During the last 2 weeks...
We went to the fair, as previously posted in the blog.
We went camping with the whole family.

Sophia won the hot dog eating contest in the "Junior" division...

I defended my title in the "female" division...

We celebrated our cousin's 60th birthday...

I watched my dad fetch his kite out of a tree...FUUUUUNNY stuff!...

I woke-up next to this beautiful face every morning...

We played in the campground spray-ground...

And got a beautiful view of hot air balloons coming up over the mountains each day...

We had a GREAT time!
At our final night at the campfire, I learned that my 3 nephews from L.A. were coming to San Diego early the next morning, and that they would be staying at my house for the next 3 days.
We went swimming...

We had popcorn parties...

We went to the Zoo...

And on our final day, we met up with my sister Jenni and her crew and the splash park...

It was a CRAZY 3 days and we were all EXHAUSTED!...

During the past 2 weeks, I also had a couple of cupcake orders...

And finally, in June, we celebrated May's gym-check-in-competition winner! I had previously posted that I had been competing the last 2 months in a competition to see who could record the most workouts. In the month of May I came in a distant 3rd place (out of 3 competitors, LOL). The 2 last-place finishers had to treat the winner (shout out to Katie!) to sushi. This was the first time I had ever eaten sushi. My fellow competitors are seasoned sushi eaters and so they ate things that looked scary...

But I am not that adventurous. I refused to eat anything raw (GAG)! This was my plate...

We also shared delicious appetizers...

My food was EXCELLENT! I would definitely go back to eat (cooked) sushi again!
For the June competition, we decided not to put any reward at stake...the only reward would be "bragging rights." So without further do, I get to brag...I won June's competition!!! I was way more focused this month, and it was really neat to compare the numbers. In May I had only recorded 19 workouts in a month that had 31 days...that seemed pretty low to me (but there were quite a few days I wasn't allowed to workout per the marathon training schedule). But this month, I was able to record 32 workouts in 30 days...much better! I didn't workout every day...most weeks I took at least 1 day off, but on most of the other days I worked out 2 times. We've decided to not compete in July, which will be a nice mental break, but I am confident that my workouts will continue at a "June pace." :0)
Other than the 4th of July event, my blog is all "ketchedup"...FINALLY! :0)
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