I joined the wave of friends and family losing weight at the end of October. People have been doing it for decades but for me, this is a NEW experience! I'm 31 years old and have still been carrying the weight of my 3 pregnancies...dating back a whole 7 1/2 years ago! I never lost the weight before the next pregnancy so it was weight piling up and piling up (to be exact...piling up on my butt, boobs, hips, arms, face...OK, easier yet...where ever fat cells live! lol). After our youngest Nathan (who is now 4 1/2 yrs), was born with heart and liver failure at birth and spent the first 5 weeks in the NICU and then in and out of the hospital up until age 2, I turned to food for comfort like I had never done before. By then for sure it was truly a habit and my body craved the sugar, caffeine, carbs, salt, etc. I was officially an addict of junk food! Nathan has done a remarkable job in the last 18 months and for the 1st time in the last 6 years (because again, I was prego so I was eating for two during those 6 years...but I think more like eating for 5 at a time! lol), I feel like I can let down some of my guards, I am NOT having anymore babies ;0) and I can actually squeeze in some time for myself. Ideally, that "me time" would be spent getting a mani/pedi, getting my hair did or getting a full body massage...BUT NOPE, my reality of "me time" is at the YMCA where childcare is included in my membership price. Hahahaha...
At first it was my mentality starting to change. Logically, I knew that if I wanted a good quality of life when my grandkids are born one day, then I couldn't keep going down my destructive path of eating like a mad woman. In 1 week I had seen 3 VERY obese people in electric wheelchairs and who knows why they were initially in need of those chairs but I kept picturing myself in one of those chairs in 10-15 yrs (at most) because I was so large that I couldn't comfortably walk. I didn't and don't want that lifestyle for myself or my family. My oh so loving and kind Uncle Marc passed away in Sept 2010. He died from cancer...this particular cancer that could have been prevented had he never been a smoker (I am in no way trying to be insensitive, it's just a fact). More and more real life situations were happening all around me (some were of my own) that had a background of people (and me) getting to a point (good or bad) of rewards or consequences based on their choices in life. I have/had let Nathan's health and delays dictate my moods and self medicate with food. After a couple of months of brewing on the idea of making a lifestyle change, I did it. I ACTUALLY DID IT!!! I realized I wasn't helping Nathan in any way, shape or form by eating that way. I realized that my guilt of thinking that if I only focus on Nathan (all my kids really) and not at all on myself, then I was being a "good" and "loving" mommy because I was putting them first. My problem and crazy mentality was, I was doing the opposite! They are young so they DO come first in MANY components of my day BUT not to the point of sacrificing my health.
Since October 2010 I have lost 23 lbs, and have gone down 2 pants sizes. I follow (not strictly) the Weight Watchers program, work out 3-4 times a week and follow my best tip...not eating past 7 p.m. (but try not to eat past 6 p.m. since I go to bed earlier lately). Even on my best days/week I lose weight S-U-P-E-R slow but my body is also forgiving if I have a bbq pulled pork sandwich and fries at Chili's the night before. ;0) I enjoy good food so I am learning moderation and not depriving myself of the "extras" that I do want to enjoy...just not at every meal or between meals for that matter.
I must humbly say that I have a LOOOOOONG road of weight loss ahead of me...but seriously, it's just 1 day at a time. I have to put blinders on and remind myself that this is my journey and do not get discouraged (easier said than done!) by the speedier (is that even a word?! lol) weight loss of others around me.
-Anna (the FAVORITE sister of Elizabeth)
P.S. These are my favorite 100 Calorie Snacks...

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