Lover of Jesus...A Wife...A Mother...A Daughter...A Sister...A Friend...A Runner...A Baker...An Adventurer...yeah, that about sums it up!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Gobble Til You Wobble

Thanksgiving is arguably my favorite holiday. However...I THINK you might catch me saying that about Easter and Christmas as well, LOL!

Thanksgiving is the holiday that I get to host every year. Rick and I have been married for almost 10 years, and this was our 9th year of hosting Thanksgiving for my family. For the first 7 years, we held the dinner at our little home. But in the last few years, our ever-expanding family has needed a bigger environment to comfortably feast at. The past 2 years, my mom has graciously let me host our festivities in her home. :0)

Usually, our Thanksgiving is spent with just my immediate family. But this year, we had quite a few new guests at out dinner tables...

My brother invited his girlfriend...

Jenni & Desmon invited Desmon's sister and her beautiful toddler-ette to join us...however, unfortunately I did not get their photo. :0(

We invited our cousin Jay, who recently moved to L.A. from N.Y.C. this year (he is pictured here with my stepmom Michelle)...

And finally, we had invited our prior youth pastors/surrogate family/great friends, Myke (who is pictured here giving his "What I am Thankful For" speech in the form of a hilarious poem he wrote, and with the use of a slide show on his iPad...very 2011!)...

And his LOVELY wife Pam (who gave me a hostess gift...she knows how to get invited back, LOL!)...

A month before Thanksgiving, I had sat down and planned out the menu...but that was all I was motivated to organize at the time. However, in the week before Thanksgiving, I had been watching Food Network programs at the gym, and catching the occasional holiday decorating segment on the Today Show in the morning. I began to get excited about how to Eliza-fy our mind was reeling. :0)

The first thing I worked on, was place card decorations. I started with some gourds, and then I brainstormed on what to do with them. I decided to draw 1 leaf with each person's name on it, and then I drew a 2nd leaf which stated why I was thankful for that person...

And since I had a little extra time on my hands this week, I also made some turkey sugar cookies that I personalized for the children, and our special guests...

Once it was all put together, I thought the tables came out beautifully!

One of the adult tables...

The kids table...

The day was perfect. :0) We did some cooking...

We had some appetizers...

We did some praying...

And, then we did some eating...

I was told that this was "The Cool Table"... ;0)

But I determined THIS was the even-cooler-table...

We hung out, and took a few pictures...

(my sister Anna & I...)

(My husband & I...)

(My niece Samantha & I...)

(A series of all of the's hard NOT to notice, but look at Samantha in every picture...HILARIOUS!!!)

And after a while, we had dessert. :0) Here are a few of the options...

We ended the night, by sharing what each of us were thankful for...playing games...and holding the ones we love...

With ambitions like mine...with a family like mine...with friends like mine...with a Savior like mine...I had a LOT to be thankful for this year! :0)

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