Lover of Jesus...A Wife...A Mother...A Daughter...A Sister...A Friend...A Runner...A Baker...An Adventurer...yeah, that about sums it up!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Guest Blogger #2

Hi, my name is Anna F. and I'm a compulsive eater. Food and I have a very dysfunctional relationship! I need food to survive, however, I over indulge in any situation that offers food. I'm an emotional eater...happy :0), sad :0( or whenever I act (because it is just "act" aka procrastinating on chores) bored I'll eat.

I joined the wave of friends and family losing weight at the end of October. People have been doing it for decades but for me, this is a NEW experience! I'm 31 years old and have still been carrying the weight of my 3 back a whole 7 1/2 years ago! I never lost the weight before the next pregnancy so it was weight piling up and piling up (to be exact...piling up on my butt, boobs, hips, arms, face...OK, easier yet...where ever fat cells live! lol). After our youngest Nathan (who is now 4 1/2 yrs), was born with heart and liver failure at birth and spent the first 5 weeks in the NICU and then in and out of the hospital up until age 2, I turned to food for comfort like I had never done before. By then for sure it was truly a habit and my body craved the sugar, caffeine, carbs, salt, etc. I was officially an addict of junk food! Nathan has done a remarkable job in the last 18 months and for the 1st time in the last 6 years (because again, I was prego so I was eating for two during those 6 years...but I think more like eating for 5 at a time! lol), I feel like I can let down some of my guards, I am NOT having anymore babies ;0) and I can actually squeeze in some time for myself. Ideally, that "me time" would be spent getting a mani/pedi, getting my hair did or getting a full body massage...BUT NOPE, my reality of "me time" is at the YMCA where childcare is included in my membership price. Hahahaha...

At first it was my mentality starting to change. Logically, I knew that if I wanted a good quality of life when my grandkids are born one day, then I couldn't keep going down my destructive path of eating like a mad woman. In 1 week I had seen 3 VERY obese people in electric wheelchairs and who knows why they were initially in need of those chairs but I kept picturing myself in one of those chairs in 10-15 yrs (at most) because I was so large that I couldn't comfortably walk. I didn't and don't want that lifestyle for myself or my family. My oh so loving and kind Uncle Marc passed away in Sept 2010. He died from cancer...this particular cancer that could have been prevented had he never been a smoker (I am in no way trying to be insensitive, it's just a fact). More and more real life situations were happening all around me (some were of my own) that had a background of people (and me) getting to a point (good or bad) of rewards or consequences based on their choices in life. I have/had let Nathan's health and delays dictate my moods and self medicate with food. After a couple of months of brewing on the idea of making a lifestyle change, I did it. I ACTUALLY DID IT!!! I realized I wasn't helping Nathan in any way, shape or form by eating that way. I realized that my guilt of thinking that if I only focus on Nathan (all my kids really) and not at all on myself, then I was being a "good" and "loving" mommy because I was putting them first. My problem and crazy mentality was, I was doing the opposite! They are young so they DO come first in MANY components of my day BUT not to the point of sacrificing my health.

Since October 2010 I have lost 23 lbs, and have gone down 2 pants sizes. I follow (not strictly) the Weight Watchers program, work out 3-4 times a week and follow my best tip...not eating past 7 p.m. (but try not to eat past 6 p.m. since I go to bed earlier lately). Even on my best days/week I lose weight S-U-P-E-R slow but my body is also forgiving if I have a bbq pulled pork sandwich and fries at Chili's the night before. ;0) I enjoy good food so I am learning moderation and not depriving myself of the "extras" that I do want to enjoy...just not at every meal or between meals for that matter.

I must humbly say that I have a LOOOOOONG road of weight loss ahead of me...but seriously, it's just 1 day at a time. I have to put blinders on and remind myself that this is my journey and do not get discouraged (easier said than done!) by the speedier (is that even a word?! lol) weight loss of others around me.

-Anna (the FAVORITE sister of Elizabeth)

P.S. These are my favorite 100 Calorie Snacks...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

It's a Numbers Game

MONDAY: Every year, my bosses (Trisha & Judy of RE/MAX Associates) host their annual Community Easter Egg Hunt the Saturday before Easter. And 9 out of the last 10 years, I have stuffed said eggs for this event. This year was no exception. 1500 Easter Eggs have been stuffed with chocolate eggs, tootsie rolls, jelly beans, and Mike & Ikes! :0) Even when I am dieting, and am resisting the urge to eat the candy, I absolutely love this project!!! I love all the beautiful colors and the sweet fragrance! MMMMMMMMMMM....

On Monday I made good food choices, and I ran 3 miles, then did 30 minutes of cardio on the treadmill, and then 30 minutes of circuit training.

TUESDAY: This was a Tuesday that I didn't have to work, which meant I could do my run in the morning...all so I could do Zumba at night. But sometimes, real fun calls, and I answer the phone. ;0) It's no secret how much I adore my sister Jenni. The unfortunate part about our relationship (for me, at least) is that we don't live next door to each other. :0( We are both busy girls, and we would get to see more of each other if we were neighbors. :0) Soooo, when the rare opportunity arrives when we are both available on the same the same time...and we are both willing to meet somewhere in between the East County and the North County...I jump at the chance! On Tuesday we met at My Kids Clubhouse in Poway for a playdate...

After that, we joined my mom, and my brother-in-law (Shout-out to Desmon!) at the nearby Denny's. I knew we were going out to lunch after our morning adventure, and in an effort to stay true to my healthy eating plan, I packed a separate lunch for myself. It was extremely difficult to not eat the "Blueberry & White Chocolate Pancake Puppies" that were sitting at my table. And it was so tempting to sneak a french fry or ask to take a bite out of this...

But I didn't indulge...not a single bite! Instead, I ate my sack lunch, drank a diet coke, and then ran my 6 miles at the gym that night. And my efforts were GREATLY rewarded, because...

WEDNESDAY: I broke through my weight barrier that had been at a stand still for a couple of days! And not only did I break through it, but I crushed it! And more importantly, on the scale that day I achieved a milestone...I had lost 50+ pounds since I started this journey back in September. I had been so close to the 50 pound marker many times, but it just would never get there! But FINALLY it did! :0) And a success like that made it bearable to resist the beautiful breakfast and desserts that were offered at our Annual MOPS Tea Party.

I didn't eat the AMAZING breakfast casserole...

I didn't eat the tempting Cheesecake Pops (and oh were they tempting!)...

I didn't eat the delicious cream puffs...

I didn't eat any of it...

I was strong on my diet all day, and then went to the gym and did an hour of cardio on the treadmill before volunteering at Awana that night.

THURSDAY: The previous morning's success on the scale was empowering, and the 50 pound achievement propelled my motivation immensely. I have the "eye of the tiger". I am focused. I still need to lose an additional 40+ pounds, and even though 40 pounds is a considerable amount of weight, my goal seems attainable now. I am over the hump, and the scary numbers are far enough off into the distance that if I should blow my diet one day (or even a week) I won't be in danger of seeing those numbers again on the scale.

On Thursday, I wasn't able to hit the gym in the morning...I had a sugar cookie order due...12 Mickey & Minnie themed cookies...

But in the evening, I went to the gym and completed my 3 mile run, 20 additional minutes of cardio on the treadmill, and then an hour of Zumba.

FRIDAY: I worked in the office in the morning, so no morning workout for me. But after work, and after we completed school, went grocery shopping for the week, and had dinner, I headed to the gym. Friday's are my rest day from the run, so I planned to cardio-it-up big time on the treadmill. I powered through the first hour, and then planned to do another 30 minutes. But after 72 minutes on the treadmill my left knee started bugging a bit, and the inside portion of my left ankle was feeling interesting. My first thought was, "SHUT UP! Just get get through it!" But then I remembered how all of my marathon training books went on and on about "Listening to your body." So, I did. I was running my 2nd half marathon the next day, and I had no business stressing my body out before the run. I hopped off the treadmill, and then did 30 minutes of upper body circuits. At this point in the marathon training, I really should be completely resting my body the day before a long run. So new rule: If I am too busy or have to work in the office on the morning before a long run, then there is no working out in the evening. It's a morning workout or no workout at

SATURDAY: In my previous blog post I went on and on about how I love running outside. I said how I loved listening to music instead of watching the TV on a treadmill, how I loved feeling the sun on my skin, and how I loved the time I get to spend just thinking. But like almost anything in life, as soon as I declare something publicly, it comes back to bite me in the rear. I was SO looking forward to my 13 mile run...outside...around my neighborhood. That is, until I was 1 minute away from heading out the door, and I realized my iPod was out of juice! :0( I forgot to charge it! As Napoleon Dynamite would say, "Idiot!"

Believe it or not, my first thought was, "well then the run is off." If the run wasn't going to be just as I had imagined it in my mind, then I wasn't going to do it. But then I shook myself out of lala-land, and hit the pavement. I was doing the run, and it was just going to be me and my personal thoughts that I supposedly treasured so dearly.

It turns out...I don't have that many interesting thoughts. :0( And the sun shining on my skin!? There was NO sun! It was a gloomy morning, and instead of the sun shining on my skin, I had the occasional rain drizzle falling on my skin. And even worse than that...was I had fear. Because I didn't have music in my ears, and melodies distracting my thoughts, I could hear everything. Ev.ery.thing. Every time I would hear a crackle sound in the pavement, I would turn around to see if someone was following me. And even when I realized that no one was following me, my thoughts took my fear to greater depths. Several months ago there was a police/news report about 2 men driving in a large white passenger van who would stalk female runners in my area (but not in my immediate neighborhood) and on 1 occasion the men attempted to take one of their prey...but were unsuccessful when the woman fled their grasp. And on this Saturday, every time I saw a white passenger van (and you wouldn't believe how many there were!!...It's Saturday..."everyone" is taking their white passenger vans out to go to the garage sales) my head and my heart were gripped with fear. I would stare down the driver and passenger...just so I could then identify them in a line-up...which I KNEW would be necessary. I would then take a mental picture of the license plate, so I could report the information to the C.S.I. Unit that would be necessary for the case. I was all drama in my head.

I missed the simplicity of Taylor Swift singing sweetly into my ear buds, LOL.

But after a couple of laps around my neighborhood, I was in running-mode. I focused less on the fear, and more on "How am I going to make it up this hill?" I completed my 2nd Half Marathon (13.1 miles) in 2 hours and 26 minutes...about 4 minutes slower than my first and official Half Marathon about 2 weeks ago.

After a long run, I am starving the remainder of the day, and I usually feel the need to indulge in everything that crosses my path. But on this Saturday, I was hungry, and I did eat when I was hungry, but I chose to eat healthy things, and more importantly I resisted my most recent weight gain trap...

SUNDAY: We went to church in the morning, then I did an hour of cardio on the treadmill, and then I rested the remainder of the day. It was nice. :0)

So here are some more numbers...

* 5.5 is my total weight loss for the week.

* 53 is the total pounds I have lost since September 11, 2010.

* 4 is the number of inches I have lost in my right thigh (I'm assuming my left thigh would report the same info, LOL) since October 31, 2010 (I sure wish I would have taken my starting measurements back on September 11th)

* 3.5 is the number of inches I have lost in my chest since October 31, 2010.

* 6 is the number of inches I have lost in my waist since October 31, 2010.

* 4.5 is the number of inches I have lost in my hips since October 31, 2010.

* 291 is the number of miles I have ran for my marathon training.

* 10 is the number of weeks we have left until the big race! :0)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

All in a Week

MONDAY: This was the first day after running the Half Marathon. I was a bit sore, but nothing scandalous. I was supposed to run 3 miles per my normal training schedule, but I wasn't feeling up to it. However, while Wyatt was in his fitness class, I did manage to walk on the treadmill for an hour. Even though I worked out at a much reduced intensity, I reaped great rewards...literally as soon as I got off of the treadmill, my body was 100% without soreness. I wasn't able to workout in the morning, and since I hadn't really done too much physical activity since the half marathon, my body was stagnant. But as soon as I completed the walk on the treadmill in the evening, it was as if my thirsty body had drank a quart of body was thanking me for getting it moving again. I had been perfect on my food choices all day, and I felt great. :0)

TUESDAY: I was supposed to run 6 miles on this day, but instead I abandoned the things I was "supposed" to do, and instead I ate another meatball pepperoni sub from Subway (I will be SO happy when that sandwich is no longer the featured $5 footlong come April!), and didn't do any all. Yeah, I gained weight that day, LOL!

WEDNESDAY: Wednesdays are usually my rest days from the run, but I had to get back in action, and hit the pavement. I had to complete Tuesday's 6 mile run...and I did. I knocked that out around my neighborhood. I go in phases, and in my current phase, I am loving everything about running outside. I'm a bit bored by running on the treadmill (even though I still have to do it for childcare purposes occasionally). But when I run outside, I can feel the sun shining on my skin, I have my music going, and I don't have a TV screen 12 inches from my face (like I do on the treadmill) distracting me from my thoughts. I think about everything on my run...EV.RY.THING. Old friends, new friends, my kids, my marriage, my walk with the Lord, my ministry at MOPS, plans for the day, plans for the week, etc. It is such a sweet moment of personal time...and with a busy life like mine (and so many other moms I know) I treasure these opportunities when I can be alone...with my thoughts. So I did the 6 miles in the morning, I was great on my eating all day, and then I did an hour of cardio at the gym in the evening before Awana.

THURSDAY: Again, we had plans in the morning, so I wasn't able to get my run in in the morning. And for whatever reason, I was off my game in the evening too. I did NOT want to go to the gym at night either. However...I did. I did my 3 mile run, then an additional 20 minutes of cardio on the treadmill, and then an hour of Zumba. I don't know what my issue was, but everything about that workout was a struggle. I wanted to bail after every single song in Zumba, but I didn't. Shout out to Katie who had to tolerate my 60 minute-texting-whine-fest during that class, LOL! But I will say, as usual, as soon as I was finished, I was glad that I stuck it out.

FRIDAY: Once again, it was a morning filled with errands, so no early work out for me. Instead, I needed to focus my efforts on not eating food with the kids from the Costco food court! I packed myself a separate lunch, and indeed I was successful! I was great on my eating all day, and then I worked out at the gym at hour of cardio, 30 minutes of circuits, and then 20 minutes on the rowing machine. I haven't done the rowing machine in YEARS, but I rediscovered my love for it, and I hope to make time for more of that in the future. Friday also was the day that I started my quest to find my costume for a "Hollywood" themed costume party. My sister Jenni's mother-in-law is turning 50 and her and her husband are throwing this amazing least it seems AMAZING to me...that's why I worked so hard to get myself invited! Initially I wanted to be Marilyn Monroe, but then I thought the birthday girl was going to be Marilyn, so that was out. And even though I have never seen an episode of Jersey Shore, I thought I could pull off a "Snookie" costume...I bought a dress, and accessories, and my sister Jenni was going to be "J-WOW"...but then we found out that Jenni's Sister-in-law is going to be Snookie, so I don't want to be a duplicate...especially since I wasn't an A-list invitee, LOL! Soooo...I'm now going to be Kim Kardashian!!! We're like twins, right!?

Yeah, I have a lot of weight to lose in MOST areas, and a few pounds to gain in "other areas" before April 2nd, LOL!!!

SATURDAY: The week's long run! We had a 12 mile run, and again I did that around my neighborhood. We have 2 different 3 mile loops around our house, and so I did the first loop, and then the other loop, and then first loop again, and then finished with the other loop. I love seeing my neighbors out and about when I'm running, and it's nice to wave to the occasional stranger as well. On my first loop, I passed by this older gentleman, and he seemed so thrilled for me...he gave me a "thumbs-up" AND a "good job!" He was so sweet. But then, as I was completing my 2nd loop, I saw him again. I got all excited, and thought, "Hmmm...I bet he is REALLY going to be proud of me now!" And as I approached him, he started waving me down to stop...and so I did.

Old Man: Miss, you are doing too much. You will get there (where is there?) eventually. Take it slow.

Me: Oh. (Totally disappointed.) Well, I'm training for a marathon.

Old Man: (paused in thought) Well then hunny, you better get going! Don't stop to talk to old men like me!

I finished the 12 miles in exactly 2 hours and 10 minutes. And even more importantly, I felt fantastic afterward! ZERO soreness during or after the run. Last week's half marathon did wonderful things for me physically and mentally! Because I ran 13.1 miles the week before, I knew what I was capable of...12 miles was completely doable. :0) Unfortunately, my long runs usually don't equal max weight loss. I am STARVING pretty much all day after a long run...and for the most part I feed that hunger....and not with the healthiest of things. I've been known to power down a meal at T.G.I.Fridays (last week), a Meatball Pepperoni Sub from Subway (the week before that), and this week...Rice Krispie Treats! I haven't made Rice Krispie Treats in over 10 years...and seriously, they are so under-rated! Those delicious little treats are addictive!...I ate 500 calories worth!

SUNDAY: We had an amazing sermon at church about how its important spiritually to be physically fit...and then we headed to the gym. :0) Other than that, I took a nice long nap with my Beatle, and was great on my diet all day.

Nothing earth shaking happened on the scale (although I suppose that's a good thing when it comes to weight), but I am down a total of 3 more pounds for the week. :0)

Oh, and I just got my "official" post-race photo in the mail this week...

Good times. :0)

Monday, March 14, 2011

"Mommy, you won the marathon!!!"

Yesterday was the day of The Safari Park's Inaugural Half Marathon. This was only my second official race I have ever participated in. We got a cool t-shirt, and a lame "virtual" goody bag. I wish we had the option of whether we wanted to "go green" and get a virtual goody bag or get a REAL goody bag...I think we all would have gone with "real goody bag!" :0)

The organizers had been sending us emails all week about the time change, and to remind us to get there ASAP due to road closures. We could check-in at 5am, and since I live an hour away, I set my alarm for 3:45. I set out my clothes and gear the night before, so all I had to do was get dressed in the morning! I went to bed fairly early (9pm), but I woke-up at 2:45am, and watched the clock for the next hour until it was time to get out of bed. And since, we had set our clocks 1 hour forward, it really meant I had been awake since since 1:45am. :0(

But when 3:45 came, I was AMPED! I got dressed, and I was out the door a little after 4am. My girlfried Katie was running the race with me, and we pretty much pulled up to the race at the same time. It was FREEZING cold, and dark, but we were having a great time. It took us like 30 seconds to check-in and so then we had 2 hours to kill until GO-time! Here are some pre-race photos...

In the dark at 5am-ish....

30 minutes before the start...

Less than 10 minutes to go...

I had eaten a bagel when I was driving to the race, and then I had eaten a 2nd bagel at some point when we were waiting and talking and laughing in the car. I had also been sipping some water and Gatorade to hydrate my body. As you can see in the picture above, 10 minutes before the race, I did my first "GU" gel pack...that's that thing I had told you about that is a glucose pack that gives you energy and replenishes the glucose that gets spent from your body during a long run. I tried "GU" for the first time earlier in the week...the training books I have read say not to try anything (clothing, food, gear, ANYTHING) for the first time on race day...and just as I was told, it was pretty's like eating a mildly flavored tube of KY or Vaseline! I have a very sensitive gag reflex, and oh my word, the "GU" was hard to get down. There are other options (special chews, or special jelly beans, etc.) but I wanted what the races provide...both this race, and the Rock and Rock Marathon will be providing "GU" and since I don't have a ton of storage on my gear, I want to grow accustom to just using the supplies they have at each of the pit-stops.

Before the start, I was also able to meet-up with my Auntie Mary and her friend Robin, that were also there to run the Half Marathon. That was a special time during this race too. :0)

The National Anthem was sung, we checked our laces...

And then the sound of an elephant's trumpet prompted our GO! We were off! I selected Chris Daughtry's album as my soundtrack for the race, but it turned out to be too much. It was too loud. But I kept it going for a while. The first mile is always the worst for me...getting warmed up. Also, the first mile is the worst when it comes to a race...everyone is jockeying for position and getting into their groove. But it is so thrilling get pass some pass a few runners that are dressed like a cheetah, or a tiger, or an ostrich!? The race started in the parking lot of The Safari Park, and quickly exited out on to the main streets nearby. You could see cars stopped for miles...poor people just wanting to leave the area!...and yet in some cases...poor runners who slept too late and were trying to still get to the race (I saw a quite a few of those)!

In a race, they have runners that hold a sign with a time on it...if you are aiming to finish the race in the time they have listed on their sign, then you want to stay as close to them as possible. My goal for this race was to finish in 2 hours and 30 minutes. After I had been running for a while, I noticed a man with a sign that read "1:45" (meaning 1 hour, 45 minutes) pass me by. He wasn't traveling much faster than me, and so I thought, "hmmm, maybe I can stay with him." a matter of time, I could no longer see him, LOL! A while later, another man passed by me with a sign that read, "2:00"...again, we seemed to be going at the same pace...but again, eventually I no longer saw him. But by this point I was totally cool (or warm, I should say), and in my groove. It was so neat seeing the cheering sections along the route, I kept hoping to see someone I knew, but I never did. :0( None-the-less, it was still motivating to read the signs that said "Keep it Up!", and to hear the "WOOHOOO'S"!

But even more motivating than the smiling faces of cheerleaders, were the mile markers! And in a half marathon (13.1 miles) this meant that I had just 10 more miles to go...

After 4 miles, I gagged down my 2nd "GU" for the day, and I was feeling strong. I had been nursing the water and Gatorade from my fuel belt all morning, and I was good to go. After running on some main stretches of road, we eventually ran through a housing community, and then we were running on a dirt road for a while that eventually brought us through a portion of Safari Park. At some point, a man with a sign that read "2:15" ran with me. I was able to keep up with him for a while, but he eventually went too far ahead of me as well. I knew the next sign would be "2:30" and that was discouraging. I wanted to finish at 2:30, and if I saw the sign that said "2:30" I would feel pressure to stay with that wave. I ended up telling myself to "SHUT UP! Who cares if you don't finish in 2:30! Run at the pace you feel comfortable with! You have a WAAAAYS to go! Don't burn yourself out!"

Before I even reached the halfway point, some of the elite runners, were already on their way back! It was INCREDIBLE to see them running past after man...and after several men, there were a few women that were right behind them. It really was exciting and inspiring to see them fly by us as we cheered them on!

After we reached the halfway point, we turned around, and pretty much went back the way we came. Every hill we had just ran up, we got to run doooooown...and every hill we had previously ran down, we had to run uuuuuup. Every time we had to run up a hill (and there were SEVERAL!) I saw people stop running, and start walking. I never stopped to walk. I just told myself, "One foot in front of the other. It's no different than flat land. Just keep one foot in front of the other." That worked for me. Also, at the half-way point, I had to switch up my music. Last week Taylor Swift worked for me, and she was absolutely perfect for my tempo on this day as well. At mile 8, I gagged down my 3rd and final "GU" for the day.

Mile 10 was an exciting marker! This meant that I just had 3 miles to go! I can do 3 miles like nobody's business! Also, 10 miles was the farthest I had ever run in the past, and it was neat to take a mental check-up and realize I still had plenty of strength to keep going. I was texting my family and keeping them updated on where I was at. It was great to get their replies and encouragement. Jenni wasn't able to sign-up for the race before it had sold out, so she said she would be there to see me cross the finish line. I had been so excited to see her, but I was getting discouraged as I could see the rows and rows of cars just stopped on the streets. No one in a car was going ANYWHERE! As I was texting her, and she was jokingly telling me to SLOW DOWN!

Seeing the 12 mile marker was AMAZING! I got an immediate boost of energy...just 1 more mile to go!!! I felt like I was sprinting, and becuase I was "sprinting" I felt like I should have blinked, and then been at the finish line! But the route just kept going and going and going, LOL!

The only thing more exciting than seeing the 12 mile marker, was seeing the 13 mile marker!!! I just had a tenth of a mile to go! We were back in the park by this time, and the route was winding around all of these trails, I couldn't see the finish line, let alone 20 feet in front of me! It was FRUSTRATING! I was so crazy in my head, I eventually yelled out (apparently) "Where is the finish line!?" becuase then I was shocked when a spectator in the crowd looked me in the eyes and said, "You are SO close, I promise!" I can still remember her beautiful face, and her reassuring eyes. And fiiiiiiiinally...

I paused to take this picture, and then I really sprinted towards the finish line, crying and cheering and waving my arms. It was dramatic, and emotional, and exhilarating!!!

Jenni missed me cross the finish line, but we hooked up within minutes! My official finishing time was 2:21:42...I never saw a man run by me with a sign that said "2:30"!!! :0)

My Aunt crossed the finish line about 15 minutes after me, but I never did get to see her after the race. :0( Katie did a GREAT job (ran the whole thing too!) and finished about 35 minutes after me. Here are some of our post-race pictures...

This was a fantastic experience! Based on this performance I have total confidence that my training will bring me right to the finish line of the Rock and Roll Marathon. I have zero fears about participating in and completing the full marathon.

After we exited the nightmare of the post-race-parking-situation, I went to go pick up my kiddos from my Dad and Stepmom's house. I kept my finisher's medal on, and walked through the door. Before I could even say the words "Hey Guys!", Wyatt glanced at the medal around my neck, raaaaan up to me, and shouted, "MOMMY, YOU WON THE MARATHON!"

In that moment, I really felt like I did. :0)

I Showed Up!

There are some days that are just amazing. I tend to have a lot of "amazing" days...after all, attitude has a lot to do with that. :0) However, this just might be the first time in the history of Elizabeth, that I have had 7 straight "amazing" days...which would equal, what!? "incredible" week!? That doesn't seem to do this week justice, but I am not a Thesaurus, so "incredible" will have to do. ;0)

Monday: This was the day I got to go shopping for all of my new running clothes! (detailed in a previous post.) Shopping was definitely the amazing part of my day. I was great on my diet, and I worked out for just under 2 hours in the early evening while Wyatt did his "Kidfit" class.

In my previous post I mentioned that I wouldn't be able to do Zumba on Tuesday nights anymore becuase our Tuesday runs had progressed so much. However, I had forgotten that I made that comment on a day that I had to work in the morning. Sooo...every-other Tuesday (like the Tuesday on this "incredible" week) I don't go to work, so I was able to run my 5 miles (in my new clothes, LOL!) in the morning! Which meant, I was strong enough to do an hour of cardio on the treadmill before I did an hour of Zumba at night! Another reason why this Tuesday was amazing: We FINALLY completed all of Bea's infant vaccinations! It may not seem like a big deal to the average person, but it is a HUGE deal to me! We did a modified approach to the vaccination schedule, and what normally takes a family 1 year to complete, we completed in just under 3 years. I am SOOOO happy to have this burden off of my mind! Tuesday night is also Biggest Loser night...I love this show! Throughout my week I am inspired by many sayings...often it's something I read in my Bible, or a Biblical devotional, or a random parenting/marital book, or something my pastor said, or a speaker at MOPS, or... :0) But this week, one of the trainers, Gillian, on The Biggest Loser caught my attention when she got in the face of one of the contestants who was struggling during a workout, and said (very passionately), "Your destiny is just waiting for you to show up!" I loved that. And hence the title of this blog post. :0)

Wednesday: We had MOPS this week, and would you believe it!?...I didn't eat anything from the MOPS breakfast table but FRUIT! WOOHOOOOO! I was so stinkin' proud of myself! Like most Wednesday's I wasn't able to workout in the morning, but I did squeeze in an hour at the gym before we went to Awana at night. Another exciting thing about this day!? was Rick & I's 9th wedding Anniversary! :0)

Thursday: The day started off super exciting with a trip to Costco for my LONG awaited eye exam! Due to finances, I had stretched out the length of wear on my contacts as long as I could, and then the last couple of months I have been wearing my glasses. But no more baby! I can exercise freely without glasses, and you can see my pretty eye make-up now...when I actually wear it, that is! ;0) After that I came home, and it was time to make 50 cupcakes for the kid's dance studio...

Then we went to my Grandma's house in the afternoon for a visit, and to bring her flowers for her birthday. The kids enjoyed their first ever Klondike bar....which begs the question, "What would you dooooooo for a Klodike Bar!?"

That night, I ran my 3 miles at the gym, followed by another 20 minutes of cardio, and then it was nothing but Zumba! :0)

Friday: This was my day to work in the office. The candy dish was BACK ON MY DESK, but no was filled with Easter themed "Palmer" chocolate, and since chocolate flavored wax is not appetizing to me (chocolate snob?), I was easily able to resist...but for good measure, I did move the dish on to my boss's desk! ;0) After work, I completed another cupcake order for a St. Patrick's Day party...Andes Chocolate Mint Cupcakes...

I was told they were the best cupcakes I have ever made...and I couldn't disagree...they were, "AMAZING." Working in an office in the morning, meant working out in the gym at night. Nothing special, just good ole' fashion sweat! ;0)

But what made Friday even MORE amazing than delicious cupcakes, and melting fat off of my body!?...making the FINAL payment on our Van!...making the FINAL payment on our debt in general!!!! We have been diligently working towards this goal for about 18 months, and it felt every bit as exciting as I expected and hoped for! A tear-filled moment indeed! I will continue working through April, just so we can jump-start our savings account, and then my final day at work is April 22nd...the Friday before Easter...It's no coincidence that it also happens to be "Good Friday!" :0)

Saturday: I woke up excited for the day! (Gee, I don't know why!? LOL!) I had been great on my diet all week, and I was down 10 pounds for the week so far! But the most exciting part (or so I thought) was yet to mom was joining me for morning Zumba!!! Literally every time I am in a Zumba class, I daydream of having my family or close friends next to me, doing it with me. There is just something about's like a party...and you want your favorite people with you at your party! I never get to do Saturday Zumba, because that is the day I usually have my long run for the week...but not this Saturday! So, I asked my mom and sister Jenni to join me! My mom was an immediate "YES!", but much to my surprise, my (LAME!) sister Jenni informed me that it is her goal to NEVER attend a Zumba class..."It's too trendy!"...WHATEVER LOSER! (She will be kidnapped...and I will hold her hostage in a Zumba class one day! LOL!) mom at Zumba...UGH! It was painful (literally) to watch! Unfortunately my mom's body wasn't what it once was and she has been suffering some crazy pain in her knee. She made it through the entire class, but not without me nearly crying. I kept telling her to leave, but my mama is strong-willed! She did eventually go to the back of the gym so she didn't "look like an idiot" in front of everyone else...she wanted to still do the class but at a modified level. She couldn't stand to leave the gym because, "I just love listening to the music." With that comment, and her gimping away to the back of the room, my rose-colored-glasses came mom is officially OLD! HAHAHA!

I ended up not making good food choices for lunch, which meant I was still full when it came time for dinner. I dropped the kids off at my dad's house for a sleepover, and then Rick and I went out to celebrate our Anniversary...

We went to Parkhouse Eatery for the first time, and it was "AMAZING!" They brought us bread, and with the bread was this little bowl of oil. But after I dipped my bread in the oil, I realized there was some "stuff" on the bottom of the bowl. So I stepped out of my comfort zone, and I scooped the "stuff" onto my bread...Oh.My.Word!!! It was delicious! The server later explained to me that it was a combination of sundried tomatoes, black olives, capers, fresh basil, and carmelized onions...

Because I was still terribly full from my lunch at Subway, and now becuase I had downed a GRIP of bread (I was carbing up for Sunday, I promise!) I decided to go with their "Retro Iceberg Lettuce Salad" for dinner. It's a hunk of lettuce, topped with their homemade gorgonzola cheese dressing, and smoke applewood bacon...YUUUUUUMMMM!

Rick ended up having the Chef's Special, which was a Rib-eye Steak topped with a peanut sauce and a few onion rings. His meal also included some delicious sauteed green beans, and marscapone mashed potatoes.

I was soooo tempted to order the homemade peanut butter and chocolate bread pudding for dessert, but in a moment of strength, I resisted.

I ran a Half Marathon!!! (See separate post)

As I had described, it was a GREAT week! I'm not sure how it can ever be topped, but in standard Elizabeth fashion, I will do my best to try! I ended up losing 6.5 pounds for the week...not too shabby! :0)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Life is Good

Monday: I was perfect on my diet. Although, who doesn't survive day one!?'s every day after day one that the diet seems lame. I rocked "Pump It!" and a 3 mile run in the morning, and then did an hour of circuits in the afternoon when Wyatt was at "Kid Fit".

Tuesday: I survived the diet. I worked (at my paid job, lol) in the morning, so no workout for me then. And then in the evening, when I was about ready to leave for the gym to do my 4 mile run (and then an hour of Zumba), I looked at my calendar and realized that the distance of the run had increased yet again...I needed to run 5 miles before Zumba! :0( I remember early-on in my marathon training, that my girlfriend would want me to meet her at Zumba...and I would always tell her, that if it was a long run day (anything over 2 miles at that point) I wouldn't be able to go with her. But a lot has changed in 4 months...both in ability, and in confidence. I had successfully completed Zumba the 2 previous weeks, having just ran 4 miles, and so when I saw the 5 mile requirement, I cringed, but then said, "OK, lets do this!" My 5 mile run went great, but I was pretty spent afterward. When the Zumba music started, I was SO NOT feeling it. But I told myself that I couldn't leave during the first song. And then when the first song was over, I remembered how much I LOVED the second song. When the 3rd song came, I was BEAT, but I told myself to stay for just one more song. I told myself "to stay for just one more song" for the next 25 minutes! I was struggling. And then...the music DIED! There was technical difficulties with the stereo equipment, and while we stood there for about 30 seconds while the instructor fussed with the system, I decided that this was an answer to prayer, and I bailed! As I was leaving the gym, I could hear the music blaring again, and I just smiled. God is good to save me from myself. No more Zumba on Tuesday nights. :0(

Wednesday: I managed to stay on my diet...3 days straight baby! We had our MOPS leadership meeting that morning, so luckily I wasn't faced with our typical MOPS Breakfast Buffet...however, at our leadership meetings, there always seems to be a little something to snack on. Its been 5 days, and I can still remember the beautiful slices of Strawberry Shortcake Loaf Cake that I did not touch...but could smell...but again, did not touch. Wednesdays are my rest days from the run, but before our night at Awana, I squeezed in an hour of cardio at the gym.

Thursday: I survived the diet for a 4th straight day! I even had a sugar cookie order due, and I didn't touch any part of it...the dough...extra cookies...the frosting...ZERO! :0) I didn't have time to workout in the morning, but in the evening, I did my 3 mile run, and then had a great Zumba workout right after that. Here are the cookies I worked on...

Idea for Father's Day???...

Friday: When I weighed myself on Friday morning, I had lost a total of 8.5 pounds since Monday's weigh-in...pretty exciting! Too bad I wasn't perfect on my diet this day. :0( I was great ALL DAY until dinner. I did crazy-Friday-Bootcamp-Style-"Pump It!", and a half hour of cardio in the morning. But this was the day of the Brumbaugh-Edwards Sleepover Swap! After I had picked up Zachary from Escondido in the late afternoon/early evening, traffic was a nightmare on the I-15. We had to pull off the road for a toddler potty stop at Jack in the Box, and the kids asked if they could eat dinner there too. Eh, why not? I completely forgot that I wasn't supposed to eat fast food (HONESTLY!), and I ate dinner with the kids. HOWEVER, I was still calorie conscious, and I ordered this snack wrap thing that was INCREDIBLE for like 300 calories. After I took 2 bites, I remembered that I wasn't supposed to be eating fast food...AT ALL! :0( The right thing to do would have been to stop eating it. But I didn't. I finished my food...and the remaining fries that the kids didn't eat. I suck. And then, when we fiiiiiiinally got home, after a couple of hours, my mom came over for a visit and she suggested we take the little ones out for ice cream! I had a sundae. I told you...I suck.

Saturday: I was SOOOO excited for Saturday! This was the day of our big run! Jenni drove down to my house at 7:45am...she took Zacky with her, and I got my Wyatt back. :0) Even though we were no longer together, Jenni & I had the same mission...10 Miles baby!!! Instead of running on the treadmill this week, the weather had been GORGEOUS, and I decided to do the loop around my house. It's a 3 mile I did it 3 times, and then did the smaller 1 mile loop around our neighborhood also. I felt AMAZINGLY STRONG! I ran the ENTIRE 10 miles non-stop...steep hills and all! It took me exactly 1 hour and 45 minutes, and I spent that 1 hour and 45 minutes rocking out to Taylor Swift, and praying 2 continuous prayers...1. "Lord, PLEASE help me do this!"...2. "Lord, you are an AWESOME God! I'm doing this!!!" I was a bit sore after the run, BUT this 10 miles gave me the confidence I needed for the upcoming 1/2 Marathon in less than a week! I am stoked!

Here is a goofy picture Jenni took of me before the run...

One of my favorite parts about these long runs....CARB LOADING! When the runs get even longer, we will need to carb-load for days in advance. But on Saturday morning, I enjoyed a big bowl of Frosted Flakes...DE-LISH! After the run, I continued my carbohydrate in-take by eating a savory sub sandwich at Subway...the Pepperoni Meatball Sub...amazing!

Sunday: I wasn't as sore as I fact, barely at all. Unfortunately, I wasn't good on my diet on this day either. :0( After church I continued my carb loading (obviously it was no longer necessary, LOL!) and I made our family a delicious chocolate chip pancake breakfast with eggs and sausage too! After eating, I spent most of the day doing my next favorite thing...SHOPPING! I cashed in on a $50 "Groupon" I had to a running store in La Mesa, and then I did some online shopping at Road Runner turns out that I couldn't pay for my items online becuase about half of my funds were via gift cards from my birthday...but that made today (Monday) fun too...I got to pick-up and try on all of my new purchases in the store! My purchase included 2 heavy duty sports bras, 4 pairs of special running socks, 1 pair of special running underwear (let the jokes begin...but seriously, for $20 these babies better do amazing things!), a pair of running pants (SOOOOO excited about these!!! They look and feel incredible!), 2 running tank-tops, 1 running T-shirt, a stick of "Body Glide", 5 packs of GU (it's glucose gel/jelly that you consume during your long gives you energy and repairs the glucose that is depleted from your muscles during the long runs...I will need to purchase more, but I wanted to try these flavors before I bought the GU in bulk. Regardless, I have been told they are nasty, but necessary), and FINALLY, I purchased my final pair of running shoes for this journey (I don't need them yet, but they were on sale, so I picked them up now)! I can't believe the marathon is literally 3 months away!!!

After all is said and done...I am down 2 pounds for the week. Not terrible, but it could have been SO.MUCH.MORE.