Lover of Jesus...A Wife...A Mother...A Daughter...A Sister...A Friend...A Runner...A Baker...An Adventurer...yeah, that about sums it up!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Dear Jennifer Hudson (Week 9)

Dear Jennifer Hudson,

This week I survived sugar cookie baking, a spaghetti dinner fundraiser, eating out in Los Angeles, snacking at a ball game, Family Dinner night, and making 96 cake pops for MOPS...

AAAAAND during a moment of strength, I threw out the extra sugar cookies that I was storing in the freezer, and saving for me to have a splurge when my sugar fast was over. At 12 WW points each, I decided that I didn't want to completely blow my diet on those when I can eat sugar again.

At my WW meeting this morning I was down another 2.6 pounds for the week, which resulted in me achieving my next weightloss goal...I have lost over 10% of my starting weight! :0)

I don't foresee any diet challenges in this upcoming week...HOORAY!

Your biggest fan,

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Mi Familia

I absolutely adore my (extended) family.

And it's a good thing...because we spent 4 of the last 7 days with them. :0)

Our week started off with juicing adventures at Grammy's house. My mom had juiced up a bunch of fruit, and she invited us over for a juice party!

We had so much fun trying the juices individually, and then making delicious flavor combinations!

She sent us home with the remaining juice, and we went on to expirement further over the next few days.

We started off making some beautiful popsicles...

And then after I made some homemade yogurt...

...we enjoyed smoothies with the fruit juice as well...

It was also a family (and "friend-ly") affair at the park this week...

These cousins LOVE to swing! :0)...

We ventured up to L.A. this week to watch the opening ceremonies of my nephews' baseball season...

All 3 of them were SO handsome in their uniforms!!!

We got to see Trevor shine during his first game of the season...

It was so much fun watching my nephews in action (although, we missed Jackson's game...booo!)...but my favorite moments are always when I get to witness the cousins just hanging out together...

Baseball isn't complete without peanuts!...

And we ended our week with "Family Dinner" at Jenni's house...

In non-extended-family time this week...

We supported our friend Katie at her Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser...

We picked more oranges at my mom's house. We have almost picked her orange trees bone-dry. I will be so sad when this portion of my weekly produce is no longer free, lol.

We noticed something new on the orange trees this week...beautiful orange blossoms! Spring is ariving!!! :0)

We discovered that even princesses have to be put in time-out at the park every once in a while...

I made my first jar of homemade deoderant...

And in school, Beatrice was all about the Who, What, When, Where, Wow...and Worms...with the letter "W"...

Our worms...

What a fun, busy week that was! :0)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Dear Jennifer Hudson (Week 8)

Dear Jennifer Hudson,

I have some super exciting news to report...this morning at my WW meeting I had a GREAT weigh-in! I lost 5.4 pounds this week, for a total of just over 20 pounds lost since January 1st!! I have less than a half of a pound to lose before I reach my next WW-mini-weight-loss-goal.

I contribute 20% of my success this week in taking my fitness up a notch this week in the gym. I rocked it out!

And I contribute the remaining 80% of my success this week to the "no-sugar" challenge I have going on with my girlfriend. There were MULTIPLE opportunities for me to indulge in sugary treats (my downfall), and because I wasn't even allowed to taste them, I never went down the slippery slope of wanting more...more...MORE!

We had Valentine party, after Valentine party, after Valentine party! I stuck to my guns about not being the "cupcake mom," but instead, I provided the fruit for these parties, and displayed in them in a cupcake-ish way...

This week at Awanas was "Love your leader night"...and the little girls at my table blessed me with such beautiful cards...and delicious (looking) treats. I was given chocolate, more chocolate, and even more chocolate in the form of...

Before I even started the "no sugar" challenge, I had made a pact with myself to not buy any Girl Scout Cookies this year. But when these cookies were just given to me, there was a moment of panic/excitement/fear...I could eat these...I didn't buuuuuy them...could I restrain myself in eating just a "serving size"!? But within a few seconds I can't eat sugar...(in my best "Soup Nazi" voice) "NO THIN MINT FOR YOU!". My husband and the kiddos sure appreciated them though! :0)

And finally, this week was the week that I had my solo-cookie-order-of-the-year due. Even though I have paused my little home bakery business until I reach my ultimate weight loss goal, I had previously committed to donating a dozen cookies to my girlfriend's fundraiser...shout out to Katie! :0) After not baking cookies and cupcakes for 2+ months, it was SO much fun to be creative in this avenue again...

The "no sugar" challenge saved me from sampling the ingredients along the way, and from eating any of the leftovers or rejects. ;0)

However, there are 3 extra cookies that I have set aside in the freezer...if my husband doesn't find them in the mean time, I may just have to eat one after this challenge is over! :0)

This next week I am hosting a cake-pop-tutorial at our MOPS meeting, and then after that, I should be in the clear for no.more.baking.until.goal.weight.

Your Biggest Fan,

P.S. I got my hair cut this week...

My mom, the lady who gave birth to me, and knows that I don't have an ounce of African-American heritage in my gene-pool, says I look like you, LOL!

You are beautiful, so I'm gonna just go with it, and gladly accept the compliment. :0)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Love is in the air!

This week, coincidentally, and conveniently, Beatrice learned about the letter "V" in school...which was perfect for this week long Valentine celebration!

At home, we read books...

...the kids created Valentines for their Awana leaders...

...and they had festive meals...

This week we had MANY opportunities to celebrate Valentines Day with our friends. At our regular MOPS meeting, all of the table leaders decorated their tables so beautifully...

And after a Valentine-themed-message from our guest speaker, we made delicious candy-coated popcorn for our own personal Valentine...

Then, on a separate day, we gathered together with our MOPS friends for a Valentines party with the kids...

The kids crafted...

...and the girls ate their lunch in a fort that the boys built...

Oh the fun food we had at this party!...

And finally, we also got to celebrate this lovely holiday with our mommies group.

The kids worked on their Valentines bags...

We ate lunch together...

...where my oranges made another appearance, lol...

We gabbed...

We shared flowers...

And shared swings...

We lined up the Valentines bags...

And then began filling them!...

The perfect end, to a perfect Valentines Day...eating sweets...

...and sorting through all of your Valentines loot in your goodie bag! :0)

We were blessed to share this week with so many of the people that we love!