I have always been a take-charge person. For the longest time I even resisted the idea of working as/in a "team". In High School, I HATED group projects becuase it involved me relying on other people, and well, let's face it...I wasn't so off-base when I thought most High School students were unreliable! However, I was TOTALLY off-base when I believed that my ideas were the only good ideas. Group projects in school usually resulted in me totally taking over the assignment, and my lazy peers were happy to let me.
However, joining the workforce, and then marriage, and now parenting, have brought me a LONG way (but not to perfection) from me not being a team player. In fact, I feel I almost never get my way 100% of the time anymore, and truth be told, that's probably a good thing. The Lord, my husband, my family, my friends, and even my kids have some great ideas on how I should live my life, and even their own (lol)!
But, in my heart of hearts, I still think of myself as a bit of a control freak. And yet, I am finding it completely frustrating that the one thing I have 100%, hands-down, complete and total control of, I am perfecting the art of FAILING at! The only person that is in control of my outward appearance is me. I have the sole discretion as to what I put in my mouth, and I (being the driver) am the only person that gets to choose if we drive around the parking lot 5 times to get the closest spot available to the front of the store, or if I will park the van aaaaaall the way in the back of the parking lot, and lug my littles aaaaaall the way across the parking lot to burn a few extra calories.
For being a person that supposedly loves to be in control, and thrives off of success, it totally baffles me that I have let my outward appearance become so dreary.
I have the best of intentions...after I eat a Twix. And I always feel great when I do find myself actually in a healthy pattern. So why the back and forth!?!?
I have a lot of growing to do (in faith, not in my physical body!), and I need to hand this over to the Lord. It is still my responsibility to make healthy choices for my life, but I need to unload my obsession about my failures on to Jesus. I am going to try and NOT control this situation myself, but to reach out to my Heavenly Father when I am weak. The Holy Spirit is on my team, and I need to use His resources!
Now...PLAY BALL! (Where are the peanuts & Cracker Jacks??? LOL)