Lover of Jesus...A Wife...A Mother...A Daughter...A Sister...A Friend...A Runner...A Baker...An Adventurer...yeah, that about sums it up!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Thank the Lord for Red Velvet Cake!

Beatrice and I went to a Mini Mouse Tea Party yesterday, and we had a wonderful time! Parties usually result in me over-indulging on anything delicious (a.k.a "Unhealthy"), but that was not the case yesterday! :0)

I was not perfect, however, there was no gluttony to be had! My biggest weakness in the world is a beautiful cupcake, and luckily when I offered to make some (ADORABLE!) mini (in size and theme, LOL) cupcakes, I was asked to bake red velvet cupcakes! WAHOOO!...I HAAATE Red Velvet cake! And even more so, the butter cream frosting had to be died RED! EVEN WORSE (or better, for me)! I 100% can't stand the taste of red food coloring in baked is very strong (IMO), and it totally ruins the taste for me. I wasn't tempted to do any taste-testing of the batter, frosting, or a finished cupcake! They sure did come out cute my not-so-humble opinion! ;0)


  1. Are you freakin' kidding me with those? They're the cutest things I've ever seen! What are the bows made out of, fondant?
