I really liked my 2012 Resolutions! I feel really good about how I carried through with MOST of them!
I can't believe that the kids and I haven't consumed fast food AT ALL in 365 days! I am still passionate about my grievances towards fast food, so while I am NOT making it a resolution to abstain from dive-thru's in 2013, I still have no intention/desire to return there. Although, I think I hear something in the far distance..."McRib, is that you calling my name?????" ;0)
Unfortunately, the organic food thing didn't really stick. It wasn't outrageously expensive, but is was MORE expensive than non-organic. So when unexpected bills come your way, and when you are a young family, it seems like there are always unexpected expenses!!!..."extras", like organic foods, are the first things to be cut out of the budget. Even though I didn't stick with the organic thing, I am totally impressed with the way we shifted our intake of foods. So much of our foods in the past were highly processed. But this year I transformed our diets, and the GREAT MAJORITY of our foods were fresh and natural.
I feel very good about what I accomplished in the fitness arena. With the exception of just a few lame-duck-weeks over the course of 2012, on average, I think I DID exercise the 5 days a week like I had intended to. :0)
My spiritual goals were much like the result of my fitness goals. With the exception of a few lame-duck-days, in general, I was in the Word daily. In addition, 1/4 of the way through the year, we started a family devotional, and that has been such a blessing to our every morning. The ending of my service to MOPS was a great burden lifted. I loved being with the women, but the amount of responsibility was great...too great. In May, it was bitter-sweet to say goodbye to that position, but now that more than 1/2 of a year has passed, I can say in great reflection, that my burden is so much lighter now that that chapter has closed. I welcomed a new position serving as Co-Director of "Sparks" for 2012/2013 at Awana, and I'm prayerful about whether I will continue in this position for the 2013/2014 year. My most rewarding/enjoyable position at church this year has been the one thing I was not anticipating being a part of! I have SOOOOO LOVED being the teacher of the 1 year old class at Sunday School!!! I absolutely adore those not-quite-a-baby-not-quite-a-toddler-munchkins!!! This past year I have struggled in my heart with wanting another baby for our family. This little Sunday School class has been such an aid to me in this arena. Some weeks I walk away from that class saying, "Oooooh, holding those little ones gave me just the baby-fix I needed!!!" ...and other weeks I have walked away from the class saying, "Oh my word, that was ROUGH! Thank you Lord that crying ends (for me) after 90 minutes, and that I don't have to bring any of the criers home with me for a lifetime!"...is that horrible!?! LOL!
So, for 2013....
Physical- I'm going to finish what I started! Through the continued use of Weight Watchers, I am going to reach my goal weight in 2013!
I am closing the chapter on the "Fast Food Ban of 2012" (but again, I STRONGLY PREFER that my family does NOT consume FF in 2013...I'm just not going to have an emotional heart attack if we do)...and for 2013 I am going to introduce a new challenge...just for myself (my family not included):
I will not drink anything but water in 2013.*
*Exceptions: 1. My mom was gifted a bottle of Dom Perignon Champagne early last year...we vowed to open it when we both reached our goal weight. If that should happen in 2013, I will be drinking that champagne. :0) 2. If there is a period of spiritual fasting in 2013, then I WILL be consuming beverages other than water for nutritional purposes.
The purpose of this goal is to weed out additional junk I'm putting in to my system. I NEVER drink milk (or milk alternatives), so I will not be losing nutritional benefits from that aspect. While water is the liquid I consume through most of my day, there is the occasional real soda, diet soda, coffee drink, juice, various alcohol, milk shake, smoothie, diet Powerade, hot chocolate, etc. that are all ridden with sugar, fat, and/or chemicals that I don't need to be putting in to my body. In addition to the physical benefits of abstaining from these beverages, this challenge gives me the opportunity to sharpen my "self control" skills.
Mental- I am going to copy my 2012 resolution of: I will exercise 5 days a week. Yes, this is for my
mental stability…my head-game functions superior when I am consistently
Emotional- My emotional resolutions are directed toward my relationship with my husband. Not to worry, everything is just peachy with us :0)...but with intentional attention, I'd like to take what's great, and make it even better. I have plans and prayers to put my desires into action...but that's all I'm going to say about that. ;0)
Spiritual- I will continue to read my Bible daily. But the new thing I would like to add for 2013 is that I would like to journal on the daily...even if it's just a couple of sentences...reflecting on what I just read, and how I can apply it to my life. I would also like to use this journal to note my prayers, and check them off as they have been answered.
So that's it for me.
I don't think New Years Resolutions are Bible, but I do think they are fun. Whether new beginnings/plans fizzle or stay-put, I am not deterred. I LOVE a fresh start. I love the first day of the new year, the first day of a new month, the first day of a new week, and during my journey through Weight Watchers, I have even grown to embrace the next/new hour in my day (if I have just made a poor eating choice, I don't have to throw everything out the window for the rest of the day, and re-start my diet "tomorrow"...I can begin making better choices "now".)...in a nutshell, living in a world that will always be flawed, and being a person that will always be flawed, just like my hope in the return of Jesus Christ, I LOVE the hope of fresh starts and new beginnings!!!
2012 was INCREDIBLE...I'm SO excited about the prospects for 2013..."HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!"
Elizabeth your resolutions are awesome!! Ok, so I may add the workout 5 days a week to my resolution list!