MONDAY was the day that I did both of my workouts and was great on my diet...until I went to the finale of my Bible Study. I had even brushed my teeth before I went to our leader's house in an effort to help resist the temptation of delicious treats! When I showed up, everything looked good, but I was able to resist...until I said these fateful words: "Yeah, this all looks good, but I'm able to hold off since there are no pita chips to go with that the humus." Que the big container of A.MA.ZING lemon herb (I think) pita chips from Costco. I had no choice, I HAD to eat them! OK, I did have a choice, and for weight loss purposes ONLY, I made the wrong choice. Oh my, those pita chips were like a flavor explosion in my mouth. Incredible! And my week pretty much continued in that direction.
TUESDAY was the day that we met our friends at Coronado beach...shout out to Brooke!

I was great on my diet for most of the day...until dinner. After Wyatt's hip-hop dance class in the afternoon I had to go to the grocery store to deposit a check, and in a weak moment, I bought 2 donuts at the which was covered in chocolate icing and sweetened flakes of coconuts...SOOOO good!...and yet SOOOO bad! That was my dinner.
For obvious reasons I felt sluggish, and didn't feel up to going to the gym. And after much motivation on my unofficial "shall I go to the gym?" Facebook pole, I went and worked out. It was the night of my Sports Conditioning class, and I felt like I was anything BUT conditioned! However, as usual, I am so glad I did make the decision to go to the gym.
WEDNESDAY was the day we met our MOPS friends at the La Jolla Shores beach.

I don't remember being especially good or especially bad on my diet this day. I ended my night by going to a Spin class at the gym. I must say, I am really starting to love spin...I mean, LOVE spin! The first couple of times I went, I was only going in an effort to mix up my selection of fitness. But now, I am genuinely liking this form of exercise as much, and if not more, than some of the other things I am doing in the gym! It's an amazing burn! It's an incredible sweat!
THURSDAY is the day Rick was off from work and I played hooky from all things diet and exercise. In the morning we went to the mall, and pretty much every trip to the mall involves a trip to Sees Candy...that's just the way we roll. We stayed at the mall long enough to enjoy lunch at Bob's Big Boy.

The chocolate malt I shared with my hunny :0)...

The burger that was so tasty, but didn't sit well with my tummy...

After lunch we went home to chill for a bit. And during that time, Wyatt accomplished one of my 3 summer goals for him...he learned how to tie his shoes!!!

Rick has been working with him on and off on this project all summer, and he finally got it! We were all so happy for him!
And if that wasn't enough, a couple of hours later, my Bible study group decided to go to our leader's house again this week for a pool day, and Wyatt finally overcame his fears of swimming without floaties and he ROCKED IT at the swimming pool! My boy swam over and over and over again! I have known that he was capable of this for SO long, and he just been SO afraid to ditch his floaties this summer...but not 2nd goal for him this summer was checked off of the list! Just 1 more to go...learn how to ride his bike without training wheels. I'm not sure if we will get that accomplished in the month of August or not, but I'm thinking Wyatt is on a roll, so why stop now!? :0)
At this same pool day, I thought I had twisted my ankle by slipping on the step when I was getting in the jacuzzi. But after being mindful of it for a while, it began to feel fine, so I went back to horsing around, and as I went to do a cannon ball off the side of the pool, my ankle got jacked again. :0( I didn't make a big deal about it, but I knew I was going to have to lay off of it for a few days. :0(
FRIDAY was the day I did my cupcake order for the week. I had made 2 dozen carrot cake cupcakes with a cinnamon cream cheese frosting...

And 2 dozen chocolate cupcakes with a delicious brownie batter frosting...

After the baking was done, we had to head over to the Joan Kroc theater for the rest of the day. We were there for 5 hours while the kids did their entire dress rehearsal for the dance recital the following day. I packed lots of snacks for all of us, and we ate almost all of them. That night I had the biggest stomach ache! I woke up in the middle of the night and thought for sure that I was going to hurl! There have been a couple of times that I have gotten this feeling in the last few months, and in the morning I have texted my friend Katie only to find out that she was up in the middle of the night feeling sick too. So, this time, I went out on a limb, and texted her at 1:30am to see if she too was awake. Her response was, "I am now, LOL!" Even though I told her she didn't need to stay up, she was kind enough to keep me company for the next two hours until 3:30 in the morning! I felt much better and was able to catch some Zzzzz's before the craziness of Saturday came upon me.
SATURDAY was dance recital day! The dance studio puts on 2 different shows on the same day...there was a 2 o'clock performance and then a 6 o'clock performance. So both of my littles got to do their routines 2 different times. :0) I was backstage with the kids for the entire first show...

And then I got to sit in the front row and watch the whole 6 o'clock show...

Apparently during the intermission of the first show, Beatrice was chosen to pull the winning raffle ticket out of the jar, and out of the hundreds of people in the crowd, she pulled my Aunt's raffle ticket!

My Aunt won this GIGANTIC stuffed teddy bear, and gave it to Beatrice! :-0

It was a LONG, tiresome, BLESSED day! I got home around 9:45, and Rick and I were such proud parents when our heads hit the pillows!
SUNDAY was a day of rest! The kids slept in until 8am...a first for the Brumbaugh's! We skipped church, I skipped the gym, we just relaxed all day until I made us a big Sunday dinner of meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans, and french bread. It was a great end to our week. :0)
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