TUESDAY: I was supposed to run 6 miles on this day, but instead I abandoned the things I was "supposed" to do, and instead I ate another meatball pepperoni sub from Subway (I will be SO happy when that sandwich is no longer the featured $5 footlong come April!), and didn't do any exercise...at all. Yeah, I gained weight that day, LOL!
WEDNESDAY: Wednesdays are usually my rest days from the run, but I had to get back in action, and hit the pavement. I had to complete Tuesday's 6 mile run...and I did. I knocked that out around my neighborhood. I go in phases, and in my current phase, I am loving everything about running outside. I'm a bit bored by running on the treadmill (even though I still have to do it for childcare purposes occasionally). But when I run outside, I can feel the sun shining on my skin, I have my music going, and I don't have a TV screen 12 inches from my face (like I do on the treadmill) distracting me from my thoughts. I think about everything on my run...EV.RY.THING. Old friends, new friends, my kids, my marriage, my walk with the Lord, my ministry at MOPS, plans for the day, plans for the week, etc. It is such a sweet moment of personal time...and with a busy life like mine (and so many other moms I know) I treasure these opportunities when I can be alone...with my thoughts. So I did the 6 miles in the morning, I was great on my eating all day, and then I did an hour of cardio at the gym in the evening before Awana.
THURSDAY: Again, we had plans in the morning, so I wasn't able to get my run in in the morning. And for whatever reason, I was off my game in the evening too. I did NOT want to go to the gym at night either. However...I did. I did my 3 mile run, then an additional 20 minutes of cardio on the treadmill, and then an hour of Zumba. I don't know what my issue was, but everything about that workout was a struggle. I wanted to bail after every single song in Zumba, but I didn't. Shout out to Katie who had to tolerate my 60 minute-texting-whine-fest during that class, LOL! But I will say, as usual, as soon as I was finished, I was glad that I stuck it out.
FRIDAY: Once again, it was a morning filled with errands, so no early work out for me. Instead, I needed to focus my efforts on not eating food with the kids from the Costco food court! I packed myself a separate lunch, and indeed I was successful! I was great on my eating all day, and then I worked out at the gym at night...an hour of cardio, 30 minutes of circuits, and then 20 minutes on the rowing machine. I haven't done the rowing machine in YEARS, but I rediscovered my love for it, and I hope to make time for more of that in the future. Friday also was the day that I started my quest to find my costume for a "Hollywood" themed costume party. My sister Jenni's mother-in-law is turning 50 and her and her husband are throwing this amazing party...at least it seems AMAZING to me...that's why I worked so hard to get myself invited! Initially I wanted to be Marilyn Monroe, but then I thought the birthday girl was going to be Marilyn, so that was out. And even though I have never seen an episode of Jersey Shore, I thought I could pull off a "Snookie" costume...I bought a dress, and accessories, and my sister Jenni was going to be "J-WOW"...but then we found out that Jenni's Sister-in-law is going to be Snookie, so I don't want to be a duplicate...especially since I wasn't an A-list invitee, LOL! Soooo...I'm now going to be Kim Kardashian!!! We're like twins, right!?

Yeah, I have a lot of weight to lose in MOST areas, and a few pounds to gain in "other areas" before April 2nd, LOL!!!
SATURDAY: The week's long run! We had a 12 mile run, and again I did that around my neighborhood. We have 2 different 3 mile loops around our house, and so I did the first loop, and then the other loop, and then first loop again, and then finished with the other loop. I love seeing my neighbors out and about when I'm running, and it's nice to wave to the occasional stranger as well. On my first loop, I passed by this older gentleman, and he seemed so thrilled for me...he gave me a "thumbs-up" AND a "good job!" He was so sweet. But then, as I was completing my 2nd loop, I saw him again. I got all excited, and thought, "Hmmm...I bet he is REALLY going to be proud of me now!" And as I approached him, he started waving me down to stop...and so I did.
Old Man: Miss, you are doing too much. You will get there (where is there?) eventually. Take it slow.
Me: Oh. (Totally disappointed.) Well, I'm training for a marathon.
Old Man: (paused in thought) Well then hunny, you better get going! Don't stop to talk to old men like me!
I finished the 12 miles in exactly 2 hours and 10 minutes. And even more importantly, I felt fantastic afterward! ZERO soreness during or after the run. Last week's half marathon did wonderful things for me physically and mentally! Because I ran 13.1 miles the week before, I knew what I was capable of...12 miles was completely doable. :0) Unfortunately, my long runs usually don't equal max weight loss. I am STARVING pretty much all day after a long run...and for the most part I feed that hunger....and not with the healthiest of things. I've been known to power down a meal at T.G.I.Fridays (last week), a Meatball Pepperoni Sub from Subway (the week before that), and this week...Rice Krispie Treats! I haven't made Rice Krispie Treats in over 10 years...and seriously, they are so under-rated! Those delicious little treats are addictive!...I ate 500 calories worth!

SUNDAY: We had an amazing sermon at church about how its important spiritually to be physically fit...and then we headed to the gym. :0) Other than that, I took a nice long nap with my Beatle, and was great on my diet all day.
Nothing earth shaking happened on the scale (although I suppose that's a good thing when it comes to weight), but I am down a total of 3 more pounds for the week. :0)
Oh, and I just got my "official" post-race photo in the mail this week...

Good times. :0)
I love the little old man!!!!! The picture from the race is great! You have changed so much!!! So many more successes going on then backslides!
ReplyDeleteHAHA...love the old man. How cool that God put him in your path to give us all a chuckle.
ReplyDeleteEvery time I read your blog, I am like WOW! You and Katie are like SUPER BIONIC WOMEN!
So proud of you! And, don't stop to talk to old men!