But nothing is more satisfying in the bread making process, than eating your finished product. YUM!

Scholastically (in the organized fashion anyway), our week was fairly uneventful. We took a break from our study of the United States, as we had many special events to attend to this week. But, we did accomplish all of our required work. :0)
Beatrice counted 9 objects...

Glued pictures of "Gray" magazine cut-outs (this remains to be her favorite part about school. Although, considering that she doesn't have any "ouchies" and yet she has 10 band-aids on her body right now, apparently placing anything with an adhesive back on anywhere is fascinating to her, lol)...

And Wyatt continues to work through his curriculum (learning in great detail about birds...abbreviations...proper manners when meeting someone new...the job descriptions of people in the community...math...spelling...and of course, much more...)

In un-organized schooling, we found a crazy spider, and observed it for quite some time. Brainstorming about where it came from, and where it was headed (hopefully, not into our home!)...

We decorated for Halloween...

We did our chores...

And after a drizzly day, the kids and I witnessed the most beautiful rainbow on our drive home from Wyatt's Hip Hop class.

The picture does our siting so LITTLE justice! I had to wait until I came to a stop light to take this picture, and by that time, we had driven past the best angle to get a picture. This rainbow was exceptional. This was the first time I had ever seen a full rainbow...literally we could see the very bottom where it met the earth on the right side, all the way until it met the tip of the earth on the left side...A-MA-ZING! I look forward to the day when we can capture a jpeg image with our mind, and then upload it to our blogs, lol!
Our first special event of the week was celebrating Katie's birthday...again...but with "The Birthday Crew." We don't officially call ourselves that, lol, but in this past year, we have organically started meeting together for eachother's birthdays. I have so enjoyed this new tradition. In the past, it has just been the mamas who have gotten together to celebrate the birthday of our friend, but on this day, we included our kiddos. :0)

Later that night, my family gathered at my sister Jenni's restaurant where she waited on our table for the last time. My sister recently got a new job, and is leaving the restaurant business after hostessing, and then waitressing, and then managing, and then bartending, and then waitressing some more, for the last 2.5 million years, lol. :0) It would have made the most sense for me to have taken a picture of my sister in action...but instead, you get a picture of Wyatt and my dad from that night. :0)

The next day, Wyatt had a special photo session at Janie and Jack (a children's clothing store), that my mom had "earned"...you know how that goes...you spend so much money on clothing, and then you "earn" a photo shoot, lol. After the photo session, we went next door to Pottery Barn Kids, which was FAR MORE EXCITING for all 3 of us...especially when this lady has a (not so) tiny case of "baby fever".

After planning this day for about a month, this was finally the week that I got to go back to Disneyland. Except, this was a pretty special trip to Disneyland. There were 5 of us mamas that went...but we left our families at home. It sounds like a GREAT idea in theory...and it was. BUT I don't think any of us predicted how much we would miss our kiddos as well. So much of the excitement of Disneyland, is watching everything through the eyes of your children. We are happy, because they are happy...they are fascinated...they are entertained. :0)
In anticipation of this event, and to up-the-ante of our day, I made us Disney cookies...

We really did have a great time together...

And in the moments when I was homesick for my littles, I would stop and take a picture of something that I knew they would love, so I could show it to them later. :0)

In addition to eating cake and cookies on the way to Disneyland, we all enjoyed a corndog...

A bite of Jenni's crepe (stuffed with Nutella, bananas, strawberries, and peanuts!)...

A Dole-Whip Float...

And, well, if you can imagine, even more food! :-0
The following day, I spent the morning and afternoon loving on my family. Unfortunately, I had to be away from them yet again that night. Our MOPS group was putting on our biggest fundraiser of the year...our annual garage sale. The kids spent the night at Grandpa & Grandma's house, and I went to a friend's house to help organize the donations with several other friends. And then, bright and EARLY on Saturday morning, we went back to the house and worked the garage sale...

2-B :0)...

After a LONG day of work, I was reunited again with "mi familia." We were all exhausted by our separate activities. It was an early night to bed.
And finally, today, after going to church in the morning, the kids and I met up with my sister's family at Sea World's "Spooktacular" event. Unfortunately, before my sister and her family met us inside the park, my nephew Brady was running, and tripped, and split his head open on one of Sea World's cement benches. :0( My brother-in-law left with Brady, and took him to the E.R. for stitches. Wyatt was so happy and relieved to be able to talk to Brady on the phone...and while they were talking, Wyatt asked if he could pray with him...

I love to see our children love on each other. Despite the rough start, we managed to have a great day. We ran into a friend we haven't seen in YEARS...shout-out to Sarah! :0)

Our combined 7 children played together so well...

And we posed for LOTS of pictures, lol...

I'm looking forward to a quieter week this week...and the kids and I are looking forward to spending time with daddy tomorrow on his day off. :0)
How do you find the energy??! Oh, yeah, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you!
ReplyDeleteThat bread looked amazing, E!