Among many other paper creations, our girl was busy creating fairy puppets...

And a heart shaped paper chain for her Bible memory verse...

And when Wyatt wasn't creating steam drawings on the windows...

...he was entertaining us with, "Dr. Bored, the Mad Magician" and his "Very Boring Magic Shows"...

Both kids are HUGE fans of pickles!
As the pickle jar was slowly but surely dwindling down, Wyatt posed the question, "What do we do with the pickle juice? Can we DRINK it!?" I explained that when I was a child, I loved to drink the pickle juice! However, in hind-sight, I'm not sure it was the pickle juice that I loved so much, or if it was the look on my parents faces when I asked to drink the pickle juice!? Their shock always made me laugh, and their response of, "OKAAAAAAAY???" always made me feel like I was getting away with something that they thought was questionable...what kid doesn't want to walk the "fine line" at some point!? :0)
Anyway, after all was said and done, Wyatt bowed out of drinking the pickle juice, but our Bea was SO IN! She thought the whole experience was HILARIOUS!
She claimed she REALLY like it!...but after only taking a few sips and then saying she was done, I asked her if she wanted to drink the rest at lunch time, and she said, "No, thank you." HAHAHAHA!
Also this week, the kids were introduced to video games on our TV. Rick busted out our original Nintendo System later in the week, and the boys had such fun playing Super Mario Brothers together.
But earlier in the week, I had brought out our little Pac-Man game, and that provided MUCH laughter, yelling, cheering, and shouting...all at the TV. Pac-Man has a way of doing that to you!
Just when your situation looks hopeful...
You die!...
Beatrice was a little less animated, lol...
And finally, this week, Wyatt captured a pictured of Beatrice and I in our matching pajamas from Christmas. :0)
Being a mom is sincerely the best job EVER! :0)
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