Lover of Jesus...A Wife...A Mother...A Daughter...A Sister...A Friend...A Runner...A Baker...An Adventurer...yeah, that about sums it up!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Down Low (2013 Week 7)

The past few days have been a lot less busy. We've even had time to stop and appreciate the beauty of God's creation...

We have had several game nights...

Adventures in painting (I love that Wyatt thought he NEEDED to wear a beret to paint, and I love that his sister let him borrow hers, ahahahahaha!!!)...

We loved hanging with the fam at Family Dinner Night...

We are focusing on all things missions/missionaries in Awana this month (I had a proud mommy-moment this week when a stranger, but fellow Christian, had come up to me at the park and told me that my son had asked her if she knew Jesus to be her Savior...YAY!!!)...

Beatrice did my hair...OUCH!...

I had a belated birthday celebration with my Grandma over tea. This was my first time going and having tea. She has been trying to get me to go to tea with her for years, but I always select a different adventure with her because I HATE the taste of tea. But this year I relented. I.WAS.DETERMINED.TO.MAKE.IT.THROUGH.TEA.

Oh my word, I wish I hadn't held out all of these years. We had an AMAZING time together! The food was DELICIOUS! The tea was INCREDIBLE! I literally drank 1-1/2 pots of tea!!!



And finally, this week, we celebrated LOVE...Valentine's Day! Rick and I don't usually exchange gifts on this holiday, but this year I told him that I actually would like a little "something". He delivered. :0) He came home from work with flowers and the movie, Sixteen Candles, for me...

...and a DVD for each of the kids too. He bought his Beatle, Charlotte's Web, since our VHS copy got destroyed the last time the 2 of them watched the movie together. And he got Wyatt some classic episodes of The Looney of their favorite things to watch together.

I took out the trash for my hubby, and then I cooked up a big breakfast for everyone...

We also got to celebrate the holiday with some of our favorite friends. Such an occasion deserved a FUN heart-shaped hair-do!...



And that my friends, is the down-low on our up-and-up! Until next week... :0)

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