Lover of Jesus...A Wife...A Mother...A Daughter...A Sister...A Friend...A Runner...A Baker...An Adventurer...yeah, that about sums it up!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Vegas Baby!

A little less than a month ago, we got a call from Rick's brother Doug letting us know that he was vacationing in Las Vegas with his girlfriend, and he was inviting us to join them. Rick's other brother Scot comes out to visit us in San Diego about once a year...but we haven't seen Rick's brother Doug since he came out to visit us when Wyatt was 4 weeks old...which was exactly 7 years ago...which means he has barely met Wyatt, and he has literally never met Beatrice.

Between Rick's opposition to flying on an airplane, and the cost to fly all 4 of us to Rick's hometown in the state of Indiana, we RARELY get to see Rick's family. :0(

So, when we got the call that Doug was going to be in Vegas, there was NO question as to whether we would meet up with him there...we.were.SO.there.

Las Vegas + Children = No bueno...but we were still going to go for a short time. Rick got a night off from work...and we booked a room at The Excalibur for $28...SCORE!

This was our first road trip as a family, and I thought it went GREAT! After all was said and done, I gave the kids a grade of 85% in the car...but Rick gave them a 70%, lol. He reminded me that we left our house at 6am, and after being on the road for a little over an hour, the kids were already asking for their packed lunches at 7am, lol. And then he reminded me that Wyatt asked us (literally) every 20 minutes, how much longer we had left to go. But, I then reminded Rick, that when we answered Wyatt's question, he had a joyful response every single time...even when we were stuck in traffic for over an hour...

Wyatt: How much time do we have left?

Me: 4 hours.

Wyatt: GREAT!

20 minutes later...

Wyatt: How much longer do we have to go?

Me: Still 4 hours.

Wyatt: Excellent mom!

20 minutes later...

Wyatt: How much longer now?

Me: STILL 4 hours.

Wyatt: Wow! We are making GREAT time!

HAHAHAHAHA! You can't penalize a kid for a positive attitude! :0)

After a five and half hour drive, lots of snacking, and just one bathroom break, we finally arrived at our hotel...

We immediately met up with Doug, and his girlfriend Deb (not pictured...SO bummed I didn't get a good picture of this lovely lady)...

And then we set out to walk "The Strip"...

We had such a great time looking at all of the beautiful hotels on the outside...

...and on the inside...

It was so much fun browsing through all of the stores...

Although, things turn a little sour when mom makes you pose for a picture after you've just been told that we aren't buying anything in this store...

And one of the most interesting parts of walking The Strip was seeing all of the "characters". When we first started walking, I caught a glimpse of Bert & Ernie from Sesame Street pretty far away from where we were. I was SO excited...I figured they must be in Vegas promoting something...I HAD to get the kid's picture with them! But after I flagged them down, I soon realized that the situation looked better when we were farther away. These were totally knock-off Bert & Ernie's...AND they had a donation jar in their hand...BOOOOOO! But since I had made such a comotion about getting their attention (DORK!), I felt obligated to still pay the piper, and get the picture. Neither of the kids wanted to pose with Bert and Ernie, but FORTUNATELY I got my more agreeable child to buck-up and take the picture, lol...

It turned out that there was nothing unique about Bert & Ernie traveling The Strip. There were TONS of characters and mock celebrities posing for pictures...with their money cans...with their half lit cigarette...and with their nearly empty bottles of booze. Apparently, this is how the homeless people make their living in Las Vegas now. Minnie Mouse, Garfield, Sonic The Hedgehog, Buzz Lightyear, and Bumble Bee from the Transformers, never looked so TORE UP! We only gave into the temptation of characters one more time...but what can I say!?...this guy is ALWAYS cool!...

After walking The Strip for a couple of hours, Rick and Doug got to spend some time together solo, and I took the littles back up to our hotel room. We had such a great view from our room...

But the kids could care less about our view. There were beds to be jumped on...

...pillow fights to be had...

...wrestling matches to be won...

...and gravity to be fought...

The kids had worked up quite an appetite, and so when the guys came back to the room, we were all ready for a Vegas buffet! But more about that in a different post. ;0)

We ended the night by playing for a little bit in the arcade...

...but then everyone was pretty exhausted from the day's adventures, and we were all in bed by 8pm for the Valentine episode of Wipeout on TV. :0)

I wish the kids had been so tired enough that they actually slept in the next morning...but that wasn't the case. In fact, the idea of sleeping in a new place had them up and excited even earlier then they usually wake up. They were up for good at 5:30 am. :0(

By 7am, their antsy pantsy excitement bought them a breakfast date with me, while Daddy got to sleep a little bit longer. :0)

It was a win-win...seriously. I had been so eager to eat at this restraunt, and the other adults weren't interested the day before, so this was my chance! We were off to Serendipity at Cesars Palace. :0)

The place was super fun!

And I had the cutest dates!

Serendipity is famous for their frozen hot chocolate...we chose the oreo flavor...yes, even at breakfast...

This meal together was definitely a highlight of the trip. :0)

And before we knew it...after we spent a few more hours with "Uncle Doug" & Deb, our 24 hour adventure in Vegas had come to an end, and it was time to get back on the road.

Five and half hours, no bathroom break, a couple of rounds of the alphabet searching game, and even more snacking, we were back home!

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