Lover of Jesus...A Wife...A Mother...A Daughter...A Sister...A Friend...A Runner...A Baker...An Adventurer...yeah, that about sums it up!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Life is Good

Monday: I was perfect on my diet. Although, who doesn't survive day one!?'s every day after day one that the diet seems lame. I rocked "Pump It!" and a 3 mile run in the morning, and then did an hour of circuits in the afternoon when Wyatt was at "Kid Fit".

Tuesday: I survived the diet. I worked (at my paid job, lol) in the morning, so no workout for me then. And then in the evening, when I was about ready to leave for the gym to do my 4 mile run (and then an hour of Zumba), I looked at my calendar and realized that the distance of the run had increased yet again...I needed to run 5 miles before Zumba! :0( I remember early-on in my marathon training, that my girlfriend would want me to meet her at Zumba...and I would always tell her, that if it was a long run day (anything over 2 miles at that point) I wouldn't be able to go with her. But a lot has changed in 4 months...both in ability, and in confidence. I had successfully completed Zumba the 2 previous weeks, having just ran 4 miles, and so when I saw the 5 mile requirement, I cringed, but then said, "OK, lets do this!" My 5 mile run went great, but I was pretty spent afterward. When the Zumba music started, I was SO NOT feeling it. But I told myself that I couldn't leave during the first song. And then when the first song was over, I remembered how much I LOVED the second song. When the 3rd song came, I was BEAT, but I told myself to stay for just one more song. I told myself "to stay for just one more song" for the next 25 minutes! I was struggling. And then...the music DIED! There was technical difficulties with the stereo equipment, and while we stood there for about 30 seconds while the instructor fussed with the system, I decided that this was an answer to prayer, and I bailed! As I was leaving the gym, I could hear the music blaring again, and I just smiled. God is good to save me from myself. No more Zumba on Tuesday nights. :0(

Wednesday: I managed to stay on my diet...3 days straight baby! We had our MOPS leadership meeting that morning, so luckily I wasn't faced with our typical MOPS Breakfast Buffet...however, at our leadership meetings, there always seems to be a little something to snack on. Its been 5 days, and I can still remember the beautiful slices of Strawberry Shortcake Loaf Cake that I did not touch...but could smell...but again, did not touch. Wednesdays are my rest days from the run, but before our night at Awana, I squeezed in an hour of cardio at the gym.

Thursday: I survived the diet for a 4th straight day! I even had a sugar cookie order due, and I didn't touch any part of it...the dough...extra cookies...the frosting...ZERO! :0) I didn't have time to workout in the morning, but in the evening, I did my 3 mile run, and then had a great Zumba workout right after that. Here are the cookies I worked on...

Idea for Father's Day???...

Friday: When I weighed myself on Friday morning, I had lost a total of 8.5 pounds since Monday's weigh-in...pretty exciting! Too bad I wasn't perfect on my diet this day. :0( I was great ALL DAY until dinner. I did crazy-Friday-Bootcamp-Style-"Pump It!", and a half hour of cardio in the morning. But this was the day of the Brumbaugh-Edwards Sleepover Swap! After I had picked up Zachary from Escondido in the late afternoon/early evening, traffic was a nightmare on the I-15. We had to pull off the road for a toddler potty stop at Jack in the Box, and the kids asked if they could eat dinner there too. Eh, why not? I completely forgot that I wasn't supposed to eat fast food (HONESTLY!), and I ate dinner with the kids. HOWEVER, I was still calorie conscious, and I ordered this snack wrap thing that was INCREDIBLE for like 300 calories. After I took 2 bites, I remembered that I wasn't supposed to be eating fast food...AT ALL! :0( The right thing to do would have been to stop eating it. But I didn't. I finished my food...and the remaining fries that the kids didn't eat. I suck. And then, when we fiiiiiiinally got home, after a couple of hours, my mom came over for a visit and she suggested we take the little ones out for ice cream! I had a sundae. I told you...I suck.

Saturday: I was SOOOO excited for Saturday! This was the day of our big run! Jenni drove down to my house at 7:45am...she took Zacky with her, and I got my Wyatt back. :0) Even though we were no longer together, Jenni & I had the same mission...10 Miles baby!!! Instead of running on the treadmill this week, the weather had been GORGEOUS, and I decided to do the loop around my house. It's a 3 mile I did it 3 times, and then did the smaller 1 mile loop around our neighborhood also. I felt AMAZINGLY STRONG! I ran the ENTIRE 10 miles non-stop...steep hills and all! It took me exactly 1 hour and 45 minutes, and I spent that 1 hour and 45 minutes rocking out to Taylor Swift, and praying 2 continuous prayers...1. "Lord, PLEASE help me do this!"...2. "Lord, you are an AWESOME God! I'm doing this!!!" I was a bit sore after the run, BUT this 10 miles gave me the confidence I needed for the upcoming 1/2 Marathon in less than a week! I am stoked!

Here is a goofy picture Jenni took of me before the run...

One of my favorite parts about these long runs....CARB LOADING! When the runs get even longer, we will need to carb-load for days in advance. But on Saturday morning, I enjoyed a big bowl of Frosted Flakes...DE-LISH! After the run, I continued my carbohydrate in-take by eating a savory sub sandwich at Subway...the Pepperoni Meatball Sub...amazing!

Sunday: I wasn't as sore as I fact, barely at all. Unfortunately, I wasn't good on my diet on this day either. :0( After church I continued my carb loading (obviously it was no longer necessary, LOL!) and I made our family a delicious chocolate chip pancake breakfast with eggs and sausage too! After eating, I spent most of the day doing my next favorite thing...SHOPPING! I cashed in on a $50 "Groupon" I had to a running store in La Mesa, and then I did some online shopping at Road Runner turns out that I couldn't pay for my items online becuase about half of my funds were via gift cards from my birthday...but that made today (Monday) fun too...I got to pick-up and try on all of my new purchases in the store! My purchase included 2 heavy duty sports bras, 4 pairs of special running socks, 1 pair of special running underwear (let the jokes begin...but seriously, for $20 these babies better do amazing things!), a pair of running pants (SOOOOO excited about these!!! They look and feel incredible!), 2 running tank-tops, 1 running T-shirt, a stick of "Body Glide", 5 packs of GU (it's glucose gel/jelly that you consume during your long gives you energy and repairs the glucose that is depleted from your muscles during the long runs...I will need to purchase more, but I wanted to try these flavors before I bought the GU in bulk. Regardless, I have been told they are nasty, but necessary), and FINALLY, I purchased my final pair of running shoes for this journey (I don't need them yet, but they were on sale, so I picked them up now)! I can't believe the marathon is literally 3 months away!!!

After all is said and done...I am down 2 pounds for the week. Not terrible, but it could have been SO.MUCH.MORE.