Today was my 2nd weigh-in with Weight Watchers, and I lost the same amount of weight this week, as I did last week...another 3.6 pounds...for a total of 7.2 pounds since I started WW.
This past week brought with it exciting results, and a few challenging temptations.
In the world of challenges, I attended an amazing baby shower this past weekend. But even prior to the baby shower itself, I had commited myself to helping with the shower in advance. This week, I decorated 3 gingerbread houses for the shower...the theme of the shower was "Sugar & Spice...Everything Nice". Gingerbread alone is of no temptation to me, but oh how I love all of the sugary confections that adorn said gingerbread house. Nerds, jelly belly jelly beans, wafer sandwich cookies, frosted animal cookies...mmmm, mmmmm, mmmmmmmmm!
I wish I could report that I had been exceptionally strong during those times of temptation, but that I cannot do. I had a few animal cookies, and I had a few wafer sandwich cookies (and when I say, "a few," I mean "a few" of the chocolate, "a few" of the vanilla, and "a few" of the strawberry). I WAS able to stay away from the actual candy though.
But it was still annoying to find myself eating this garbage. I had almost like an out-of-body experience (not really, but it sounds dramatic, right?) where I was looking at the "real me" sitting on the couch with the leftover cookies that had not been used on the houses, and I said to myself, "How did you get here? One minute you were dieting...and more importantly, not putting highly processed crud in your body...and the next minute, you are sitting on the couch, watching a movie, and you are on the verge of being totally destructive!" At that point, I acknowledged that "fake me" was right...I'm sure I ate one more cookie, lol...and then STOPPED! I pitched the remaining items in the trash, I documented the WW points from what I had just consumed, and then I got right back on my diet, so to speak. I didn't give up on counting points for the day, and I didn't give up on eating healthy for the rest of the day...something I SO would have done in the past.
I'm so glad I had pre-planned to close down the Sugar Shack until I had reached my goal weight. I was so right in thinking/knowing I pretty much have zero self control when it comes to confectionery treats in my home.
The other obvious challenge this week, was the actual baby shower it self. I had planned to not be super rigid that night, so I left myself 20 of my daily points, I had all of my 49 weekly points, AND I had 35 activity in all, I could eat 104 WW points worth of food...that's a lot of food! When you are eating fresh cheeses, and desserts, and homemade food, it's hard to know how many points everything is...but I wouldn't be surprised if someone told me I really did consume all 104 points that night...everything was so decadent...everything was SO delicious...and I pretty much didn't hold back at all.
The morning of the baby shower, I had lost 5 pounds so far for the week. But after weighing myself the morning AFTER the baby shower, I had gained back 4.5 of those pounds. :-0
And after putting food like that into my system, the next day is oh so hard for me to get back on the wagon. Even though you REEEEEALLY want to be eating healthy, your mind keeps telling you how much you reeeeeeally want donuts, and pancakes, and pizza, and frappuccinos instead. Sunday was a battle of the mind and body ALL day. This time however, I DO get to report that I resisted all temptations, and got right back to eating my new normal, the day after the shower. Small victories. :0)
I had been avoiding the use of my weekly bonus points, and my activity points...I want those always to be unchanged. But I gotta say, it was really nice to know that WW wasn't lying when they say that you can use those points, and still have a weight loss at the end of your week.
I'm super happy with the pace of my weight loss...and even though it's my husband's birthday this week, and my birthday next week, we don't have any big plans that involve engorging on terrible food.
Still your biggest fan,
P.S. And Janet Jackson with Nutri-System...are you kidding me!? "J-Hud," you are the top dog girlfriend!
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