Lover of Jesus...A Wife...A Mother...A Daughter...A Sister...A Friend...A Runner...A Baker...An Adventurer...yeah, that about sums it up!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

In the Christmas Spirit

This past week the kids and I made up for lost time! We had so many parties and Christmas traditions to attend to!

One tradition I had to cancel in the wake of lice, was my step-mom and I's annual holiday baking date! I haaaaaated to cancel! This is something we have done together, just her and I, since I was really young. But at the first chance of "freedom," I rescheduled our baking date for the following night...some traditions must NEVER be broken!

We got busy in the kitchen...

...making all kinds of yummy treats!!!...

Fortunately we had some "Q.C.S.'s" (Quality Control Specialists) on hand, dad & Beatrice...

Next on our calendar was doing some cookie decorating and Christmas crafting at 2-B's house...

2-B's baby continues to steal my heart!!!...

The next day we were occupied in our own kitchen making lots of cookies for our mommy-and-me-group cookie exchange!...

And then we got to actually go to the cookie exchange...

We all had fun in the Christmas-Photo-Booth...

This is my husband's favorite party of the year...because he gets all of these, lol!...

Next on our list was my annual trip to The Nutcracker with my stepmom and sister Jenni! SO.MUCH.FUN!!!

First there was dinner...

And then off to the show!!! :0)...

And finally, our week ended at church, where we got to see the final performance in a 4-part/week mini-series...part TV-series...part Broadway musical...(it was an AMAZING month at church!!!)...and we got to see the beautiful mini village all set up in the church atrium for this weekend only...

It has been so much fun celebrating the birth of Jesus all week long...and we are all very excited for the 2-day "finale" starting tomorrow...Christmas Eve...and Christmas Day!!!

That's the down-low on our up-and-up...until next week! :0)

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