Lover of Jesus...A Wife...A Mother...A Daughter...A Sister...A Friend...A Runner...A Baker...An Adventurer...yeah, that about sums it up!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Mi Familia

I absolutely adore my (extended) family.

And it's a good thing...because we spent 4 of the last 7 days with them. :0)

Our week started off with juicing adventures at Grammy's house. My mom had juiced up a bunch of fruit, and she invited us over for a juice party!

We had so much fun trying the juices individually, and then making delicious flavor combinations!

She sent us home with the remaining juice, and we went on to expirement further over the next few days.

We started off making some beautiful popsicles...

And then after I made some homemade yogurt...

...we enjoyed smoothies with the fruit juice as well...

It was also a family (and "friend-ly") affair at the park this week...

These cousins LOVE to swing! :0)...

We ventured up to L.A. this week to watch the opening ceremonies of my nephews' baseball season...

All 3 of them were SO handsome in their uniforms!!!

We got to see Trevor shine during his first game of the season...

It was so much fun watching my nephews in action (although, we missed Jackson's game...booo!)...but my favorite moments are always when I get to witness the cousins just hanging out together...

Baseball isn't complete without peanuts!...

And we ended our week with "Family Dinner" at Jenni's house...

In non-extended-family time this week...

We supported our friend Katie at her Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser...

We picked more oranges at my mom's house. We have almost picked her orange trees bone-dry. I will be so sad when this portion of my weekly produce is no longer free, lol.

We noticed something new on the orange trees this week...beautiful orange blossoms! Spring is ariving!!! :0)

We discovered that even princesses have to be put in time-out at the park every once in a while...

I made my first jar of homemade deoderant...

And in school, Beatrice was all about the Who, What, When, Where, Wow...and Worms...with the letter "W"...

Our worms...

What a fun, busy week that was! :0)

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