Lover of Jesus...A Wife...A Mother...A Daughter...A Sister...A Friend...A Runner...A Baker...An Adventurer...yeah, that about sums it up!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Gettin' Our Celebration On!

Most of our week seemed to focus on Parks, Parties, and Pies.

In "Parks", we ventured to the park in our complex where Wyatt continued to conquer his trees...

We were bee watching...

And then we were watching our Bea collect flowers...

This week, we also went to a park with our MOPS friends...

In "Pies", Wyatt had worked so hard at memorizing Bible verses in Awana, that he earned the prize (along with about 50 other children), to "Cream the Commander". The kids got to throw pies at our Awana Commander...all in good fun! :0)

In "Parties", Wyatt accomplished 10 perfect scores on his spelling tests so far this school year, and so he earned a trip to Chuck E Cheese!

And this week, I got to celebrate my birthday at not ONE, not TWO, but THREE blessed am I!? The answer is: VERY BLESSED! :0)

First I celebrated with the "Birthday Crew"...

Where the kids were quite taken with the creature in the cage...

And on another day, we ventured to my Sister-Bestie's (a.k.a. Bester's...a.k.a. Sistie's) house for cake...

And, finally, we celebrated for the last time with the whole family at my Dad and Stepmom's house...

Their house is a LOT of fun!!!...

And when you have a party with a bunch of people who love dessert... are bound to find one person that dips... person who stuffs...

...and, one person who wears their dessert!...

In school this week, Beatrice learned about the letter "T"...

And so both kiddos got to make turtles...

In other happenings this week...

Beatrice looked especially pretty for church...

...and after a 7 year fireplace-drought, daddy finally agreed that the kids were old enough to handle a fire inside the house...SCORE! Perfect on our first real wintery-drizzly-day in sunny San Diego!

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