I can't imagine there ever being a time when I won't find joy in watching Beatrice ring her bell and peddle off on her bike in great determination like the Wicked Witch of the West (I mean that in the sweetest way possible, lol)...and observing Wyatt gain more and more confidence as he peddles up and down our street over and over again without training wheels. Watching these 2 kids grow and learn has been an amazing gift.
Speaking of learning, lol, in school this week, Beatrice focused on the number 8. She found much joy in putting all of her things in groups of 8...

Her letter of the week was "I"...which gave us the opportunity to make igloos (I'm not sure if you have noticed, but we all like to get in on Bea's craft time, lol)...

And we learned about the color white. Gluing white "stickers" in our journal...

And finding white treasures in my bag...

Wyatt loves to read Beatrice her school/library books...

And we all love to expand on the books by doing even MORE crafts...

Wyatt had a hard time focusing in school one morning...we had another loose tooth. After a few pauses in work, he laid down on the couch, and I got to be the one to yank out his 4th tooth! :0)

The tooth fairy found a surprise under Wyatt's pillow that night...a note...

And Wyatt was ecstatic to get a note back from the tooth fairy!

Wyatt had a lot to journal about on Friday at school...

For fun...
We went to the Padre Game on Monday night. Most of us routed for the home team, and some of us were routing for the "Cubbies"...you couldn't lose in our family! :0)

We had purchased our cheapy tickets through "Groupon", and we were surprised to find out that we were sitting in fairly decent seats...anything NOT up in the bleachers is decent, right!? But we were even more surprised when a random man came up to us in our Groupon seats and asked if we would like to take his 4 Season Ticket seats on the field level right behind 3rd base! So cool! We obviously accepted, lol! Our view before...

Our view after...

And on top of all of that...not only did I run a marathon this year, or teach my son how to ride his bike, or....I got on the Petco Park Jumbo Tron...TWICE!!! As silly as it may sound, that has ALWAYS been a goal of mine, LOL! And on this night, we had the perfect (upgraded) seats, right behind the camera man, and since I have some of the cutest kids that I could exploit for this purpose only, you got to see our faces on the big screen...SO EXCITING! :0)
This week was also crazy hair night at Awana (there isn't too much you can do to your hair when you are practically BALD!)...

We baked...

We drew...

We met new friends at the library...

We played nicely with each other at home...

We slept (truly an angel...when she sleeps)...

Wyatt and I had a surprise date night at the movies, to see Dolphin Tale...

And some of us got to relax on a porch swing while brother is in his piano lesson...

I had another Sugar Shack order...

And made a few extra cookies to raffle off at MOPS...

We took a friend (shout out to Katie) to Hash House for breakfast for her birthday. Being spontaneous can be such fun! (Something new I have embraced this year)

We got a new "twirly" dress from Grammy...

And we had a reunion with old friends from my High School Youth Group. What a great time spent together with friends I still see on a regular basis today...and friends I haven't seen or talked to in over 10 years!

But when you are tired, and DIRTY, all good things must eventually come to an end...

And finally, this week in our exploration of the United States, we learned about the state of Georgia! Such an exciting state. Did you know that Georgia is not only all things peaches, but they are also the leading producer of peanuts!? (We got our peanut fun on at the ballgame on Monday!) Did you also know that Coca Cola was invented in Atlanta, GA!? And that President Jimmy Carter was a Georgian?
We also found out that Georgia was the birthplace of Martin Luther King Jr. The kids were briefed on his life, his passions, and his speeches. After that, they were inspired to give speeches of their own. We taught them how to begin a speech with a proper welcome, and how to end a speech with a proper closing. The in-between was left up to them. After constructing a podium out of a dining room chair, 2 pillows, and a blanket, Wyatt was first up...

His "passion", and speech was about the importance of not having sugary foods in the house...

And then Beatrice took the podium...

After a proper welcome, she proceeded to howl like a coyote for the next 3 minutes...and then she thanked us for coming, HAHAHAHA!

We also saw images of Stone Mountain. A mountain which features the carved figures of 3 confederate leaders: President Jefferson Davis, General Robert E. Lee, and General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson...

We created our own carvings into the side of a "mountain"...

We closed out our study with a Georgian feast of Skillet Cornbread, Homemade BBQ Ribs that cooked low and slow in the oven for HOURS (YUM!), fried pickles, corn on the cob, and we washed it all down with a glass of Sweet Tea! :0)

Considering that Georgia is known for their peaches, you may find it odd that I did not make something peachy for dessert. But, since we had just had a peach tart a few weeks during our study of Deleware, I felt quite relieved that I was able to go into a different direction. Because for me, the dessert I remember the most from our recent trip to GA, was BANANA PUDDIN'! Literally at every single restaurant, they served banana pudding. And in some cases, that just came as part of your meal.
I hadn't ever had banana pudding before our vacation to GA, and I haven't had any since. So, it was quite special to be tasting this delicious dessert again, but instead with 3 different people I love dearly!

Apparently, some of us thought it was good enough to wear...

I had such a great time visiting GA with my mom and sisters, and it brought back such great memories all week. If you care to relive my vacation to Savannah GA, you can click on the following links:
Vacation Background
Savannah, Day 1
Savannah, Day 2
Savannah, Day 3
Savannah, Day 4
Savannah, Day 5
Savannah, Day 6
Can I be your student?? Seriously, you are one amazing mom!!