Lover of Jesus...A Wife...A Mother...A Daughter...A Sister...A Friend...A Runner...A Baker...An Adventurer...yeah, that about sums it up!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Dear Jennifer Hudson (Week 7)

Dear Jennifer Hudson,

What's up girlfriend!?

This past week my family and I ventured to the "Sin City"...Las Vegas. In all truthfulness, I wasn't too sinful during our stay there.

In an effort to be budget conscious, and diet conscious, I had packed our breakfast, our lunch, and our road-trip snacks for the first day of our trip. That worked out really well.

But then, once dinner time came, everyone wanted to eat at a Vegas buffet, and so that is where we dined.

I was NOT perfect. But I could have done SO much worse! I had 2 plates of food (which sounds worse than it was)...I put a little of everything that looked good to me, on my plate...which I know is not smart.

BUT, this is what my plate looked like when I was done with them....

My eyes were bigger than my stomach...and truth be told, the food wasn't even that good...and so after having a single bite of everything, I was completely full.

I'm sure that even with having a single bite of everything, I probably used 100 WW points, lol...but still, in the past, I could have done SO much more damage at an all-you-can-eat-buffet!

The 2nd temptation came at the end of that same night. We were only going to be spending 1 night in Vegas, and since Rick and the kiddos were exhausted by 8pm, and I'm not used to falling asleep until after 10:00pm, I had concocted a plan in my head to go "live it up" ('PG' style) in Vegas after everyone had fallen asleep. But when the time came to make my exit, the whirlwind of Vegas had subsided, and reason began to set in. I knew that if I stayed up...and left the hotel room...2 things would happen:

1. I would spend money.

2. I would consume more calories.

I had no burning desire to do either of those things any longer. So, I was "boring" and joined my family in sleepy slumber.

The final meal we consumed on our trip, was breakfast at Serendipity. I don't think you know this about me, but I am a total sucker for unique restaurants, and impressively plated food! A special dining experience is one of my very favorite things to experience in life. (That MIGHT have something to do with the fact that I'm chubby, lol.) The dining experience at Serendipty was SUPER fun, and they had beautiful and impressive food coming out of their kitchen! They are famous for their Frozen Hot Chocolate, and even though it was breakfast, other customers were partaking in the treat...and we did too!

I had a really hard time deciding what to eat for my actual meal. And not because I was weighing the options of being "good" or "bad" on my diet. I had thrown that debate out of the window when I walked into the restaurant! But even still, there were so many intriguing options! And finally, after consulting with our waitress, I ended up ordering the Banana Cream Waffles!

Sandwiched between (and on top of) 2 waffles, were sliced bananas, and the most DE-licious cream! The taste of the cream resembled that of typical whipped cream, but it was oh so much more than that! The consistency was just slightly softer than a pudding, or something like that. SOOOO good! And you can never go wrong with a touch of chocolate sauce and added berries to your breakfast! I ate WAY too much of it though...I was full long before I finished what I ate. And still, I had almost half of it left to bring back to the hotel for my husband (who got to sleep-in while the kids and I were out for breakfast)....

We got back from Vegas on Friday evening. And as usual, the day after I have eaten poorly, is a real struggle for me to get back on my diet. Something in my brain tells me that I want more, more, more of the sugar, and fat. Again, I wasn't perfect, but I didn't totally abandon my diet either.

But by Sunday, I had my game face on again, and I joined my girlfriend in a challenge she is doing...30 days of no sugar. I most likely will only be joining her for 28 days, as my 10-year-wedding-anniversary-weekend-celebration falls on days 29 and 30 of this challenge, and I don't want to commit to not being able to eat a sugary something that weekend. ;0) But, I figure, even 28 days of no sugar can do this body good. :0)

This morning was my WW meeting, and I was expecting a decent weight gain due to my choices in Vegas. But the gain wasn't so bad. I am only up .4 pounds.

Considering that I had gained a full 4 pounds during my birthday celebration, I feel really good about a ".4" gain this week!

I'm looking forward to making a big (positive) change on the scale this week though!

Your biggest fan,

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