if it was just because it was such a drastic change, or???...but once I held that pony tail in my hand, I started crying.
I pulled myself together though.
And I wasn't wrong about my kids, LOL. One minute Bea was awake...

And the next minute, she was OUT!...

Rick was especially fond of that part of the story, as we have pictures of him sleeping during his first haircut when he was a toddler. :0)
Wyatt was up next. Before...


It wasn't as drastic of a change as his sister's hair cut, but we sure thought he looked handsome! :0)
The day after Thanksgiving, my sisters and I continued our tradition of taking all of the kids to the movies.

This year, we saw Arthur Christmas...

After we said goodbye to our family, and went our separate ways, Rick, the kids and I then went home to decorate the house for Christmas. Wyatt got to put the first ornament on the tree...

And then it was Bea's turn...

I kept unwrapping ornaments...and they kept hanging them...on the same branch!

It all got worked out though. :0)

One of our nativity scenes...this one is my personal is the one that my mom displayed every Christmas when I was growing up. :0)

And we decorated our balcony too!

I wish that was the end of the story...but unfortunately our little "Beatle" got sick in her bed on Friday night. :0( Luckily, it was just the one time, but I didn't know that to be the case at the time, and so I held her in my arms all night, and we camped out on the couch with a bowl close by. ;0) Even though I was 100% EXHAUSTED, those were some sweet hours that we spent together alone...sometimes sleeping...sometimes watching TV...sometimes chit-chatting...sometimes sleeping some more.
I just wished I hadn't felt sick the following day. :0(
The plus side...I had a beautifully decorated environment to gaze upon while we were at home ALL weekend!
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