Lover of Jesus...A Wife...A Mother...A Daughter...A Sister...A Friend...A Runner...A Baker...An Adventurer...yeah, that about sums it up!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Just the (un)usual

Most of our week was fairly "usual".

There was school of course...and LOTS of piano...and dancing...

...and drumming (with new custom drumsticks for my biggest fan of Hello Kitty)...

There were multiple days spent with our cousins. Playing "Doctor" was a necessity when the littlest one "broke all of her toes"...

We had our weekly swim-play-date with 2-B and her littles, and believe it or not, I even gave up holding her new baby long enough to take a few pictures! (Okay, okay, it wasn't by choice..."Boooooooo to babies that need to eat, LOL!)...

We went to church as usual...

And we ventured to the beach this week, which seemed fairly usual :0)...

The *un*usual began with our usual night at Awana...only on this night of Awana, it was "Crazy Hair Night!" In our home, it seemed more to be "The battle of BAD wigs!"...

(Get ready for 3 different emotions in 3 seconds...Girls...sigh....)

Continuing our trip down "Unusual Lane" we had a spontaneous breakfast date with Grammy Pammy!...At "Snooze!"...the restaurant that replaced Corvette Diner in Hillcrest!...

And finally, the most unusual thing happened this week! My little family had the honor of hosting the rest of our family in our home at Family Dinner Night this weekend...

Based on a few of their faces, the conversation looks quite intense! Intense enough for a grandmother to want to suffocate her own granddaughter (only teasing of course...but it looks like it, LOL!)

For a special night like this, the parents voted that the boys could bring the mini-TV into Wyatt's room for a home-theater-showing-of-Ninjago...Boys...sigh...

So that was our was super fun! usual! :0)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Dear Jennifer Hudson (week 39)

Dear Jennifer Hudson,

Can you believe it!?...I wrote you letters in back-to-back weeks! :-0 

This past week was a week of a LOT of events! I put the new-to-me dresses from my sister's mother-in-law (did you follow that?) to GREAT use!

There was a (ladies-only) birthday party dress...

...a date-night-with-MY-mama dress...

...and a tea party dress...

(The above pictures were all taken for my sister's approval, lol)

With each party dress, comes party food!

Specifically, for date night, I made my mom the most delicious Italian picnic! We had "Caponata Sandwiches", with an olive-oil based potato salad (made with basil from MYYYY garden, LOL!)...

...and for dessert I whipped (or rolled, lol) up, these TASTY cinnamon-caramel-pinwheels (INSANELY delicious!!!)...

Even family dinner packed a calorie-punch with (2 servings of) Chili and cornbread...

...and my sister's jar of Nutella for dessert! ;0) There are SO many ways to eat Nutella. My recent fave is, "Nutella Lips"...

Sooooooo, it should come as a SHOOOOOOCK to everyone that I not only recorded a LOSS on the scale, but that I lost 3 whole pounds!?!?!? I'm not sure how that one happened, but...I'll take it!!!

My WW meeting was very motivating today. It was brought to our attention that there are 8 weeks remaining until Thanksgiving (craziness!!!). Our WW leader gave us two 8-week challenges. She handed us a 3x5 card...on one side of the card, there was a picture of a turkey, and then there were 8 circles around the turkey. That challenge is: for every meeting you attend in the next 8 weeks, you will get a "Bravo" sticker (Bravo stickers are rewards at our meetings, lol) in one of your eight circles. At the end of the 8 weeks, if you have filled all of your circles with a Bravo sticker, you will be entered into a special prize drawing.

On the other side of the card, she had you write down a weekly weight loss goal (lose 1/2 pound, lose 2 pounds, maintain weight, etc.) for each week. Every week that you weigh-in and meet that goal, you will earn a Bravo sticker for that side of your card also. At the end of the 8 week challenge, if you have at least 5 stickers on that side of your card, you will be entered into a 2nd special prize drawing. 

I think this idea is REALLY cool...I definitely plan to participate in the 8-week challenge! My weekly-weight-loss goal for the challenge was 1.5 pounds per week...If I stick to the WW plan, that goal is more than achievable!

But can "she" do it!?!? ;0)

Thanks for always reading my letters!

Your biggest fan,

Marie Kit-Tea Party

This past weekend Beatrice and I were guests at Grammy Pammy's annual tea party! My family has the privilege of being invited to a lot of really cool events throughout the year, but Grammy Pammy's tea party is one of our very most favorite things we get to do!!!

Each year I think, "She can't possibly out do herself next time!"...and yet, each year, she totally does!!!

You can click here for a LAME recap of the first tea party...a Mini Mouse theme!

You can click here for a (slightly) better recap of the 2nd tea party...a Jessie (from Toy Story) theme!

And this year's theme was all about "Marie" from the Aristocats! :0) As always, Myke and Pam did such a WONDERFUL job seeing the theme all the way through the decorations. They installed a (used) chandelier they had purchased just for this event, they painted and recovered throw-away chairs from their neighbor, they made slip-covers for the wooden benches around the table, they hung lace curtains around a Parisian painting in their dining room, so it would appear as if their guests were looking out a window, and viewing the Eiffel Tower, and the list goes on and on! Everything was GORGEOUS!!!!
At the two prior tea parties, I had the honor of making some delicious and fun treats for the guests, but this year, my efforts were concentrated on "savory" over "sweet." :0) I made the ham and cheese palmiers...

...and 2 beautiful (yes, I can see beauty in food, lol) quiches...

But seriously, everything looked incredible! The display of food was equally as grand as the decorations themselves!

I loved that I got to share this experience with family...

...AND friends!!...

The time at the table was the sweetest...

...There was praying...

...and French Class: 101...

It's hard to know who had more for fun...the (younger) ladies???...

...Or, the mamas???? Eh, who cares! WE ALL HAD A BLAST!!!

(But ESPECIALLY this pair!)...

Thank you for the parting gifts!!!...

"Merci Beaucoup" for EVERYTHING Grammy Pammy (and DzaiDzai Myke too!!!)...