Monday was also the first day of the kids' 2 week session of swimming lessons. This was the first time we have ever paid for the kids to take swimming lessons. I have never wanted to spend the money in the past for something that I thought I was capable of teaching my children. But Wyatt had been really struggling with overcoming his fear of swimming without floaties this summer, and I have been earning quite a bit of "fun money" with my baking business, and so when my friend 2-B told me that she was signing her kids up for swimming lessons at the El Cajon Rec, and asked if I wanted to join, Rick and I thought about it for 2 seconds and then jumped at the opportunity! The rec center is a lot cheaper than the YMCA and/or private lessons, so this was a good way to ease The Brumbaugh's into this sort of thing, LOL. The first day, Monday, Beatrice cried the.entire.time! :0( At the end of class, I picked her up into my arms, and out of habit, I asked her if she had a good time...she replied (still sniffling), "I had so much fun mommy."
This girl kills me, LOL!

Monday was also the day I signed up for my 2nd race in 2012. My friend, shout-out to Katie, had posted a link on Facebook about the inaugural San Diego Half Marathon at Petco Park, and had asked who was running it. I had never even heard of it, but when I saw the price, I was IMMEDIATELY interested!!! It was only $60 for the first 500 people to register! Unfortunately for this sport, that is an AMAZING deal! For $60 I will be able to add another medal to my collection, AND the final sprint is through the tunnel leading into PETCO Park for an Olympic-inspired stadium finish...priceless!
And a special shout-out to my husband who earned "the funniest quote of the day" when he said: "You pay to run!? That's like paying for water!"
Monday was a lot more exciting than I remembered...I guess that's the joy of reliving it through my blog. :0)
Tuesday was MY big day on the stage! :0) A little over a month ago I was asked to be a guest speaker at my former High School Church Youth Group. They are having their summer camp right now, and I was flattered to be asked to come and be a part of it. I was reluctant at first, and had asked for a few days to pray about it. Truth be told, the Lord had put "being a speaker" on my heart a few weeks prior to this invitation, but I thought His intentions were geared only toward a specific (other) topic/group/setting. A High School youth group was WAY out of my comfort level! I'm actually afraid of teenagers, lol. I am convinced that my sister Jenni, my friend Nicole, and myself were the only non-trouble-making teenagers that I know of, LOL! Especially where I am in life, I only know how to relate to, and talk to anyone under the age of 10 or anyone over the age of 25. How was I going to capture the attention of teenagers in a meaningful way!? The youth pastor had sent me their theme Bible verse for the summer camp, and then I prayed and prayed and prayed. The Sunday after he had asked me to speak, we had sang a brand new worship song in church, and the chorus of the song was a blatant similarity to the theme verse, and I knew I had my confirmation. I really was expecting/hoping some random stranger would come up to me at church that day and say, "Whatever you are thinking about, DON'T DO IT!" But that could have easily applied to so many things...eating donuts...not wanting to work out...etc. Soooo, fast forward several weeks, and here was our (mine and God's) big day! Luckily for me, God made this pretty easy on me. I had prayed early on that I wasn't comfortable in doing in this, and that this would be ALL You Lord. And daily, the Lord gave me tidbits to share. That was my favorite part about this whole experience...the connection...the conversations with the Holy Spirit. This wasn't about me at was about what these kids apparently needed to hear, and it was SO neat to be the middle be Moses!
I have had experience of doing cool things with/for God in the past, and the unfortunate side effect is that Satan isn't a big fan. :0( I had irritating things happen to me the entire 24 hours leading up to my talk (I got the #3's on the treadmill the night before at the socks fell in the toilet on Tuesday...and additional random "crap") but at the end of the day, I was expecting junk like this to happen, no one died, and it was all manageable...just incredibly frustrating. My speech (for lack of a better word) was very serious in my head and on paper...but luckily, when I got up on stage, things got a lot more lively! I became funny...and the kids actually laughed! Such.a.relief. I was obedient along the journey, and I was greatly rewarded. I had so much fun, and it was worth every bit of anxiety I had experienced leading up to the moment. (Just don't ask me to do it again, hahahahaha! I'm kidding, I'm kidding. But no really, I'm serious.)
Wednesday was the day I had another order of bumble bee cookies due for a new customer. :0)
And speaking of The Sugar Shack, my first bulk purchase had arrived. I've been going through cake boxes like crazy lately, and instead of continuing to drive to Clairemont to purchase them, and pay a price that I KNEW I could beat online and in bulk, I stepped out on a limb, and ordered 100 cake boxes...eeeeek...

Kind of exciting though. :0)
Wednesday was also the day we had our friends over to swim (before swimming lessons)...shout-out to The Loren's!...

Wednesdays are my nights to do Spin class...yes, I am going to mention Spin class...again. It's only becuase Wednesday night's spin class was different than the others. The teacher was late...REALLY late. And after 5 minutes of spinning/warming-up on our own, we were all kind of looking at each other like, "Is she going to actually show up!?" And as I contemplated what to do (leave, or keep warming up) I decided, "Forget this! I'm GOING FOR IT!" I put in my earbuds, cranked up the resistance on the bike, and I rode the gnarliest 11 minute hill. The peeps around me were looking at me like I'm crazy for sweating without a teacher present, but I kept on. Next was sprints. I did sprinting intervals just like the teacher had been doing with me (us) for weeks. And finally...after 25 minutes...the spin instructor showed up! She said we had to do a 55 minute workout in 35 minutes. I have never sweat so much during a workout. IT.WAS.THE.BEST! I'm so glad I didn't leave. I'm so glad I didn't waste those 25 minutes until the teacher showed up. And I'm so grateful to be strong enough to have powered through the 35 minute power spin class!
Thursday was the day I had cake. OK, a LOT of other things happened on Thursday, but really, Thursday was cake day. I had woken up on Thursday, and after reading my Bible, I proceeded to check my Facebook on my phone while still lying in bed. My friend had posted a picture of the most beautifully delicious piece of cake ever! It was a slice of coconut cake laying on a sea of peach and strawberry puree. I couldn't stop thinking about the cake all day. The thing about that cake, is that it reminded me so much about my recent trip to GA. When the girls and I ventured to Charleston, NC on a whim, we dined at this restaurant that is famous for their coconut cake. I HAD to do a coconut cake comparison! It had gotten to be late afternoon/early evening on Thursday, and I still hadn't been able to shake the coconut cake fog I was in. I had posted an open invitation on Facebook to venture to Extraordinary Desserts that night for an impromptu cake-fest with the kids! Sure enough, I had takers! :0) It ended up being myself, my 2 kiddos, my mom, and our great family-friends Barbara, Rachel, and Rachel's 2 girlies. We had so much fun. We had so much cake.
Wyatt ordered the Dulce De Leche Chocolate Cake...

Barbara ordered the carrot cake with a carmelized walnut ice cream (the ice cream was exceptional!)...

Rachel ordered a cheese platter...random, I know...but she is over-due with her 3rd random desires are expected. ;0) But really, the cheese platter was FA.NOM.I.NAL...

My mom ordered the Creme Brulee Croissant Bread Pudding that came with a scoop of Strawberry Shortcake Ice Cream (I was disappointed in the ice cream, but the bread pudding was my favorite thing I ate that night!!!)...

I ordered Rick a Fudge Brownie to-go (I never tried it, but it was so beautiful!)...

And, finally, I ordered the coconut cake :0)...

It was AMAZING! It was delicious! It was light, and moist, and perfectly flavored. HOWEVER, I'm gonna have to give the edge to vacation-coconut-cake. That trip was magical, and I have come to find out (on Thursday) that you can't top magic-cake! :0)
Friday was pretty fun also. We wrapped up our 5th swimming lesson for the week with a Summer BBQ at the rec center.

And then we went to 2-B's house immediately after and we all went swimming together. We had so much fun. Our families blend so well and I am loving this friendship.
But pretty much right when I got home that evening, I noticed that I had a sore throat coming on. And in a matter of hours, it grew to be VERY painful! We put the kids to bed, and Rick and I just chilled out in bed watching old episodes of Little House on DVD. Minus the sore throat, it was a nice end to our busy week.
Saturday was the day I had to admit that I was sick for the first in over a year. This sore throat was a BEAST! After I cleaned the house and went grocery shopping for the week in the morning, I took it easy all day long. I had bought a $5 DVD at Target that morning that had FOUR different chick-flicks on it...I got through 3 of them on Saturday! I even took a nap...I never take naps! I had a long-standing date with Katie that night, and I didn't want to have to bail. Despite being sick, I made it to the 10:25pm showing of Crazy Stupid Love. After that, we were walking to our cars to head home, but it was 12:30, and I wanted to take advantage of the rare opportunity that I didn't need to be home...everyone in my house had bought their ticket to Sleepy Town hours ago, and so I suggested we get coffee. But BJ's was closer. ;0)

We had so much fun. I didn't have anything to eat or throat was still pretty painful. But we did manage to close out the bar just chit-chatting at 2am with my bottle of water and my throat lozenges, HAHAHA!
Sunday was spent lying on the couch again. I did manage to get up and take Wyatt out in our street for 30 minutes for a session of training him how to ride his bike without training wheels, but after that I was spent! I literally had to lie back down on the couch and catch my breath. This sickness has kicked my booty. :0( By the end of the night, I had watched the 4th chick-flick on that DVD from Target, and my sore throat was 97% GONE!...but has progressed into a full-blown head/chest cold. Lame. :0(
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