Within a few days I had gotten my "clearance" to go to the party, and I was on Cloud 9! Like Kim (becuase I know her so well, LOL) I love a good party! Jenni's in-laws have a BEAUTIFUL home, and they know how to have a good time!
Within a few days, I was doubting my ability to be Kim K., and instead I switched my costume to "Snookie" from Jersey Shore (never seen it, but if a girl that never has time to listen to the radio, and only has basic cable has heard of "Snookie", I was certain that the other party guests would recognize the costume.)
I later found out that another (important) guest was going to be Snookie, and even I assumed that 1 Snookie at a party was 1 too many! ;0) Snookie was out, and Kim Kardashian was back as the front runner!
I had been working hard in the gym, and had been dedicated to my diet in the weeks leading up to this party. However, in the most previous week, I had not been so strict on my diet. I had enjoyed my final Meatball Pepperoni Sub at Subway before it left the $5 Dollar menu come April, and I had indulged in a large piece of my mom's German Chocolate Cake with the Coconut frosting 100% from scratch...best dessert you have EVER tasted! I was feeling like Kim Kardashian was fleeing from my veins and Ricky Lake was knocking on my door! :0/
But even with all of my eating, my weight gain wasn't too detrimental, and I stayed true to Kim Kardashian!
I had so much fun playing the part. I talked trash about my ex-boyfriend "Jerry Busch" (sorry I forgot your name "Reggie Busch"!), I loved owning my own clothing store "Dash" for the night, and it was fun explaining why my sisters Kourtney & Kloe couldn't be with me that night. ;0) My sister Jenni, and my brother-in-law (shout out to Desmon!) picked me up for the party (Kim prefers to be chauffeured, LOL!), and when we arrived, I got to walk a red carpet with my peeps and have our picture taken by the "TMZ Paparazzi" out in front of the party house. We didn't take any photos of our own during that moment (becuase we are dumb???), but here are some pictures of Kim getting her party on with her close friends (ahem, relatives) Lady Gaga, and Superbowl Champ Aaron Rodgers!
This isn't the best picture of Kim, but Lady Gaga was FUN-NY on the dance floor, and it's just too good not to post!
We had a wonderful evening getting our dance on with a cool DJ, and enjoying AMAZING eats! They had tray passed horse-devours, and then we were served Paella (a Spanish dish) that was cooked right in front of us, with a delicious salad, and bread.
For dessert, the birthday girl (a.k.a. Katie Perry) cut into "The Motherload" cake from Claim Jumper. I have always wanted to try this rich chocolaty cake, and it was IN.CRED.IBLE!

Here are some more/better pictures of Lady Gaga and her "Poker Face" (she cracks me up!)...

And Kim Kardashian being escorted home after a fun night...
SO glad I wasn't too bashful to invite myself! :0)
You look stunning in that dress!!! It's too bad it's gonna be too big for you to wear again very soon!!!!