Dear Jennifer Hudson,
Sorry it has been so long since I wrote you last...I have been busy...eating. In my previous note to you, I was able to share the good news of my 50 pound loss (well, 52 to be exact, lol) achievement on the scale. Unfortunately, for the most part, I have been moving the scale in the opposite direction ever since.
In these past 2 weeks I took a road trip with family to Las Vegas...
...where an insane amount of eating was had...
...We celebrated the 30th Wedding Anniversary of dear friends...
...where a lot of eating was had...
...I consumed far too many calories...and servings...of our traditional English meal in celebration of the London 2012 games ...
...and in between all of the events mentioned above, I was suffering from the desperate cravings of PMS, and a huge case of "the lazy's!!!"
I had lost a few more pounds before going to Vegas, but on that 2 day excursion of all things "sitting"...and most things "eating"...I recorded a 6 pound GAIN on the scale at my WW meeting that week.
I talked myself off of the ledge (I'm being dramatic here), telling myself that I could easily lose those 6 pounds in this upcoming week, and that I would NEVER record another gain on the scale while trying to reach my goal weight!!!
That motivational pep-talk didn't last long. As I mentioned in my letter above, I continued "Operation: Sabotage" for yet another week.
Yesterday, Monday morning, when I stepped on my home scale, I was totally defeated. And in the midst of my mini-pity-party I came to the resolution that I had 2 choices...1. I could give up all together. (That sounded awful and wonderful all at the same time)...or, 2. I could pick up the pieces and move on. (That too sounded awful and wonderful all at the same time).
I eventually decided on option #2.
On Monday, I killed it at Spin class in the morning...and although I wasn't perfect on my eating, I was 90% great in that area! I was suffering from headaches from the lack of massive junk food that my body had grown accustomed too, and it took everything I had to muster up the energy to go for my evening run with Beatrice. But I DID decide to do it!
Except, when I pulled the jogging stroller out of my van, it was obvious that one of the tires was completely flat! :0(
I was bummed and relieved all at the same time, LOL! This was just the excuse I needed to get out of the run!
But oh daughter was NOT letting me out of this! "Let's take the umbrella stroller Mom."..."No, hunny, that won't work for a run."..."(Starts crying) Then I will run with you mom, I can keep up."..."No, hunny, you can't keep up with mommy." (Although, truth be told, in my current state, I may not have been able to keep up with her, LOL!)
But as I was putting the jogging stroller back in my van, my daughter's dedication to this run was contagious. It was, "Go Umbrella Stroller," or "Go Home!"...literally.
I chose to make the run happen with the dinky-doop-de-doo stroller.
It wasn't pretty, and after not running at all for almost 10 days, I was done after just one of my 3 mile loops. It was disappointing compared to what I am used to accomplishing on a run, but there was a part of me that WAS proud that I rose above the initial challenge of this run, and that I did at least do some running!
My efforts on Monday made a slight dent in the current week's gain, but not too much...I knew that if I went to my WW meeting, I was going to record yet another big gain on the scale. Just like in the previous week, and EVERY week in the past when I have gained weight, I DO NOT WANT TO GO TO MY WW MEETING!!!
But being good on my diet for 1 day (Monday) after several days of NOT being on my diet, I knew that I wasn't strong enough on my own to go the distance. I needed to be held accountable. I needed the support of my meeting.
So I went.
And I recorded a 5.2 pound gain.
But I am SO glad I went to the turns out that they DON'T burn you at the stake when you have massive gains on back-to-back weeks! ;0)
So here I sit writing to you (after doing an Insanity workout) humbled, and yet hopeful about this upcoming week.
I hope that I will stop consuming calories like an Olympian, that I can get back in "the zone" quickly, and that I will find my weight loss stride again.
Thanks for always listening J Hud!
Your Biggest Fan,

Lover of Jesus...A Wife...A Mother...A Daughter...A Sister...A Friend...A Runner...A Baker...An Adventurer...yeah, that about sums it up!
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Whew!...These past 2 weeks have gone by so quickly since our wonderful guest left our home! We have been goin', goin', goin' non-stop since she left.
We spent some time at our pool...enjoying a picnic, when...
...a new-winged-friend decided to join us...
...everyone wants to sit on mamas lap...sigh...
And did you notice Bea's bathing suit!?!? Why wear one suit when you can wear two!? the same time! LOL! My girl's sense of style never ceases to amaze me!!!
Eventually we got in the pool...
And on a different day, we had a play date at 2-B's pool with her kiddos! While the girls were casually gettin' their swim on...
...the boys were competing in an intense "SPLASH!" competition...scoring from the moms was a necessity!...
The kid's Halloween costumes already arrived in our home...but I haven't been able to give Wyatt the good news! Every time I try to find my son to give him his costume, he is nowhere to be found!...
Spiderman has replaced Wyatt MANY times this week...around the house, out running errands (oh the looks we get!), and even at night in his bed...
Some might say, "He's a bit obsessed."...but I say, "Who doesn't like having a super hero at your ready...all day...and all night!?!?" :0)
One of the MOST exciting occasions we've celebrated in a long time is the 30th wedding anniversary of our dear former Youth Pastors...Myke and Pam!!!...what an achievement!!!!...what a beautiful example they have set!!!
We were invited to share in their excitement at Corvette Diner! (A family member of theirs that couldn't make it to the party surprised them by calling the restaurant and ordering them 30 balloons, 30 onion rings, 30 fried pickles, and 30 potato skins...we were ALL excited about THAT kind of surprise!)...
We got to hangout with some of our favorite people...
New memories were made...
...while some old traditions were upheld...
We had an AMAZING time!!!
In other happenings, we had the "Hat Crew!" visit our home...thank you Wyatt for making an extra hat for Bea!...
...and we had the start of the 2012 London Olympics!!!! I am a HUGE fan of the Olympics...H-U-G-E...HUGE! 2 years ago with the Vancouver Winter games, I started a new tradition in our home of making a traditional meal native to the hosting country of the Olympic games on the night of the opening ceremonies...I remember LOVING the gravy cheese-curd fries (mmmmmm!!!!) I made for an appetizer 2 years ago, but this year, we did things English Pub style! For the last month I thought I was going to prepare Fish & Chips for dinner and an English Custard Trifle for dessert, but after watching an episode of Paula Deen's cooking show where she cooked a complete English meal after returning from London, I was hooked! I was toooootally going to make everything she did!
And sooooo...we enjoyed the BEST Shepherds Pie EVER!!!! Complete with sour cream mashed potatoes on the bottom, and a DELICIOUS buttery biscuit on top!...
...and then I made some incredible homemade loaves of bread (because mashed potatoes, and biscuits just don't carry enough Carbs on their own, LOL!)...
...and finally, for dessert, I made a Banoffee Pie!!!...This dish entails a homemade graham cracker crust, a soft creamy toffee, sliced bananas, and a TON of vanilla whipped cream!!!...
All of the food was AMAZING!!!...and we LOVED watching the opening ceremonies together! Let the games begin!...GO TEAM USA!!!! :0)
On the first prime time night of actual competition, Wyatt and I got to sneak over to my sister's house and watch a couple of the heats with them!
This week, something came over me, and I got motivated and inspired to get all of our school stuff organized for this upcoming year. I had an epiphany mid-week of new house rules, new ways to store/display our work, and new schedules...I almost immediately put my thoughts into action. I transformed our buffet hutch into the schooling/activity zone...
...aaaaand, we are introducing chore charts for the first time this year. I just hope this ordinary way of keeping track of their daily tasks, doesn't kill their current desire to be exceptionally helpful without request.
FIIIIIIINALLY, this week brought closure to Wyatt's 11 months of Hip Hop class with 4 recitals over the span of 3 days (that is, if you count the full dress rehearsal on Friday night)! What a BUSY 3 days we just endured! There are over 45 different acts, lasting about 3 hours for each recital. In the past I was the chaperon in the little girls dressing room (hangin' with my Bea for her performance), but this year, since she wasn't performing, I chose to be the chaperon in the boys/Wyatt's room. What a difference between the 2 rooms! The girls room was always LOUD, and colorful!!! And the boys room was shockingly CALM!!! It was just too funny to watch approx. 40 boys at any given time huddled in small groups around small electronic devices. It seemed that each child had their own Nintendo DS, iPad, iPod, or iWhatever, and yet they got so much pleasure from not only playing the games themselves, but also watching (and coaching, lol) each other play!
But on 4 different occasions, it was time for Wyatt (and his class) to shine! Here they are waiting to go on stage...
Please bare with me, but here about 100 pictures (not really, lol) of my HIP HOP STAR in action!!! :0)))
What fun that was!!!!
But did I mention what an eventful, busy, LONG 3 days we had!?!? It all eventually caught up with the us, and we left the performing arts center today with both of our kids in tears...some of us were sad about the recital being over, and that some of our friends will move on to other classes...
...some of us were DESTROYED over not having "icy cold" water...
...but hands down, they were BOTH irritated that I was taking pictures of them crying! HAHAHAHA! Sometimes you just have to capture the ridiculousness that ensues out of absolute exhaustion!...not that their feelings weren't valid...oh no, I'm NOT discounting the total importance of "ICY COLD" water!!!
Soooo, with this recital comes a 1 month break from all things extra-curricular. We are free from piano lessons, dance class, and Awana until September!!!
There's only one way to that our house is ready for it...let's start school tomorrow!!!!
HAHAHAHA!...but actually, I'm serious, lol!
We spent some time at our pool...enjoying a picnic, when...
...a new-winged-friend decided to join us...
...everyone wants to sit on mamas lap...sigh...
And did you notice Bea's bathing suit!?!? Why wear one suit when you can wear two!? the same time! LOL! My girl's sense of style never ceases to amaze me!!!
Eventually we got in the pool...
And on a different day, we had a play date at 2-B's pool with her kiddos! While the girls were casually gettin' their swim on...
...the boys were competing in an intense "SPLASH!" competition...scoring from the moms was a necessity!...
The kid's Halloween costumes already arrived in our home...but I haven't been able to give Wyatt the good news! Every time I try to find my son to give him his costume, he is nowhere to be found!...
Spiderman has replaced Wyatt MANY times this week...around the house, out running errands (oh the looks we get!), and even at night in his bed...
Some might say, "He's a bit obsessed."...but I say, "Who doesn't like having a super hero at your ready...all day...and all night!?!?" :0)
One of the MOST exciting occasions we've celebrated in a long time is the 30th wedding anniversary of our dear former Youth Pastors...Myke and Pam!!!...what an achievement!!!!...what a beautiful example they have set!!!
We were invited to share in their excitement at Corvette Diner! (A family member of theirs that couldn't make it to the party surprised them by calling the restaurant and ordering them 30 balloons, 30 onion rings, 30 fried pickles, and 30 potato skins...we were ALL excited about THAT kind of surprise!)...
We got to hangout with some of our favorite people...
New memories were made...
...while some old traditions were upheld...
We had an AMAZING time!!!
In other happenings, we had the "Hat Crew!" visit our home...thank you Wyatt for making an extra hat for Bea!...
...and we had the start of the 2012 London Olympics!!!! I am a HUGE fan of the Olympics...H-U-G-E...HUGE! 2 years ago with the Vancouver Winter games, I started a new tradition in our home of making a traditional meal native to the hosting country of the Olympic games on the night of the opening ceremonies...I remember LOVING the gravy cheese-curd fries (mmmmmm!!!!) I made for an appetizer 2 years ago, but this year, we did things English Pub style! For the last month I thought I was going to prepare Fish & Chips for dinner and an English Custard Trifle for dessert, but after watching an episode of Paula Deen's cooking show where she cooked a complete English meal after returning from London, I was hooked! I was toooootally going to make everything she did!
And sooooo...we enjoyed the BEST Shepherds Pie EVER!!!! Complete with sour cream mashed potatoes on the bottom, and a DELICIOUS buttery biscuit on top!...
...and then I made some incredible homemade loaves of bread (because mashed potatoes, and biscuits just don't carry enough Carbs on their own, LOL!)...
...and finally, for dessert, I made a Banoffee Pie!!!...This dish entails a homemade graham cracker crust, a soft creamy toffee, sliced bananas, and a TON of vanilla whipped cream!!!...
All of the food was AMAZING!!!...and we LOVED watching the opening ceremonies together! Let the games begin!...GO TEAM USA!!!! :0)
On the first prime time night of actual competition, Wyatt and I got to sneak over to my sister's house and watch a couple of the heats with them!
This week, something came over me, and I got motivated and inspired to get all of our school stuff organized for this upcoming year. I had an epiphany mid-week of new house rules, new ways to store/display our work, and new schedules...I almost immediately put my thoughts into action. I transformed our buffet hutch into the schooling/activity zone...
...aaaaand, we are introducing chore charts for the first time this year. I just hope this ordinary way of keeping track of their daily tasks, doesn't kill their current desire to be exceptionally helpful without request.
FIIIIIIINALLY, this week brought closure to Wyatt's 11 months of Hip Hop class with 4 recitals over the span of 3 days (that is, if you count the full dress rehearsal on Friday night)! What a BUSY 3 days we just endured! There are over 45 different acts, lasting about 3 hours for each recital. In the past I was the chaperon in the little girls dressing room (hangin' with my Bea for her performance), but this year, since she wasn't performing, I chose to be the chaperon in the boys/Wyatt's room. What a difference between the 2 rooms! The girls room was always LOUD, and colorful!!! And the boys room was shockingly CALM!!! It was just too funny to watch approx. 40 boys at any given time huddled in small groups around small electronic devices. It seemed that each child had their own Nintendo DS, iPad, iPod, or iWhatever, and yet they got so much pleasure from not only playing the games themselves, but also watching (and coaching, lol) each other play!
But on 4 different occasions, it was time for Wyatt (and his class) to shine! Here they are waiting to go on stage...
Please bare with me, but here about 100 pictures (not really, lol) of my HIP HOP STAR in action!!! :0)))
What fun that was!!!!
But did I mention what an eventful, busy, LONG 3 days we had!?!? It all eventually caught up with the us, and we left the performing arts center today with both of our kids in tears...some of us were sad about the recital being over, and that some of our friends will move on to other classes...
...some of us were DESTROYED over not having "icy cold" water...
...but hands down, they were BOTH irritated that I was taking pictures of them crying! HAHAHAHA! Sometimes you just have to capture the ridiculousness that ensues out of absolute exhaustion!...not that their feelings weren't valid...oh no, I'm NOT discounting the total importance of "ICY COLD" water!!!
Soooo, with this recital comes a 1 month break from all things extra-curricular. We are free from piano lessons, dance class, and Awana until September!!!
There's only one way to that our house is ready for it...let's start school tomorrow!!!!
HAHAHAHA!...but actually, I'm serious, lol!
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