We celebrated Grandma Piton's (my step-mom) birthday at Sea World!
Where we played...

We ran...

We rode...

We posed...

And we discovered a creature in a foreign land of sea life...

Beatrice and I had a mid-week date. Wyatt stayed home with Daddy, and Beatrice and I ventured to the library, and then to the park...

Wyatt and I picked lemons together at Grammy's house...but first we were captivated by her beautiful garden...

Now on to the fruit picking. I was in charge of oranges, and Wyatt went for the lemons...

And back at home, Beatrice helped me juice some of the fruit...

This week, my sister Jenni and her family moved from Escondido, back to the East County...HOORAY!!! They are exactly 13 minutes from my house, and I couldn't be more thrilled! I was able to drive over to their new house after the kids went to bed one night, and just hang with my sister...because that's what happens when you live that close. :0) The following day, my kiddos were SO excited to see their cousins' new house also!
The result of unpacking from a move, equals super cool forts and tunnels! That was where Brady and Wyatt could be found...

Zachary and Beatrice were swing buddies...

And my littlest bestie had me following her all over her new house and yard. I love this little girl! And on this day, I especially loved her 3 "P's"...her polka-dots, her pig-tails, and her profile...

Auntie Jenni's new backyard had only happy creatures (the kids)...and then we found something new...or old...it appeared to be dead...eeek!

When we weren't playing outside, we were busy playing inside...many games were played in our home this week...

And we ventured to the Doctors office...I brought Bea in for something, that turned out to be nothing...I'm so grateful that we only wasted $5 on our co-pay. :0)

In School this week, Beatrice learned about the letter "R". Among other things, we painted rainbows...

And we learned about opposites...


...is the opposite of standing...


...is the opposite of down...

And, closed...

...is the opposite of open...

In elective studdies, Wyatt got in to one of his Science kits again, and we made "fart putty".
We put the ingredients into the beaker...



...and then when you push the finished product into a smaller beaker, a certain sound is produced, which results in everyone in the room making this face...

My favorite pictures of the kids this week, are...
1. Wyatt's ever-changing (through the process of losing teeth) smile...

2. Beatrice with the Science goggles, NEVER gets old...at least not to this mama!...

And finally, Beatrice and I got to attend a BEAUTIFUL baby shower that my mom hosted, for our dear friend Ericka. I had been working on some of the decorations for this party all week. I had the honor, of designing and constructing the "theme banner"...

...I got to decorate 3 different gingerbread houses (unfortunately, I only have a picture of one of them)...

And, I had an unsucessuful go at "Operation: Cotton Candy". I had made over 20 beautiful cones of cotton candy, but within an hour they were all melting (as seen below) and we had to pull them before the shower started. :0( ...

Even with the cotton candy turning out to be a flop, the baby shower was STUNNING! One of the very best I have attended!

Everyone was having a grand time...

We all wanted our picture with my beautful Bea...

My mom had a chef (a friend, and co-worker of my mom's from William Sonoma) come and cook us AMAZING food that night!
She put out the most delicious cheese table...

My sister's favorite was the gouda cheese with honey'd pistachios...

And I had a HARD time deciding between the triple cream cheese with smoked onion jelly...

...and the deliciously sweet almond, pistachio, hazelnut brittle...

In addition to the cheese table, there was a tray-passed horse devour. It was a lightly grilled fresh fig stuffed with goat cheese and then wrapped in prosciutto...

When we were seated, we were given a beautiful salad with poached pears, toasted pecans, and blue cheese...

And for dinner, we were served Tuskan Kale, Israeli Cous-Cous, and an icredible marinated chicken breast...

The beautiful expectant-mother, opened her gifts...

...and then we had dessert. My mom had made a beautiful striped grapefruit sorbet, cream cheese pound cake, mini pastry cups filled with lemon curd, individual tiramisus...

Mini chocolate cups filled with a chocolate-espresso mousse, chocolate-hazelnut mousse, or a peanut butter mousse...

And homemade gingerbread with fresh whipped cream...

It was a glorious night!
This shower was the final party/gathering I can see on my calendar until my cousin's wedding in May. It was so much fun to go out with a Bang! I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends and family to share these incredible life experiences with. :0)
GREAT post Cheech!!! I can't believe how much Wyatt is looking more and more like Rick these days.