After 12+ years, I got to go to a concert! I had purchased my ticket back in May for my Mother's Day gift. I went with a previous co-worker, shout-out to Crystal...

We first met up for dinner at Oggi's Pizza. It was happy hour in the bar, and everything was super cheap! :0) We had a couple of drinks...

And a couple of appetizers for dinner...

And then we headed to the concert. Gavin Degraw (I had no clue who he was) opened the show...

And then after an approximate 30 minute intermission, Maroon 5 came on stage. My friend and I had both been expecting Train to come out before Maroon 5, so I was a bit bummed. I had spent the next 10 minutes wondering if Train had not shown up. But then Marron 5 made reference to Train being in the house, so it was all good. My friend is a Maroon 5 FREAK, and so she was WAY more excited to see them. And while I am not passionate about any band at this point in my life, generally speaking, I was more looking forward to Train. But being there at the concert, I totally got wrapped up in the moment, and it truly was neat to be standing so close to the actual people that sing the songs on your radio. :0) We had GREAT seats! There were only about 15 rows of people in front of us. This is our view in front of us...

And this was the view behind us...

Maroon 5 played for over an hour, and then they came back out and did 3 more encore songs...

We then waited for another 30 minutes while Train set up their stage. By this point, I was so excited and anxious. I had been having such a great time, and I was thrilled that they had saved the best (in my opinion) for last. Fiiiiiinally, we heard the train whistle blowing, and the band started up. So.darn.thrilling.

Train was awesome. They played all of the songs I knew, they say for close to 2 hours, and they got the crowd involved on so many different occasions...

I have cool video of almost all of their songs, and it was super neat for me to be able to play it back for the kids in the morning.
It was a great night. It will probably be another 12 years before I go to a concert again, but it was fun to temporarily step outside of my "normal."

And theeeeeen, after having such a fun Friday night, I woke up on Saturday morning, and had a banana bread date with my Bea at Starbucks...

And even more exciting, is after that, Wyatt and I headed up to the O.C. to watch Marry Poppins on Broadway with my mom, my aunt, and my cousin...

Marry Poppins has been Wyatt's favorite Disney movie for quite some time. He loves music and dancing, and this performance was totally up his alley!

There were a few changes to the script...a few of the film songs were removed...a few theater songs were added...but generally speaking, the storyline remained the same. The character of "Bert" was INCREDIBLE, and the performance of the song, "Step in Time" was out of this world! The entire show captured Wyatt's attention from start to finish. He clapped after every song, and was beaming at the curtain call!
Souvenirs were definitely in order! I got a super cute pink "Practically Perfect" t-shirt, and Wyatt got...

After the show we all went out for dinner to Buca Di Beppo...

We enjoyed some fried calamari, a salad, delicious lasagna, and eggplant parmesan. For dessert, we had a GIGANTIC brownie sundae...

It was a supercalifragalistic weekend!
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